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Chapter 21

"Man that was such an awesome game!" Taylor says. You and Taylor had won 50 to 48 and Taylor had been letting Ike know it ever since you had left.

You all jump out of the elevator sopping wet and freezing. So you make a mad dash for your hotel room. You stand outside the door waiting for their parents to open it and you start to shiver. Isaac notices and opens his mouth th say something and all of a sudden you feel Taylor wrap his arms around you. "You're shivering." Taylor says to you as you look into his deep blue eyes. You smile and Taylor holds you closer. Then you glance back over to Isaac who looks somewhat embarrased. You wonder what he was going to say.

Mr. Hanson opens the door and lets you all in. "What happened to your key?" he asks. "Mr. No Brain over here forgot it!" Zac yells as he hits Isaac. "Sorry!...I has other stuff on my mind." Isaac snaps back. "Whatever!" Zac replies as he runs to the shower. "Ha! Ha! I got it first!" Isaac rolls his eyes then turns to you, "Would you like to use the other one first?" he asks very gentlemen like. "Sure!" "Ok then...follow me, I.." "That's ok Ike!" Taylor interupts. "I'll show her where it is, you can use this one when Zac is done." Isaac looks at Taylor "Fine!" he says and walks away. Taylor motions you toward the other bathroom and shows you exactly where it is. You walk in and turn around to see him standing there. "I'll wait our here 'till you done." he says with a smile. You smile back then close the door.

You take your shower as fast as you can with the soap and shampoo that is in there, and try to hurry out so Taylor doesn't have to wait any longer. You step out and grab a towel. Then you realize you brought no change of clothes in with you. "Duh!" you think to yourself. "Pretty smart there", but you decide not to make a big deal of it. You open the door to see Taylor still sitting there. His mouth drops open and you begin to blush. "I...uh...forgot my clothes in the other room." you manage to spit out. "Oh!" he says still staring. You smile in embarrasment the ask if you can go get them. Taylor finally snaps out of it and answers you. "I'll go get um!" he says knowing Isaac would be in there. "Ok" you say and walk back into the bathroom.

Taylor walks into the other room and looks aroung for your bag. He spots it and walks over. Its already open so he starts to go through it. "What would she need?" he thinks to himself as he picks up one of your bras. "What are you doing?!?!?" Isaac says suddenly. Taylor drops the undergarment and turns to Isaac. "Chill! Ok!...I'm just getting her some clothes!" Taylor remarks. Isaac raises his eyebrows questioningly. "She forgot to get some before she went in. She's waiting for me over there!" Taylor says. Isaac raises his eyebrows ever higher. "Really?" he says. Taylor looks at him and stands up with an arm full of clothes. "Shut up!" Taylor demands to Isaac as he walks back to give you your clothes.

"Here you are!" Taylor says handing you the pile. Thanks you say and close the door. You get dressed as quickly as possible and then open the door and tell Taylor that he can have it now. He thanks you with a kiss and gathers everything he needs and takes it into the bathroom. You decide to take a seat on the bed and watch some t.v. You pick some show that looks halfway entertaining. You watch the show mindlessly,and wait for Taylor to come out. Your thoughts start to trail off, when you see him come in the room. "What cha watching?" he says as he sets his stuff down. "Uhh...I actually have no idea!" you say with a smile. "Cool!" Taylor says laughing. "Can I watch?" You smile invitingly to him and scoot over to make room on the bed. He flings himself next to you with the biggest grin on his face. You look over at him and start to laugh.

You sit there flipping through the channels when you feel Taylor put his arm around you. You realize you're to tired to watch T.V. so you turn to Taylor and lay your head on his chest. "I'm tired." you whisper. "Me too!" Taylor says back and you both fall fast asleep.

"Isaac, what are you doing?!" Zac says from behind him, making him jump. "Nothing!" Isaac says as he turns to look at Zac. "Uh huh! Sure!...looks to me like your spying on Taylor and his girlfriend!" Zac states. "I am not!" Isaac yells and walks away from Zac. Zac peeks into the room to see you and Taylor asleep on the bed. He rolls his eyes. "I'm in a family with a bunch of girl crazies!" he says to himself."I gotta do something about Ike! He is so jealous of Taylor,who knows what could happen. Who knew girls could cause all this."
