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Chapter 32

Taylors eye squints when he starts to apply the cold water onto his eye. He sees you walk in. "You need some help with that?" you ask him. "Please..." he says handing you the wash cloth. You smile at him and start to apply the cloth to his eye. "Man! That really looks like it hurts." you say. "It just kind of stings." he says squnting hard. "Yeah..I bet, well I think that is as good as it is going to get." you tell him. "I think your right." he says smiling at you. "I'm just glad we got that over with, even if it didn't go so smoothly." Taylor tells you. "Thanks so much for understanding." you says and kiss him on the cheek. "No problem, I'm just as much involoved in this as you are." he says sweetly. "I just really hope we don't see him again, real soon." Taylor says laughing slightly. "Yeah.." you say smiling. "You remember when those girls came into the restraunt too?" Taylor says laughing hard. "That was so funny!" you say back. You and Taylor had decided to go out to dinner, nothing fancy, just as long as you were together it didn't matter. You two had been talking for the last hour about what had happened when you had gone out to see him. "And the photo shoot?" you say laughing. "Oh man, I thought I was going to die!" you say. "Oh I know! That was embarassing!" Taylor says still laughing. "The looks we must have had on our faces when we noticed people were taking pictures." you say. "That should have made for some interesting pictures huh?" Taylor says laughing at the thought.

"I don't feel like going home, do you?" Taylor asks. "No! Not at all." you say back. "Cool..Where would you like to go?" Taylor asks. "Well.." you say thinking. "I thought it was really awesome you took me to the river. It's so peaceful down there. But I couldn't really concentrate on how romantic that it actually was because all I could think about was how I was going to tell Chris..but now that is over.." you say hinting. "So you want to go back I take it?" Taylor says with a huge grin on his face. "Well...maybe.." you say smiling. "Sounds good to me.." Taylor says.

About 15 minutes later you are on the dock looking down at the river. "It's so nice here." you say as Taylor joins you on the dock. "I know." Taylor says quietly. You sit down on the dock and Taylor follows. He takes your hand softly and kisses it. You smile and think about how glad you are that Taylor is here with you, again. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you on the lips gently. "Taylor, can I ask you a question?" you say to his suprise. "Yeah!" he answeres pulling away. "You're still on the road and stuff right?" "Well...yead.." he answers slowly. "I was wondering...if...I could come with.." There is a little bit of a pause, but then you speak again. "I just got out of high school, it's the perfect times. Besides, I want to be with you. You could show me your home town.." Taylor looks at you "Nothing in the world sounds better to me..then that, but of course we'd have to talk to Issac and Zac." Taylor says smiling." "Yeah..I figured that..I really hope it's ok with them." you say smiling. "I'm sure it will be, but just incase I better ask." Taylor says looking into your eyes. "Cool..." you say looking down at the river. "I love you so much." Taylor says kissing you on the cheek. Before you have a chance to answer Taylor says "I have neve felt this close to anyone before, even when we were apart I still had this feeling every time I thought about you. It's hard to explain just how it feels. It's the greatest feeling I have ever felt in the world." he says looking so deeply into your eyes your heart skips a beat. "I know how you feel, I have those exact same feeling." you tell him your eyes now meeting his. Not knowing what to say back Taylor looks down. "Well...." you say still looking at Taylor. "I don't know what to say." he says. "You want to just sit here awhile or would you like to go home?" he asks finally finding something to talk about. "Let's stay here." you say smiling. "Ok..I was just making sure I'm not boring you to death." Taylor says sweetly. "No! Not at all!" you reply back. "Good.." Taylor says relieved.

Taylor brings you to your house at about 11:30. "You want to come in?" you suggest. "Well..actually I probably better go..I need to talk to Ike and Zac about you coming with us on the road." he says not really wanting to leave. "Oh..Ok..I understand..Then I'll see you tommrow?" you ask him. "Ofcourse. I will call you as soon as I wake up." he says. "Yeah..but not to early." you reply. "Ok.." Taylor says laughing slightly. "Ok..well bye.." you say opening the door. Taylor kisses you one last time. "Bye" he says sweetly. "Bye" you say shutting the door. As you walk into the house you feel like everything in the world is finally going right. You can't help but smile. You are so happy you can't even go to bed. You wonder if Taylor is as happy as you are right now.

Taylor starts the short drive to his hotel and thinks about how much fun it will be if you can come on the road with him. He hadn't been back to his hotel since yesterday morning. I bet Ike and Zac are really wondering he thinks. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when I tell them I ran into her. Smiling at the thought he finds a place to park and heads inside the hotel. "Oh no!" he says realizing he doesn't have a key to the room. "Somebody better be in here." he mutters to himself. He starts to knock on the door and then practically pounds on it. "Guys? Open up!" he shouts. Finally he sees the door knob turn. "Well...well...well..look who's's Mr. I didn't come home last night." Isaac says laughing. "Yeah...welll I have a good reason." Taylor replys smiling. "Oh do you?" I'd like to hear it..please amuse me.." Isaac states. "Ok...let's just say I ran into my first and only love of my life." Taylor smiles. "And she just happened to give you this nice token of appreciation?" Isaac says referring to his eye. "No! Ike, listen to me ok." Taylor says wishing his brother would be serious for a moment. "Ok..Allright.." Isaac says sitting down.
