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Chapter 6

You wake up the next morning to see your self lying on the floor with your wet clothes still on and...Taylor's red cotton jacket! "Dang, I forgot to give it back to him!" You stand up and change into some dry clothes. You take the jacket Taylor loaned you down to the washer and put it in. You could at least wash it since you forgot to give it back and it was a bit muddy from the rain and puddles. How am I going to get this to him? you think to yourself. What was that room number? You remember the hotel, but just cant seem to remember the number. You decide to walk to the hotel anyway, maybe you'll remember the number as you walk. You grab the jacket when its done and head for the hotel. You get to the hotel parking lot, and stop. "What am I doing?!" ..."seeing him will just make my heart ache more and I dont know if I can take it." All of the sudden you spot Isaac at their van and quickly try to hide. To late, he saw you. "HI" he yells as he waves to you. You walk up to him slowly. "Whats up?" he asks. "Well I was just returning Tay his jacket" you mutter. "Oh!" Isaac says. "Follow me"! he grads your hand and leads you behind the hotel towards the pool. You stop suddenly when you see Taylor standing on the side of the pool. Isaac notices your reaction and slowly walks away without you noticing. You stand there looking at him, but then snap out of it. "No" you say spinning around. "I can't do this!" but Isaac's gone. Now your defiantly gonna have to give it to him yourself. You turn back to look at Taylor..."he's so perfect" you think, as you stand there looking at him. You decide to go up and put the jacket by his stuff without him seeing you. So you head up there quietly set it down and run. Taylor sees you run out and then looks at the jacket. He walks over, picks it up and stares off in the direction you ran. He thinks about how much he really does care for you. He drops the jacket and takes off after you, wearing nothing but his swim trunks. You hear him yell your name and you run faster.

Taylor catches up to you and grabs your arms. "Stop" he says. You squirm to get free from his arms, but his grip is to tight. You stop squirming and tell him "we cant start something we cant finish!"
