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Chapter 4

As you walk home you can barely breathe, you are so shocked at all the stuff thats happened. You walk in your front door and your parents ask "Did you have fun dear?" but you walk straight by them, unaware of anything thats happening around you. You are day-dreaming and totally out of it. The next day at about 6:30 p.m. you decide to go to the record store, just to look around and see whats new. As you walk in the store the first thing you see are those VERY noticeable, yellow, and orange HANSON CD's! You walk up to them and pick one up. You examine it, even though you already one of your own. It reminds you off how much fun you had the other day and how you will probably never see them again. You feel like your going to cry and you throw the CD down. "Jeez, I thought you liked our music?!" you hear from behind you. You spin around, and to your amazement you see Taylor standing there with one of his cute little smiles. Your heart begins to jump, you are so happy to see him again. "We just keep bumping into each other don't we?" he says laughing. "I was" you manage to spit out as you point at the CD. Taylor picks up the CD and hands it to you "Is this yours?" He asks with a smirk. You slowly take the CD, very embarrassed and blushing. "Uh...I was just looking at it, I already have one". "Good" Taylor says still laughing. You laugh and try to forget the CD thing. Again you ask him what he's doing here. He says "Well even though we DO like listening to our own CD, it eventually gets kinda old. You Know singing them non-stop and everything". You start laughing and get in a deep conversation. Before you realize it the owner says he's closing up the store and you both look at your watches. You have been there for 3 hours! You look at each other wide eyed and both run out the door. You stop when you get outside. Your suprised, its pitch black out and you cant see a thing. Taylor turns to you "Is there a phone around here?" You look around and sadly turn to to him "No". "Oh" Taylor says. "Well my hotel isn't TO far from here, we might be able to find our way. You wanna walk"?? You look at him "Well I guess we'll have to".
