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Chapter 30

As Taylor pulled up into your drive way he began to get very excited. He couldn't wait to hear about what had been going on with you. It seemed like nothing had changed. She still lives in the same house! Taylor thought. He walked up to the door and brought his hand up to knock, but then the door flys open and he see's you there.  

"Hi!" you say to Taylor as he walks into your house. "Hi!" he says smiling wide. "Wow! Your house hasn't changed much!" he says noticing it looks almost exactly the same. "I know!" you tell him. "Isn't it pathetic?" you ask. "No...I like that....I like change to though....but for some reason I just love your house exactly haw it is." he reply's. "Really?" you say shocked, you had never really thought that about your house before. "Well...anyway, enough about my house! I want to know what you have been up to!" you tell him as you lead him into your living room. "Oh man! Where do I start!?" he says. "Hmmm.....Ok! Well, after you left, me, Ike and Zac well...actually the whole family went to Europe and Japan, and basically just toured the world, then we took about 4 months off or so, so we had time to make another CD, and to relax, and write more songs. I was really nice to be back home. I've only had one girlfriend since you and believe me! It didn't last long!" You smile and Say "Ya.....Chris is basically the only boyfriend I've had since you." "Oh! Wait here! I'll be right back!" you tell him and head upstairs.  

"Remember this?" you say holding up the picture of  you and him. "Oh my god! You kept that! That is so cool!" Taylor says looking at the picture. "Man that was fun wasn't it!?" he says. "Yeah! It was!" you say back. "I still have the letter too!" you tell him. "Really?" he asks. "Yep!" you say smiling. Tay puts the picture down "so...what have you been up to?" he asks. "Well lets see....I've just finished high school, I'm looking at some colleges, but haven't found the perfect one yet you know." you begin to say. "Ya I know! What would you like to be?" he asks "Umm...I don't really know yet. Either something like a fashion designer something to do with traveling." you say proudly. "Cool! Those are both good jobs!" he says. "That's basically all that has happened! Not half as interesting as yours huh!?" you say laughing. "It's interesting to me" he smiles.  

You look over at the clock 1:00 a.m. "Wow! It's already one!" you say. "Man! It seems like we just started talking!" Taylor says. "I know! That's cool! There is still so much more I can tell you too!" you say to him. "Ya! I know! Me too!" he says. "Go ahead! Ask me anything!" you tell Taylor as if to challenge him a little. "Ok...." Taylor says thinking. "How serious is your relationship with Chris? Only out of curiosity."  You pause a moment "Well.........Chris is really sweet and I like him a lot.....but....I don't think I LOVE him....I think of him more as a friend, you know what I mean?" you ask. "Ya..." he says. "You know Taylor, I will always have a special place for you in my heart. And I can't help but wonder what things would be like if we were together." you tell him. "I know, I have thought about that too, but then I saw that you had Chris so...I figured you had just moved on." You look at Taylor sadly. "I really don't know" you say. "Seeing you again, it just...." you are interrupted by your mom entering the room. "What are you two doing!?" she says. "Mom!" you say jumping up. "You remember Taylor?' She looks him over, then it clicks. "Taylor!?" she says shocked. "Wow! You sure grew!" Taylor just blushes. 'We were just talking, catching up on the last years, we haven't seen each other in so long." you say trying to get on your mom's good side. "Ok, least try and be quiet" she says. "oh! Thank you!." you say giving your mom a kiss goodnight. She walks back to her room. "Hey Tay, lets go up to my room so we don't wake her.' you say motioning him towards it. "Ok" he says following behind.  

"You know, I've never actually seen your room before." Taylor says sitting on the end of the bed. "Come to think about it, you're right." you say sitting down next to him. "Weird!"   Right away you ask about him and his brothers, so you can get off the subject of Chris and you. "Sounds like you guys are still really big!" you mention. "I hate to say this, but after I left I couldn't take listening to your music, it hurt to much. So..I'm kinda clueless about what's going on." you say some what embarrassed. Taylor stares at you as if you were the most beautiful thing on the earth and you start to blush. "Oh! Sorry!" Taylor says noticing your uneasiness. "well, yeah I guess you could say we are, still pretty big that it, but the real reason I came here" he says. You're shocked by his words, you never even thought this would ever happen. You don't even know what to say. "We are on a little break, Isaac and Zac agreed to come here, after I begged them anyway. But, we will eventually have to go back on tour and stuff." You look at Taylor and smile knowing he's waiting for you to talk, but you don't know what to say. "So..we are staying at a motel here for a while." he says picking up the conversation again. You both get to talking about everything. From Friends, to family, to what you did in school. As the night grows later and later you both start to get tired. Taylor turns to see you dozing off, and carries you into your bed and tucks you in. He glances to the clock, 4:45 am. He knows he's to tired to drive, so he lies down on the floor next to you and falls asleep too.
