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Chapter 23

Ike!" Taylor yells when he finally finds him outside of the Hotel. Isaac turns aroung to see Taylor running towards him. "Dang Taylor! Not now! Please!" Isaac thinks to himself. "I know it's not his fault, he is the best friend I've ever had! I can't be mad at him." Isaac stops, still wanting to be alone, but now more willing to talk to Taylor. "Isaac, where are you going? Something is wrong I can tell. You haven't been yourseld at all." Taylor says very concerned. Isaac stares at Taylor blankly and doesn't say anything. "Ike! Come on, you were there for me when I had problems. I want to help...but I can't help unless you tell me what's wrong." Isaac starts to think..."how can I tell could you possibly tell someone you are so jealous of them, that..." 'Isaac?!" Taylor says breaking his thoughts again. "Taylor! It's you!" Isaac finally spits out. Taylor get's a shocked look on his face "what?!?!" he says rather stunned. "What did I do?" Isaac looks at him. "'s not your fault, it's are so....popular! You always get all the attention, you have the GREAT voice, the oh, so.....PERFECT looks...." Taylor stares in amazment "How come you never said anyth....." "and the girls!" Isaac says interupting Taylor. Taylor "Oh my gosh" Taylor thinks "How could I not have seen this, it makes so much sense now! Am I really that blind?!" He looks up to Isaac "you and....?" Taylor states. Isaac just turns away. "Issac.....I'm sorry I didn't know that it was bothering you this much." Taylor says. Isaac still doesn't answer. "Oh come on...You can atleast talk to me so we can try and work something out!" Isaac turns around to Taylor and asks him "Like what?" Taylor thinks and can't really come up with a plan that would benefit both him and Ike. He still wants to spend a lot of time with you, but he wants to work things out with Isaac. "I don't know." Taylor says quickly. " I still want to spend time with her, but I want us to still be best friends you know?" Isaac looks at Taylor like he understands and says "I understand how much your girlfriend means to you. I guess I just wish I could have a relationship like that with someone you know?" Taylor nods knowingly. "Issac you can! What makes you think I am any better than you?" Isaac starts naming things off the top of his head. "Isaac, no one is better than anyone else! Especially not me! least people don't think you're a girl!" Taylor states. "That's true!" Isaac says starting to laugh a little. "And, you don't sound like a girl!" Taylor says. "Don't worry about that! You'll grow out of it!" Isaac says feeling a lot better. "I should have known talking to you would help, Tay." Isaac says to his brother. Taylor smiles, "Friends?" Taylor says holding out his hand. "Friends!" Isaac answers as they shake hands. "Cool! That's what were here for to get each other out of these messes!" Taylor says. "Yeah! But enough with the mushy stuff. Let's go back up stairs...I'm starved!" Isaac says. "Ok!" Taylor answers and they both head inside.

You hear laughing when the door opens. Well they must have gotton everything worked out you think. Isaac and Taylor both come into the room and you stare at Taylor as if asking him if everything is all right. He smiles at you which is a sure sign of telling you that they have worked it out. "So did you want to get something to eat?" Isaac asks Taylor. "Yeah Sure!" "Are you guys hungry?" Isaac asks you. "Ya I could use something!" you say with a smile. "Cool!" he says. "I've still got money Mom gave me!" Taylor says waving the money in the air. You all head down to the restaurant.

As you are inline waiting for a table you notice a group of girls eyeing you carefully. There eyes move from you to Taylor and back. It makes you feel uncomfortable. You grab Taylors hand as if to tell them to back off he's mine. You notice them whispering and then the waiter comes and seats you. You order your food and look around. "Man this is one busy place!" Issac says. "I know" you say. "I've noticed a lot of girls looking at you guys." you point out. "Ya. Well pray they don't come over here." Taylor says. As if his wish had been denied all of a sudden Taylor noticed 2 girls coming over to the table. "Hi!" one of them says excitedly. A round of hi's come from each of you. "Ummm...Do you want us to sign something for you?" Isaac asks. "Ya! That would be uhhh...great!" The other girl says nervously. "What are we going to sign it with?" Zac asks pointing out that they don't exactly carry pen with them every where they go. "Oh I have a pen in my purse." you say handing it to Taylor. "Thanks!" he says smiling. "Sure." "Now who are you?" the girl asks handing Zac a peice of paper to sign but directing the question to you. "Uhhh...I'm..." you mutter not knowing what to say. "She's my girlfriend." Taylor says. "OH!!!!" the girls both say in shock. Everyone at the table gives them a weird look like OK! " long have you two been going out?" the other girl asks sounding hurt by the fact that Taylor actually HAS a girlfriend. "For about 3 months." Taylor says happily. Zac hands them back the peice of paper. "Here you go!" he says. "Thanks well we probably better get going. Thanks again." they say eyeing you very closely. They leave before any of you even have a chance to reply. "Wow! I don't think I've ever seen that before!" Isaac says. "What?" Taylor asks. "Well usually we can never get them to leave and they just basically brushed us off." "I know...They're just jealous." Taylor says. "Well wouldn't you be if the girl you had a huge crush on just told you that she has a boyfriend?" Zac points out. "True." Taylor agrees. You notice the girls leave and continue to eat your food. "NO WAY!!!!!" you hear another girl scream from behind you. "Oh No!" Taylor whines. "We really picked a bad time to come here." he says. "Oh come on Tay. These are our fans. Cheer up. They got us here." Zac says making a lot of sense. " I know but do they HAVE to scream?" "They always do!" Isaac says with a laugh. " I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE IN HERE!" another girl shrieks. "I KNOW ME EITHER!!" "Who is that girl with them?" one says odviously the calm one. "What a girl?" "Ya, right there next to Taylor the girl says pointing to you and glaring.
