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Chapter 29

"Oh! Come on Chris! Please! I just want to check out the magazines!" you say to your boyfriend as you see the bookstore coming up through the car window. "I thought we needed to get to the party fast?!" he says. "This'll only take a second! I promise, you can even wait in the car.." you beg again. "O..K.." he says as he pulls into the parking lot. "Thank you so much!" you whisper as you give him a little kiss.

You climb out of the car and run into the bookstore. You head straight to the magazines and start looking. "Dang it, where.." you start to say when you think you hear a familiar voice. "Hey! You're that girl from the autograph session aren't you?!" You're eyes get big and you fling yourself around. "Taylor!?" you scream. Who is now much older and if it's even possible, cuter.

Your mouth drops open. It's been 4 years sense you've last even written to eachother. He has to be at least 19. You stand there staring while Taylor trys to snap you out of it. "Wow!" you say suddenly. Totally blown away. "This is WAY to weird!" Taylor says almost as shocked as you. "I mean the same book store, the same spot!..It's like....fate." You look at him you don't know what to say. You don't even know if you could get anything out. Both at loss for words you wrap your arms around him and give him a huge hug which he gives right back. "I thought I would never see you again!" you say. "Hey I didn't doubt it!" Taylor says with a huge smile. You hadn't seen him forever. You almost completely avoided Hanson, never knew. His hair is cut short and he's almost 6'1". He looks finner than ever. "You look great!" he says breaking your thoughts. "You too!" you say. "Do you wanna go..." Taylor says as he's interupted by your boyfriend Chris entering the building. "What's taking so long?" he says not noticing Taylor. You look at Taylor and your boyfriend turns to him. "Who is this?!" Chris says a little concerned. You smile at Taylor "a very good old friend!" you say as Taylor smiles back. "Hey! You wanna go to a party Tay?!" you say to him. Taylor looks at Chris "uh..." "Oh come on! We have so much to talk about!" You both look at Chris. "Yeah! You can come!" he says to Taylor a little uncertain. "Cool!" you say grabbing Taylors hand.

"Where is this party at?" Taylor asks you. "It's at my friends house." you say excitedly. You look over at Chris to see him concentrating on the road, like he's trying to block out you and Taylor. "Cool! That's sounds like fun!" He hears Chris laugh and say "Don't count on it! I mean if it's one of her friends the parties are all very boring! All they ever do is talk!" You look at Chris. "Well this parts is different. It's a dance." you say. "A dance?" Chris says. "Yes a dance. It will be fun!" you say trying to get him in a better mood. "Ya...let's give it a try." Taylor says not knowing why Chris is making such a big deal out of this party.

Chris's mind was dealing with all sorts of thoughts. How can she just expect me to accept this! I mean if I'm correct this is one of her old, very close, boyfriends. And here he is coming to a party with her. And she hugged him and held his hand. I wonder how serious it was between them? His thoughts are interupted by the screaming of "Stop! This is the house!" Chris pulls into the long driveway. "Well here we go." he says and get's out of the car.

Inside you are greeted by about 10 to 20 friends. They all ask who Taylor is to out of it to really notice. You tell them he is an old friend. They all accept him like he is one of the group now. People are piling in, some you don't even know who they are. You and your best friends sit and talk for awhile while Taylor and Chris talk too.

" close were you two?" Chris asks curiously. "Well..I'd say very close..I mean..she was my first love." Taylor explains. "Oh..." Chis replys. "Umm..this may be a little out of line but would you mind if I asked her to dance?" Taylor asks praying he says yes. "Not that's fine...go ahead." Chris says.

You see Taylor come over to you. "Hi.." he says smiling. "Hi!" you say back. "Would you dance with me?" he aska holding out his hand to you. "Sure." you say taking his hand. You two both move onto the dance floor. After a couple of fast songs a slow one comes on. Taylor puts his hands around your waist and brings you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck and smile. "I can't believe this is meeting at the same place again." you tell him. "I know..That is so weird." he says smiling. After the song ends you both go over and sit by Chris. "Have fun?" he asks you. "Ya..Are you having fun?" you ask. "Ya. It's much better than any of the other parties."

After the party is over you and Taylor exchange numbers and promise to call eachother the next day. You get into Chris's car and he looks over at you and see's you watching Taylor go inside his hotel. "You still have feeling for him don't you?" Chris says. You turn around and look at him "No!" you say quietly but then wonder if it's really the truth. "Ok." he says sensing your uncertainty. You drive home in silence.

Flinging yourself onto your bed you shove your face in your pillow and scream. "I can't believe this!" you say grabbing the picture from your dresser. You are so happy to see Taylor again you can barely concentrate on anything. You glance over to your phone, then to your clock...11:35 pm. "Should I call him?" you think. You want to so bad. You look at it again and then it rings..scaring thw crap out of you. You pick it up "Hello?" "Hey! You're home! This is Taylor!" "Oh my gosh, hi!" you practicly squeal into the phone. "I wasn't sure if I should call you..but I really wanted" Taylor says nervously. "Me too!" you say laughing. "But, I wasn't sure." "Cool!" Taylor laughs. "Man we haven't talked like this forever!" you say. "It's so nice! You have to tell me everything thats happened with you, and your family." you say. Taylor laughs "Same with you! This is gonna take a while!" he says. "That's ok! We've got all night!" "First off tell me what the heck your doing here!" you demand. "Uh." Taylor starts to say. "Hey, I don't like this phone thing, do you mind if I come over and we can talk?" "Sure!" you say jumping at the chance to see him again. "Cool!" he says. "I'll be right over."
