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Chapter 27

You head down the hall crying much harder then before. Trying to wipe away your tears you head into the elevator. You get out and see people looking at you strangely. You head outside and call a taxi. Tears still streaming down your face the taxi driver asks where you are headed, and you tell him the airport. He smiles and says "Ok then" and pulls away from the hotel. You take one last look at the hotel and say in your head a silent good-bye to Taylor. You start to have flashbacks of the look on Taylor's face when you left him, so innocent, and even happy looking. You never meant to hurt him, but you know in your heart that if you stayed it would never have worked out. "Here we are." The taxi driver says. You tell him thanks and pay him. Grabbing your luggage you head into the airport.

That morning Taylor wakes up, looking around the room for you he notices you aren't there. He starts to get worried but then thinks that maybe you had just gone to get something.

After taking his shower Taylor realizes that something is seriously wrong. "Where is she!?" he says under his breath. He heads into his parents room. When he gets in there he sees Mackie sitting by himself. "Hey buddy, what's up?" Taylor says sitting down next to him. Mackie doesn't say anything for a while, but then turns to Taylor. "Tay!?" "Yeah?" Taylor answers. "Your friend is gone." Mackie says sadly. Taylor freezes..."What?!" he says totally confused. "She left last night." Mackie explains as Taylor just stares forward. "when she got up it woke me up. So I went to see what was going on. She told me not to tell anyone till morning." "Mackie! You should have told me!" Taylor says trying to hold back his tears. "Why did she leave!?" "I don't know" Mackie says. "Something about knowing it wouldn't work out." Taylor buries his face in his hands trying to keep from bursting into tears. He slowly stands up, Makcie watching him closely. He walks out of the room completely silent. "Hey Tay! Where's your little frie......?" Taylor runs in the bathroom and slams the door in his mothers face. "Taylor...please come out. " He heard from his mom. After about 10 minutes she finally left him alone. "Finally!" Taylor mutters.

"Does anyone know what your brothers problem is?" Diana asks. "Which one?" Avery says. "Taylor." Diana answers firmly. Isaac had heard the whole story and began to tell his mother.

"So you might want to leave him alone for a while." Isaac says finishing his story. "Ya...I think you're right." Diana says in shock.

Taylor had never felt so empty or alone in his entire life. It hurt so bad. He never knew that it could possibly hurt this much. He sat against the bathroom door thinking. He didn't understand why you had left. He hears a knock on the door. "Go away" he says weakly. "Umm...Taylor can I please use the bathroom?" Jessica says from the other side. "Yeah" Taylor replies pulling himself up from the floor. Opening the door Jessica says "Thanks." Taylor just walks over to the window and sits there still thinking, still in so much pain.

"You ok Tay?" Isaac says trying to comfort his brother. "Not really." Taylor answers. "That really sucks, I'm sorry." Isaac says. "I just don't understand why she would just leave like that." Taylor replies. "I don't either, but I'm sure you'll get your answers." Isaac says "I hope so." Taylor says quietly.

By just looking at his brother Isaac could tell that he was really hurt. His eyes looked puffy like he had been crying. Isaac decides to leave his brother alone, and he leaves quietly. Taylor notices Isaac left and moves onto the bed. He rolls over to where you slept, and can smell your beautiful sent. He lies his head on your pillow and hears a crunch. He sits up, wondering what it was. He picks up the pillow to find a him. He quickly opens it and knows its from you.

Dear Taylor- I'm glad you found this note. I figured you would. I'm sure by now you are completely and totally confused. Don't worry, you're not am I. I just want to tell you I love you, with all my heart and I would never want to hurt you. I can't even begin to explain how deep my feelings are for you. That's why I had to go. We are to young and I know it would never work. We live so far apart and you are always on the road. I'm sure I am just in the way. You need to concentrate on your music right now. This was the hardest thing in the world for me to do. I am so sorry and I hope you could someday forgive me, but I guess this is good-bye. I wish you the best of luck with your career and your life. Maybe some how, some where are paths will cross again.

I will always love you, now and Forever

Taylor looks up from the note, barely even able to breathe.
