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Chapter 28

2 Weeks Later

When you got home you told yourself you would not cry anymore. These past months you had cryed enough to fill the Atlantic Ocean. In doing so you almost have to avoid anything to do with Taylor or Hanson at all costs. You know this will be beyond hard to do...but you have to. Especially because Taylor had sent you many e mails saying and expressing his love. You couldn't e mail back, or it would just start over again. You made it 2 weeks, but who knows.

"Dear" you hear you mom yell to you. "You have some mail!" You open your door from your room and head into the kitchen, where your mom is. "Yeah?" you say. "You have mail." she says handing a rather large envelope to you. "Oh!" you say taking it. She watches you as you open it. "What is it?!" she says curiosly. You pull out a note with a photo along with it. You look at the photo and your mouth drops open. "What?!" your mom says. "Uh...nothing.." you say shoving it back into the envelope. "Nothing!" you say again as you run up to your room.

You shut your door and pull out the photo again. Sitting on your bed you just stare at it. It is a picture of you and Taylor holding eachother, talking. It looks so perfect, its unreal. You remember its from their photo shoot You think of what happened that day, and it makes you miss him even more. You don't know if you should even read the look at the photo again and decide to keep it even though it does hurt. You want to remember him and everything about the great times you did have. So you start searching your room for a frame that would do, for now anyway. You find one and set the picture on your dresser.."Perfect!" you say smiling. You turn to look arounf the room and you remember the note. You slowly pick it up knowing you shouldn't even read it, but you have to! You open it...

I found your note, and I understand why you left. I could never not forgive you, I Love You, and I want you to know that. I can't say it doesn't hurt, and I think about you everyday. I just wish there was a way to work this out, I truly do. I want it to, but I can see it can't. Maybe..someday like you say we will meet again. I want to see you again so bad, but I will not go against your wishes. I know you probably can't write back, but it was worth a try.

Yours Forever, Tay

You fold the note back up almost in tears for hurting Tay and yourself, but to you hold it back. "I'm not going to cry." you tell yourself for the hundreth time. You slip the note into the frame, right behind the picture where you will always remember it.

You try and black out the thoughts out of your mind and you run back down stairs.

8 Months Later

"Hey!" I never noticed this before!" your friend says from across the room. "Huh?!" you say walking over to her. "This!" she says pointing to a framed picture on your dresser. "It looks...whoa! That guy looks like Taylor Hanson!" she says almost screaming. "Where?!" your other friend yells running into the room. "I didn't know you guys liked Hanson!" you say a little shocked. "Of course we do! They are hot!" one of your friends says. "Who is this guy anyway?" You look at the picture, and its as if nothing had changed. Like Taylor was still with you and you were together. But then it all sets in..."It's just a guy." you say. "Someone I met last summer..I can't even remember his name." "What a shame." They say. "he looks pretty fine!" You just laugh.

Taylor had been so busy lately that he hadn't had time to think. It seems like they had performence after performence. Plus photo shoots, and finding time to practice. He was so glad when he looked at his schedule and realized that they would be getting a break soon.

After your friends leave you go back up to your room and looks at the picture of you and Taylor. Even after 8 months it still hurts you to look at it. You still feel like a part of you is missing. You remember how long it took you to stop crying yourself to sleep at night. You were doing much better now. As long as the thought of Taylor didn't appear in your head you were fine. But you still had your nights. You need to get on with your life, even though you will never forget.
