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Chapter 9

The next morning you get up around 9:00 which is early for you. But you need to do some things before you go rollerblading with Taylor. You think of how great the past week has been and how you will never forget it. Taylor is the nicest sweetest guy you've ever met. Even nicer than you had imagined. You look at the clock it's already 10:30. You can hardly wait untill 1:00. You decide to kill time by calling your best friend. You two talk for about an hour and a half. At 12:00 you decide to fix yourself a sandwich. At 12:30 you watch some t.v. and at about 12:45 you hear the doorbell ring and think now Who could that be? You open up the door and to your suprise Taylor is standing there and says "Sorry I'm early I really want to spend some time with you." You smile flattered by his sweet words and say "I'm glad your here." And tell him you will be right back that you have to go get your rollerblades. You are finally ready to go. Taylor says that in Tulsa they have a lot of really cool parks that have tons of hills to rollerblade down. And then he asks if you have anything like that in your town. You sigh and say "Only one it's not that much fun though." He smiles and says " Oh that's ok." You both decide it would be just as much fun to rollerblade around town. You get back to your house at 2:30 and Taylor says " That was so much fun!." You tell him you had a good time too. And then ask if he wants something to drink. He agrees and you bring him a Sprite. He then tells you that his plan leaves at 9:00 the next morning and says that maybe you could come to the airport. You tell him that you have to ask your parents for a ride but your sure they won't mind. Everything gets silent and Taylor says " I wish I didn't have to leave tommrow. When we first came here I thought it was going to be so boring untill I met you. You really mean a lot to me. This week has went by so fast. I really enjoyed hanging out with you." You almost start to cry but realize that you might look to emotional so you just stare at the floor not knowing what to say to Taylor. Taylor looks over at you as if expecting you to say something but then he puts his arm around you. That makes you feel a little better but you still feel like you could cry at any moment. Just then you hear your Mom come in and say " I'm Home." But to your suprise Taylor doesn't move his arm. You thought he would get embarassed. You then tell your Mom thay Taylor is leaving tommrow and how he was wanting to know if you could meet him at the airport. Your Mom says that it sounds fine with her. You look over at Taylor and see him smiling. It's already 5:00 and you know Taylor will have to leave soon. You get a horrible feeling in your stomach at the thought of him leaving you. You both talk a little longer and then he says that he better be going. You walk him to the door and he says sadly "Well I guess I'll see you tommrow." You look into his deep blue eyes and say "Ya I guess so." After he leaves you go over to your couch and sulk. Your Mom comes in and sees you sitting there depressed. She says "That Taylor seems like a nice guy." You say "Ya he is. I wish he didn't have to leave tommrow." Your Mom says trying to cheer you up "But I'm sure you'll see him again." You say I hope so and go into your room and sit on the edge of your bed and try to think of ways that you and Taylor could stay together. But all of your ideas seem to impossible. You feel tears starting to form in your eyes. But you keep telling yourself don't cry he isn't gone yet.

Taylor sat in his hotel room thinking of you and how much he truly cared for you. He was not looking forward to seeing you the next day. He knew it would be very painful. He couldn't believe that he might actually be falling in love with someone. He had never had a feeling as strong as what he was feeling for you. He wondered if you were thinking of him. He didn't want to leave but he knew in order to fullfill his dream he had to. He hoped that he would get to come back very soon. And shortly after that he fell asleep.
