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Chapter 8

You ask him when he leaves where he has to go. He says they have to go all over to do all sorts of interviews and play at different places. He then begins to tell you how packed his schedule is and how sometimes he wishes things could slow down a little. But then he adds with a smile "at least I never get bored". You laugh and ask if he knows when he will be able to come back to your town again. He says "Oh I hope soon, but probably not for like another 6 months". You sigh sadly and say "really?!?" "Yeah, but I know you'll be on my mind the whole time" he says shyly. You tell him you will miss him a lot. He says "well I still have one more day and we will defiantly write and e-mail each other!" That makes you feel a little better. You then decided to leave the party and go get something to eat. You tell him that you have to go in an hour because you have plans with some friends to go shopping. He then says ok and tells you to call him when you get home. You ask if you just call the hotel and ask for Hanson or what? He says oh, well they ask you for the room number. He writes that down for you. You say "Ok, cool". He asks you if you have any idea of what time you will be home. You say "I'm not sure it shouldn't be to long though". "Cool" he says. You talk for about another 15 minutes and then you have to go. You wish with all your heart that you didn't have to leave him. You could see your friends anytime. You thought about calling and telling them that you wouldn't be able to make it, but then you knew that you had promised to go. You told Taylor you would call him and headed towards home. 20 minutes later you reach your house. You ask your mom if you had any phone messages and she says that your friend had called and said that they decided not to go to the mall today. You felt like you were going to scream and run to your room. You want to call Taylor but then think no he's probably not even back to the hotel yet. But then you think he might be and decided to try anyway. You dial the number and a woman answers saying "front desk" you tell her that you need to talk to someone in room 222. She says "ok, one moment please". You hear the phone ring and then a cherry "Hello" it's obviously Zac. "Hi, is Taylor there?" you ask. Zac starts yelling "Hello, is there a Taylor here by any chance"? You hear him laughing and then hear Taylor say "Zac give me the phone"! And then you hear a "hello". You say hi and tell him that your plans had been cancelled. He sounds excited and happy that you called. You look at the clock and notice that its only 6:00. You thought it was a lot later. You start to talk about your plans for the next day. Taylor's last day with you. You find that you both have the entire day free and decide to hang out together. Taylor starts to ask if there was anything in town that you could go do? You think and then start to name some things. And then ask if he likes to rollarblade. "Of course, haven't you seen the Mmmbop video?" he says laughing. "Yeah, I know, I was just kidding" laughing at your lame joke. "I'd love to" Taylor says suddenly. "You would?" you say startled. "Yeah, what time do you wanna meet tomorrow?" you say "How about 1:00" "Yeah ok, that sounds great! Well I'll see ya then." he says excitedly. "Ok bye" you say and hang up the phone.
