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Chapter 22

You open your eyes and look over at Taylor. He's still sleeping. You feel his arms still wrapped around you tightly. You smile as you look at him and then of how happy you are when you two are together. You can't believe you have to leave in 2 days. You wonder how long it will be before yiu get to see Taylor again after you leave. You then feel Taylors arms start to move and then he wakes up. He smiles and kisses you softly. You wish you could just stay there in his arms forever.

You both sit up and you turn to Taylor. "What are we going to do?" you ask him souding worried. He gives you a strange look. "Oh gosh Taylor! You know what I mean....We are only 14, and we live so far away! I can't keep following you forever!" you say to him as you feel tears rolling down your cheeks and your stomach turning in knots. Your sudden bust to reality scares him, and he begins to get worried himself, but he tries not to show it. He brings his hand to your face and whipes away your tears with his finger tips.. "You just keep bringing this up don't you?" He says tyring to cheer you up. You look at him, begging him to be serious. He looks into your eyes. " I don't know if I can....I don't want to know how this could end up." he says, now, very serious. "What do you mean?" you ask him. "I mean that I can't predict the future for what is going to happen between us. All I know is that I want to be with you no matter what. You're leaving in 2 days so we better make them the best 2 days we have ever spent together." You try and tell yourself that what Taylor has just told you was true. You know he is trying to put off talking about it. Taylor looks over at you and see's you looking more confused by the minute. "I promise It will be ok. No matter what happens I swear I will always be there for you." he says wrapping his arms around you.

"Tay!" Mackie says quickly waddeling into the room with a game in his hand. "What?" Taylor asks. "Would you play this?" Mack says shaking the game. "Can I play it with you some other time?" Taylor asks. "Fine" Mackie says pouting and starts to leave. "Oh.....Taylor come on!" you say seeing the pathetic look on Mackies face. "You wanna play?" Taylor says smiling. "Sure! I love kids and his is so cute." you say. "Ok! I just didn't figure you would be up to it." Taylor answers. "I'll go get him!" Taylor says heading into the other room. He then hops up onto the bed where you are sitting and says "Hi!" while getting the peices out for the game. You smile and tell him hi back and ask him what game you are going to play. He explains it and then Taylor comes back in and takes his place on the bed. You then begin playing.

An hour later Mackie was finally getting sick of the game. You had played it atleast 5 times and he had won all of them. You and Taylor pick up the game and put it away. Just then Isaac comes into the room looking angry. He paces around the room and then stops. You and Taylor just sit there staring. "What's wrong with you?" Taylor asks. "Nothing!" Isaac shouts and slams the door. "O...K..." Taylor says looking confused.

Isaac starts to walk down the hall faster not knowing where to go. He was so sick of all of this love stuff he thought he could die. It seemed like he was the only guy in the world that didn't have someone. My 14 year old brother has someone! He thinks to himself shouting thee words in his head. I can't even think straight. He heads out of the hotel feeling the warm air. He decieds that he can't really go anywhere because he doesn't have a car so he decides to take his anger out by walking around the hotel.

"What do you think is wrong with Isaac?" you ask Taylor stunned by the scene that had just occured. "I have no clue. He's never really acted like this before." Taylor says staring blankly out the window. "Hmmm...That's weird. He seemed awful upset about something." you point out. "Ya." Taylor agrees. "Maye you should go talk to him. I have this strange feeling it has something to do with you and I." you suggest. "Probably. But I wouldn't know where to go. I guess I could go look around the hotel for him. I just don't understand what we could have done to make him this upset you know?" Taylor says letting out a deep sigh. "That's why you should go try and talk to him. You are his best friend after all." you say trying to get the point across. "Ya.....Ok.....Wish me luck." Taylor says standing up. "Good luck." you tell him. "Thanks. I think i'm going to need it. I'bb be back in a little while ok?" "Ok" you answer back.

Taylor shuts the door and starts to think where he should look first. This hotel is huge he think. How am I ever going to find him? I guess I'll try the main floor he thinks pushing the elevator button. He feels the elevator go down and sees the door open to a group of girls standing there. "Oh my gosh! Tay....Tay...Taylor HANSON!" one of them starts screaming. OH NO! NOT NOW!! Taylor thinks. Of all of the times for me to bump into a group of fans. The other girls stare at him wide eyed and then they ask if they could have his autograph. "Sure!" Taylor replies quickly signing whatever they would hand to him.

Isaac was on his second lap around the hotel and was still very angry. He kept thinking thoughts like no wonder I don't have a girlfriend all of the fans like Taylor and the ones who don't like Zac. He was getting more depressed by the minute.

"Thanks so much!" The girls say still very excited. "Your welcome." Taylor says backing away from the large group of girls. Ok now I'm going to find Ike. He looks around the main floor, by the restaraunt, the pool and the game room. Everywhere. This is going to be impossible he thinks.
