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Chapter 7

Taylor lets go of your arms and looks into your eyes. "I dont have to leave yet" he says with a little smile. "It will all work out, I promise!" and he gives you a hug. You feel so good in his arms, you never want him to let go, let alone, leave you. He looks at you and says "Hey I heard about this party and....well do you want to go?" You say "Sure, sounds like fun." It only took about 15 minutes to get to the party. Taylor looks at the big building in front of you and says "I think this is the place". You both head in and see lots of people dancing and the music is blaring. You start to laugh and say "Yep, I think were in the right place." He starts to laugh too. A group of kids in the corner start waving to Taylor. He waves back and then you follow him over to them. He introduces you to all of them. They all seem pretty cool. Everyone talked for a while. Then you think to yourself, hey, wait a minute how can Taylor know all of these people, when he's not from here? You decide its not important right now and you will ask him later. One girl who looks close to your age says to Taylor "Hey, why dont you sing something for us?" "YEAH" the others say at almost the exact same time. "Ok, if you really want me to. But only one song." And it probably wont sound very good without Ike and Zac." You look over at him and say "I'm sure you'll do great!" He smiles and says "Thanks". After the song playing ends you see Taylor go up on stage and take the microphone. You can't wait to hear him sing. He looks at you and says " I dedicate this song to my girlfriend" and then gives you a shy smile. You are in total shock, and then you think... Did he just say girlfriend?? Then he starts to sing " I will come to you". You cant believe this is happening. You stare at him while listening to how wonderful he sounds. After he finishes everyone starts to clap and scream. He smiles to everyone and says "Thank you" . He steps down off the stage and comes over to you. You say "That was GREAT!" Then he asks if you want to dance with him. You gladly say "sure". You reach the dance floor and it turns to a slow song. You put your arms around each other and slowly dance. You dont speak to each other, you dont need to, you know exactly what each other is thinking. The song ends and Taylor leans over and kisses you softly on the lips. His cheeks turn really red and he smiles, a little embarrassed. You try to comfort his uncertainess about kissing you by kissing him back. Your a little shy about doing it, but you do. He smiles a huge smile. Then you say "Hey, how come you know all the people here?" He says "Oh, Ive been here once before and so we all hung out" you nod and say "Oh". Then he says " Do you wanna dance some more or would you rather go somewhere else?" You say " I dont care where we go, as long as your with me". You both decide that you need some fresh air. So you make your way outside and sit together on the steps. You tell him that it was really sweet of him to sing to you. He just smiles sweetly and says "It was nothing".
