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Chapter 5

You start to walk, barely seeing a thing because of the darkness. You get goose bumps but its not all from the cold. You're not sure why you do. Maybe its because of the darkness. Its a bit scary, or maybe its something else...Whenever you get around Taylor you get a weird feeling in your stomach and goose bumps, but now it seems stronger than ever. It almost scares you. You look over at Taylor and he seems deep in thought. You start to day-dream again. All of the sudden you hear a loud noise from behind you. You both spin around, startled. You look at each other "What was that"? you ask. "I have no idea" Taylor says staring at the empty road behind you. You both hear it again. Taylor grabs your hand and you take off running. You run about 2 blocks and start to slow down. He looks at you to see if your alright "You want my jacket? Its kinda cold" You look at him and about say its alright, but then notice your shivering and your teeth are chattering. So you except. He seems happy to give it up. You start to walk again. As your walking you feel rain drops and you look up. It starts to pour. You look at each other and start to laugh. "What great luck were having" Tay says still laughing.

By now your both drenched and still laughing as hard as possible. You bump into Taylor and he falls over into a puddle. He stands up looking shocked. "Your gonna get it now!" He says as he pushes you into the puddle. He starts laughing again. So you splash him and he splashes you back. You start running from the water Tay is throwing and he takes off after you. Before you know it you hear Taylor yell "Here it is! This is my hotel". You look up "WOW! Its huge!" He smiles "Yeah, its cool". You start to walk to the door, but then you look at each other and notice how incredibly wet you both are. You start to laugh again, but then go into the hotel. When you step in everyone is looking at you. Taylor looks around at the people, blushes, but then just smiles at you. "Follow me" he says. You both head through the huge hotel and up to him and his family's room. You get to their door and Taylor knocks. Zac opens the door and his mouth drops open. "What happened?!" he yells. His whole family runs to the door to see you. Isaac starts laughing "What did you do? Jump in a pool!?" Diana motions for you both to come in, while his dad, Walker runs to the bathroom to get you towels. "Well??" Diana asks. "Well....we were walking home from the record store and it uh...started raining". Taylor says a little embarrassed. Diana gives Taylor a weird look and hands you both the towels walker had gotten. You wrap it around you. "Is it alright if we give her a ride home?" Taylor asks. Isaac volunteers 'I'll do it, I need the practice". The three of you head out the door. Taylor and you with towels rapped around yourselves.

You walk to their rented van. Isaac unlocks the doors and gets in first. Taylor opens the sliding door and steps back for you to get in(smiling). You smile back at him and get in. He slides in next to you. You tell him you had a great time and wish he didn't have to leave. He agrees and looks at the floor. "Well, were leaving in a couple days, maybe we can keep in touch." he says. "Yeah tha'd be cool" you answer. Just then you start to feel tears run down your face. "NO" you say to yourself. You don't want him to see you crying. You try to whipe away the tears as best you can without him noticing, but they just keep coming.

You get to your house and you try to whipe away your tears one more time before you get out, and lay down your towel. Taylor walks you to your door and notices your tears. he puts his hand on your shoulder "Don't cry, well see each other again" he says sweetly. You turn to him, tears still running down your face. Does he feel the same way? You manage to give him a small smile trough your tears and you notice his eyes starting to tear. You both say bye and you walk into your house. You head strait for your room and close the door quietly. Trying to Choke back your tears, you lean against the wall and slide down to the floor. What is wrong with you?! Are you really in love?? You're confused and your tears get stronger.
