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Send in the Clones Series: Chapter Two

Written By: Liz Donovan

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Rocky pulled into the parking lot of Denny’s, a pretty famous and well known breakfast, lunch, and dinner joint. He cruised the lot a few times and then pulled into a vacant spot. The cars ignition shut off with the turn of his key and Rocky unseat-belted and opened the door. He got out, shut the door and locked his car up, and then headed for the door to the restaurant.
Inside the waitress behind the pie/register counter smiled at him. He smiled back and scanned the building for Kat and Tanya. Thinking he spied Kat’s hair he somewhat politely left the lady behind the counter and made his way towards one of the pink covered booths.
"Kat?" he asked.
The young blonde sitting in the booth turned around. It was Kat. "Rocky! For a few minutes there I though you weren’t coming." She said happy to see him.
Rocky shrugged and Kat moved over in the booth. Rocky sat down and smiled at Tanya.
"I got a little held up at the park." Rocky said.
"Nothing serious I hope." Tanya half asked.
" Nah. It didn’t really take long, but I wanted to stop by 7-11 and grab some groceries." Rocky added.
"7-11 is hardly where you should shop for groceries, Rocky." Kat scolded.
"Hey, they sell what I want. Skittles, Starbursts, M&M’s, gum, Coke, you know, the necessary things in life." He replied in an air of seriousness.
Both girls laughed and Rocky flashed them a grin. Almost as if on cue a waitress arrived, notepad in hand. She looked at Rocky and then at the two girls.
"Busy tonight, huh?" she asked with a smile.
Rocky glanced at Tanya and Kat, who were both still smiling a bit. He grinned at the waitress and lowered his voice. "Never too busy."
The waitress grins again, and pulled a pencil out of her green apron. "Then I suppose I can get you something?" she asked.
"Yes, you can. You’re name would be like a jewel to me…" he said, giving her his big puppy eyes.
The waitress rolled her eyes with a smile and pointed to her nametag. There printed in bold capital letters read: LESLIE. Rocky’s grin brightened. Kat and Tanya looked to see what was taking him so long to order.
Sensing the other girls eyes, Rocky mutter: "Oh, um. I knew that." he glanced to Kat and Tanya. "I’ll just have the Grand Slam. And, uh, a coke."
"Do you want toast, English muffin, rye or sourdough bread with that?" Leslie asked.
"Toast." He replied. "And scramble my eggs."
Leslie nodded and wrote down Rocky’s order. Then she took Kat and Tanya’s orders as well. He watched he leave.
"Earth to Rocky!?" Tanya called with a laugh.
Rocky waited until Leslie turned the corner into the kitchen before he noticed Tanya calling him. He looked back at her. "Huh? Oh. Knock it off." He muttered.
"I saw you looking at her…" she smirked.
"Who? Oh, her." Rocky muttered, and ducked his head.
"She goes to Angel Grove High you know." Kat commented, stirring her water.
"Does she really? I’ve never seen her…" Rocky said, interested.
"Yeah. She’s in my, um…Biology class." Tanya confirmed.
"Really? What period do you have Bio?" Rocky inquired.
"4th period. Right before lunch." She grins. "I eat with her sometimes…I’ll invite you to sit with us someday."
"Great!" Rocky cried.
"Say. Where’s Adam?" Kat asked.
"Who? Oh, him. He’s not coming." Rocky muttered.
"Why not?" Kat questioned.
"He said he wanted to spend the night with Billy." Rocky snorted.
"Rocky, are you serious?" Kat cried in disbelief.
"Yeah I’m serious! Pissed me off big time! He’s supposed to be my best friend." He muttered, sinking back in the booth.
"People change Rocky." Tanya warned.
"Yeah, but its still hard to accept." Rocky said, sighing.
Tanya placed a hand on Rocky’s shoulder. He looked down at his lap and sighed. Kat looked up as Leslie arrived again carrying three drinks. She smiled as she passed them out and Rocky looked up, accepting his drink from her. "I’ll be back in a little bit with your food." Rocky nodded and slowly sipped from his drink, with none of his former happiness.

* * *

Adam and Billy continued down the street together, Adam watching the pavement and Billy just a few steps in front of Adam. He was listening to Adam tell his tale.
"So when Rocky came, she was already dead. It looked like she drowned, her face was all blue and her lips were purple. And her eyes, they were so glazed over…just like the life had been strangled out of her…I felt miserable, and I knew I’d spend the rest of my life in jail for killing her. So when everyone thought she drowned, I played along…but Rocky knew better. I had to tell him.
"We both agreed to deny it ever happened. That if anyone said anything about me killing her, to deny it completely. We both swore to it, and I began to think she really had drowned. And now he’s trying to use it against me. I know he’s mad, but that takes so much gall."
Billy just nodded silently and listened to Adam tell him the most haunting secret that the boy knew. Adam looked up briefly to see Billy’s reaction. At one point he noticed something strange. He ceased walking and looked around. "Billy, where are we?"
Billy stopped and turned around, looking at the surroundings. He didn’t recognize anything around him. Not the street name, the houses the setting, nothing. Billy just shrugged.
"Wait a second! Where are we going?!" Adam cried. "I though you were taking me to your house! You live on Mary Wood Lane, not…" he peered at the street sign. "Rancho Rojo. Where are we?!" Adam flung his arms up. And looked around, he looked at Billy again. "Hey man, answer me! Where are we?"
Billy began walking again, Adam began to shout, people in the houses began yelling at him to be quite, he ignored them. He followed Billy to a lot that had burned. Then he grabbed Billy on the shoulder, and swung him around.
"Where the hell are we man?!" he demanded.
Billy pinned Adam’s hand down to his right shoulder with his left hand and took his right arm and attacked Adam with an extended palm to the small of his neck. Adam was quick to block with a left inner block. Billy frowned and grabbed the blocking arm with his right hand and pulled Adam forward, kneeing him in the stomach with his right knee. Adam gasped, and Billy pushed him to the ground.
"Billy, what the- Man! I trusted you! I thought we were friends!" Adam cried moving to get up.
Billy didn’t reply, and kicked him again, Adam folded over in pain. He smartly grabbed Billy’s attacking foot, rolled aside and knocked him to the ground. Billy landed roughly, knocking the air from his chest. Adam scrambled up and Billy rolled over.
"They were all right about you! You have gone psycho!" Adam cried out.
Adam stepped back into a fighting stance, ready to defend himself. Billy wiped his mouth and got to his feet. Without taking a stance, or giving any warning, he launched himself into a head kick, which Adam reflexively blocked with a upper block. Billy used the momentum from Adams block to bring his leg down and drop into a low roundhouse. Adam’s feet were knocked from under him and he fell to his rear, causing dust to form around him. Adam winced from the pain but scrambled aside as Billy attempted to kick him again. He stood up and catapulted himself towards Billy’s gut. Adam’s arms contacted Billy’s stomach with sudden impact that Billy lost his bearing and tumbled to the ground, Adam on top of him. Billy was quick to shove Adam off.
The air around the two suddenly constricted and a purple vortex opened. Both boys got to their feet and watched as six Cogs danced their way out of the pulsing dimension. Billy looked at Adam who had already begun to ward off the first Cog, and then plunged head first into the slowly closing gap. It sealed behind him.
The Cogs were relentless on Adam, knocking him to the ground. Tired as he was, he decided he couldn’t go on like this. He pulled out his Zeonizer and prepared to morph.
"Zeo Ranger IV!"
Within seconds he was completely morphed and ready to take out the Cogs. They danced their robotic dance, and he took them out on by one. Soon only two remained. That’s when he noticed Billy was gone. He back kicked one Cog and it flashed and disappeared. The last one pranced about and he grabbed it by the shoulder and kicked it. It fell to the ground and got up. The purple vortex appeared again above the Cog and it jumped up into it. Adam ran over to the closing hole and looked up. Then it close on him.
"Man!" He pressed his communicator and called Zordon.
"I read you Adam." Came Zordon’s voice.
"I just got attacked by Cogs in the…well, I’m not sure where I am." he answered.
"I’m locking on to your signal now." Zordon replied.
"Billy as with me…he disappeared." Adam added.
"Teleport to the command center immediately." Zordon demanded.
"Alright." He glanced around once and then pressed his communicator and flashed out in green light.

* * *

Billy sat silently on his bed. He realized his father has just returned home from work and would soon be calling him down for dinner. He didn’t feel like answering. In the distance he heard the door shut. He looked around, relishing in the complete blackness of his room. The first thing his father would do would be to turn on the lights. Billy quickly closed the sketch book and pushed it under his bed. He slipped the pencil into one of the slots in his overalls. Soon, under the crack of his door he saw the hall light come on. His father went into his room and then back down stairs. Billy vaguely heard the click of the Answering Machine as it replayed Adam’s message. Soon footsteps were up the stairs again.
"Billy? You home son?" his father called.
He knocked on the door and opened it before Billy had the chance to say ‘come in.’ He turned the light on, and Billy blinked his eyes.
"Why didn’t you answer me?" his dad asked.
"I guess I didn’t feel like it." Billy replied.
"Didn’t feel like answering the phone either, huh?" he added.
"I guess not." Billy mumbled.
"Well, you’re friend Adam called. You can call him back tomorrow. Did you bring the mail in?" his father said.
"No." Billy replied.
"Have you eaten?" his father asked.
"No." Billy repeated.
"Have you done anything since I left this morning?" his father asked.
"Yes. Not anything that’d you care about though.": Billy replied.
His father sighed and said: "You’ve really got to get out of this house more often." Billy nodded his head. Mr. Cranston turned to leave. "I’m going downstairs to make dinner. Come down and get it in about ten minutes." His father added.
"Yes, sir." Billy replied.
Mr. Cranston looked around Billy’s room once and then flipped the light switch off, closed the door and headed back downstairs. Billy sighed and flung himself back onto his bed. The mattress softening the blow. He stared at the black ceiling waiting for his eyes to readjust to the blackness. He knew that would take a good three minutes, and he wasn’t in the mood to wait. He stood up, pulled on his suspenders making sure they were still fastening, opened his door and headed downstairs.
Mr. Cranston stood in the kitchen, and set a TV dinner into the microwave. He pressed a button and the microwave recognized it as the TV dinner setting and set the correct time and began cooking the meal as he closed the door. Billy passed the kitchen and walked to the living room where his biology books where still scattered about. He heard his father go out front, and he stacked the books neatly up on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Moments later his dad came back inside mumbling. "Bill, bill, bill, junk mail, Astronomy Guild, bill, hmmm."
He turned a letter over in his hands. It was plain white with neat cursive letters on it. He pulled it out and sorted through the rest of the mail. "BILLY!"
Mr. Cranston called to Billy, thinking the boy was still in his room. Billy waited a few seconds as his father place the mail on a table and went back into the kitchen.
"What dad?" he asked, looking about.
Mr. Cranston looked over his shoulder and nodded to the table. The white letter sat a bit off from the rest of the letters. "You got some mail." He muttered. Billy’s brow wrinkled.
--Mail? For me?--
He walked over to the table and picked up the white envelope. It was address to Billy Cranston, so he knew it probably wasn’t an official company or something. He looked at where the return address should be posted and noticed its absence. He flipped it over, as some post the return label on the back, but found nothing. Curious he flipped it right side up again and checked the post mark date and place.
Mailed Monday, post place: FL.
Suddenly realizing who it was from he tore the letter open, and retrieved the folded sheet of paper inside. He tossed the envelope aside, where it fluttered to that floor. He quickly unfolded the paper and checked the signature.
--It is her!-- He thought ecstatically. He smoothed the letter out and slowly began to read the fine cursive handwriting:

Dear Billy,

Hey. I think I heard, but I hope I didn’t…well. …some how word got here that Aisha is gone. What happened to her? Something like Tanya sent her to Kenya or something. I’m hoping you can explain. Anyhow, how have you been? Florida is hotter than anything! But it is beautiful here. I competed in one of my last gymnastics matches last night. I didn’t place, but afterwards one of the judges told me that he thought I was, ‘extremely talented’ and that I should try for the Olympics!
Of course I’m too old for the Olympics, but I was flattered! Remember, these are professional judges. I tried telling my friends, but none of them seemed to care too much. Well, one did, but she only said that because she got a better compliment, which I won’t go into. By the way, I was watching TV in my room the other day and I caught a glimpse of a news report. It showed a clip of the Power Rangers fighting a monster and then a brief news report. I’ve gotta tell you something, those people were not the Power Rangers! There were only five, no black ranger, and a cheesy looking green ranger! I mean, how long has Tommy been white? I mean I’m happy to see our fame has hit it out here, but get some real footage, or just don’t show it at all. I hate to see what Jason, Zack, and Trini have to watch in Switzerland.
How is everyone? I thought of writing Tommy again, but I haven’t gotten a reply from my last letter, so I decided against writing him. I hope he wasn’t too upset with my letter…you do know what it said…don’t you? Well, anyway, I met this guy here. Absolutely wonderful, great personality, awesome gymnast, great all around guy, and so we start dating. Course I still feel obliged to Tommy somehow, and knowing long distance relationships never tend to work, I decided to write him about my new boyfriend…well. It turns out that three weeks after I wrote Tommy the letter, six weeks after I starting going out with him, my new boyfriend decides he’s moving to Canada to train for their World Class gymnastics team. Talk about arrogant! He calls me up two nights before he leaves, tells me he’s moving to Canada and he wants me to go WITH him! Of course he didn’t mean go and be in Canada’s World Class gymnastics team, he met move in with him! I tell him off, saying I’m not that kind of girl, and end up hanging up on the guy. As if I’m going to just get up, drop all my championship finals and fly off to Canada with him. I’m glad I got out of that relationship before something worse happened.
But, hey, the good news is, since you know my mom moved out to France with my new step-father. I was staying with Aisha, and then Florida. Well, mom wrote me and say that after my finals here, that she’d either buy my a plane ticket to France or one back to Angel Grove! That is as long as I could either find a place to stay or rent an apartment some place! But think of it! I could finish out high school in Angel Groves High! I was totally exhilarated! (I hope I spelt that right, I’m not too good with big words like that) But anyhow, I had to let someone know, and since I don’t really know Kat, and what I’ve heard Aisha is in Kenya...(you’ve got to tell me more on this) I thought you were the only one I could really turn too. I hope to hear from you soon, sorry it took sop long in responding to your last letter. I keep changing hotels so its hard to get my mail. By the way, Fridays I get free long distance calls. I was planning on giving my mom a call, and then call you. What do you say? I’m hoping you get this before Friday, otherwise I guess it will be a surprise phone call. Anyhow, its getting late. I’m on a different time zone than you…then again, you already knew that. I’ll see you later, and hopefully will call you Friday.

May the Power Protect You,


Billy sighed and traced his fingers over the last few words in the letter. He looked at his wrist watch, it told him the date and the time. Today was Thursday. Kimberly was calling him tomorrow! His heart leapt into his throat. Suddenly he was nervous. He stooped down and picked the envelope up, stuffing the letter inside. The microwave beeped telling him that the TV dinners were cooked. He clumsily shoved the envelope into his breast pocket and walked into the kitchen, setting about table settings.

* * *

King Mondo now paced the floor of his throne room. Klank stood nearby, watching Mondo pace. Klank couldn’t see why Mondo was so upset. To him, it had seemed that everything was proceeding as had been planned. But he would dare not voice his thought to Mondo. The king might become upset and have him banished. It was not like him to be up so late, and it was not like him to pace. Klank looked around the room. A young teenage looking boy stood in the shadows, his head downcast, watching Mondo with upraised eyes. Klank did not like the young teen. It was an exact relic of the human Billy Cranston. EXACT to the point of the hairs on his head. The only difference was he was alleged to King Mondo and the Machine Empire. His feelings for the Zeo Rangers also had been altered a bit, but none the less, he proved too much like the real William Cranston. After all, he was a clone. The second of his kind, ever.
--How trust worthy can something like this be?--
Klank wondered in silence. He watched William watch Mondo. He did not like the look in the boys eyes one bit. It was a traitorous look, filled with hatred and malice. The boy stood with his hands behind his back, his feet directly below his shoulders, his head hung lowly, but his eyes paced with Mondo. Mondo finally stopped and Klank stood taller. William just watched, a scowl upon his face. Mondo seemed to remember Klank, suddenly as he wheeled around and addressed him.
"Klank, why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping with Orbus?" Klank fell to one knee, nodded and stood.
"But, sire. I was stayin’ up ta make sure yer clone didn’t accidentally hurt ya." He replied, head bowed.
Klank’s Irish sounding voice echoed in the high domed room. Mondo nodded and glanced at William. "You have no intention of hurting me do you, worthless servant." He asked the clone.
William did not move, nor flinch, or even seem to breath. He kept his gaze fixed on Mondo’s hard body. "No my Lord." He answered in that dark distance voice.
"Good! See Klank there is nothing to worry about." Mondo assured him.
"But Sire!" Klank protested.
"Go to bed Klank!" Mondo demanded.
"Yes sire." Klank muttered. He bowed humbly again and quickly turned around walking out the door. He looked at William again, the boys gaze was still on Mondo. Klank turned and left. Mondo looked William over.
"Have I displeased you, Master?" William icily asked.
Mondo turned to look at the teenager. His mechanical face seemed to smile. "Not in the least, servant. You have done surprisingly well." He replied.
"Then what is the reason of your ailment, Master?" the clone asked.
"Ailment? Ah, this is worry, dear disciple." Mondo assured him.
"What is the cause of your apprehension?" William tried again.
"Knowledge, my dear William. Knowledge." Mondo answered vaguely.
"I fail to comprehend." William said, blinking.
"Well, lad, in times like these, too much knowledge can frustrate something. Consider it an overload on information. Right now, I have such an abundance of knowledge, that I cannot think of a straight forward foolproof plan." Mondo replied.
William nodded beginning to understand. His brain functioned at the intelligence peek of his counterpart Billy, yet he tried to let his master believe that he was really dimwitted. It seemed to work. These petty questions he asked, they were all irrelevant, he just idled time with them. Soon he would destroy King Mondo, and the perhaps the Zeo Rangers. Most likely Billy, if no one else. There just couldn’t be too William Cranston’s around. He knew of Billy’s wrong doings, but he also knew that he also had many more good aspects that out weighted the bad ones. And those would thwart any plan he launched on the world.
Mondo, the fool, was talking again and William had to refocus his attention before the King decided he was useless and killed him. He raised his eyes, but kept his head downcast. It showed unworthiness in his Masters eyes.
"-you to go down to Angel Grove and engage with the monster. Then when Billy arrives, I want you- are you listening to me? William?" Mondo questioned.
William sighed. He was tired. After all, even clones need sleep. He bowed his head more. "I’m sorry my Lord. I cannot focus my attention now. I have been awake too long. If you will allow me a measly five hours rest, I’m sure I will function far better."
"Ah, yes. I forget you are like those pathetic humans in so many ways! Five hours is not sufficient rest for a human. I will allot you seven. Then I shall inform you of my plan." William nodded again. Mondo turned. "You’ll sleep there. Until the morning." He said, pointing to a mallet at the foot of his throne. William nodded as Mondo left, heading for his chambers where Machina already slept. After making certain Mondo was gone, William walked to the mallet and laid down upon it. He set his wrist watch to wake him in three hours. He’d need all the time to accomplish what he was planning too.

* * *

Rocky placed the tip on the counter and the three rose up. He drained the last of his coke and stretched. Kat yawned and Tanya grabbed her purse, swinging it over her shoulder. The three paid up at the front desk, and Rocky smiled at Leslie as she passed by. She grinned back and the three left the restaurant.
"I’m going to drive to my house. You know where I live right?" Tanya asked Rocky. He nodded yes. "Alright, then Kat and I will see you at my house around 11:00pm then?" she questioned.
"Yeah. Okay. See you two!" Rocky answered and waved.
"Bye, Rocky!"
"See you soon."
Rocky continued to wave and got into his car. Tanya and Kat continued walking to her car and both got it. Tanya started the engine. Kat looked out the window watching Rocky drive away. He waved again once before he pulled out into the intersection. Kat looked back over at Tanya, who was now pulling out of her parking place.
"Do you like him or something?" Tanya asked warily.
"Who, Rocky?" she asked.
"No, Bill Gates! Of course Rocky." Tanya laughed.
"Not really. Well, I find him pleasing to look at, but nothing serious. Why?" Kat answered facing Tanya.
"Because you seem to drool over him every time you see him!" Tanya answered, laughing.
"I don’t, do I?" Kat asked, shocked.
"You do! And its pretty noticeable!" Tanya replied.
"Hmm. I guess I’d better watch myself." Kat said.
"I’ll say." Tanya said, and laughed again.

* * *

Adam teleported into the Command Center moments after he was attacked by Cogs. He unsnapped his helmet and looked up at Zordon. Alpha scuttled about adjusting the computer console.
"Well, Zordon, what is it?" The Green Ranger asked.
"Alpha and I were able to watch the last part of your battle with Billy. I have come to the conclusion that Billy has indeed passed the edge. I now deeply regret handing the Red Zeo Ranger V powers down to him, and I am very upset with my ignorance of giving the powers to Billy in the first place." Zordon replied.
"It’s my fault. I really thought he would change." Adam said, sighing, swallowing sadly.
"Do not blame yourself Adam. I was the foolish one to grant Billy the powers." Zordon said from above.
"But you wouldn’t have had I not pressed you too." Adam reprimanded himself.
"Adam I canno-"
"Ay! Zordon! I just located Billy!" Alpha interrupted him. Zordon seemed somewhat upset that Alpha interrupted him but he tried not to let it show.
"Put it on the Viewing Globe." He commanded.
"Right away, Zordon." Alpha answered.
Billy was standing in the hall between his kitchen and the staircase upstairs. He was reading a letter leaning against the rail. His dad walked by, and Billy shoved the paper into his pocket. His father hugged him, said goodnight and headed up the stairs. Billy, pulled the letter back out, folded it nicely and embarked up the stairs himself.
"This is most peculiar! This read out says that Billy has been inside his house all day!" Alpha cried.
"No, that can’t be right. I saw him, Rocky saw him. He was definitely there!" He rubs his stomach, reminiscent of a Billy-inflicted punch.
"There is a chance that Billy is scrambling the readouts. He does seem to know this place better than I do." Alpha mournfully commented.
"That’s a comfort." Adam sarcastically said.
"Alpha, I think I’ve found something. Observe the Viewing Globe." Zordon stated.
Adam and Alpha turned. Both gasped at the sight. Zordon gravely watched the screen.

To be continued…