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Chapter 3


You get there about 10 minutes early and you're REALLY excited! You sit there and daydream about how much fun it'll be and you don't even notice the time fly by. A red van pulls up and Zac comes running out...."HI" "This is gonna be so cool!" he screams. Then Tay comes out waving to you. "Hey" "Is this place far from here?" Isaac comes up "Yeah, we wouldn't poor little Tay to get tired!" he says laughing. Tay jokingly shoves Isaac. You say no(laughing at Tay and Ike) and you all head off. As you walk you all get to know each other a lot better. You learn tons of stuff about them and start to feel like you've known them for years.

You finally arrive at the arcade, and to your suprise there is hardly anyone there. All of them seem glad that they practically have the place to themselves. Ike and Zac set off to play laser tag, and Taylor asks "Well do you want to join them or do something else?" You both agree on laser tag.

You all had a blast playing laser tag! You noticed that Taylor liked to hang around you a lot. That made you really happy and still couldn't believe this was happening to you. You really like Tay, he makes you feel good and you wish that he didn't have to leave so soon.

You all decide to head back to the bookstore and Zac yells "Hey guy lets race!" and starts running. Isaac looks over and notices that you two kinda want to be alone. So he takes off after Zac. You look over at Taylor and ask "Aren't you going to follow them"? Taylor looks at you with a shy smile "No, I'd rather stay back here".
