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*Hum in Kearny with The Promise Ring

Monday February 2, 1998

It took me awhile to get my stars back in line so that i could write this review without getting that " my god it was so awsommeeeee!!!" look on my face and start drooling all over...

But here's my review!

I got to The Cunningham's early..okay so about 4 or so hours early... . . . . :) I realized i wasnt old enough to get in (since it was a bar..) when i saw these this cool dorky guy and a bouncer dude waiting at the door and getting tickets and carding, so i let my dad go in first , and we didnt have our tickets yet ( i was looking for Clint, the other lister who had gotton them for me so that i wouldnt be ticketless in lincoln if they sold out!) and my dad said " im waiting for the guy who has my ticket, im just gonna go in a drink a beer" the bouncer didnt even try to stop him, it was funny, so i just walk in too, and act like i know what im doing in this bar... and they tried to card me and i said i didnt have an ID on me, ' it like got lost..'.. so they started talking to me, and trying to start a conversation, about them seeing some dumb band in Lincoln once like..20 years back or something....then i just edged my way in till i was in the bar ..... Damn i love Kearny.

:) I bought some shirts for my friends and one for myself and talked to some guy selling the hum shirts...then stashed them back into the car ( it looked kinda weird carrying a stack of shirts, looked like i robbed em or something!) But i was sitting down at this little bar table thing, and i see the guys in Promise Ring dragging their stuff in...and then i sit there for a long time..then walks jeff...and im thinking "thats a damn cool jacket'....( and everytime someone walked by my dad would be like " who's that? isn't he in Hum? !") then matt came in, and Tim wearing what looked like 3 coats and layers or something. It was damn cold out! I was glad i got to get in the bar so that i didnt have to freeze outside or stand in that damn line on the other side of the bar for minors..(i didn't see it! And i was already inside when we found that out)!

Then Bryan came in, and i smiled at him cuz i was pretty sure it was him ( and was hoping i wasnt just smiling at someone who just turn's out to be the bartender or something..) and he came up with his beer and talked for awhile to my dad and i, im surprised he remembered who the heck i was! he's a great guy! Damn good drummer too , even when he's beeb having a little to much fun with the beers ( like at the last Hum show..) I think i shook almost half the people in that bar's hands that night, lots of great people where there ( besides the guys in Hum !) :)

I think i met about 20 people who were just cool people who live in Kearny. ( note: Lincoln sucks) It was a cool show, at a really neat sort of little place, i'd never been to The Cunningham's was a good sized place for a Hum show, and has a cool upstairs area for the bands to play pool and stuff before they go on. But that area is restricted for anyone not in the band ( damn!) :)

I asked Bryan if they would play "green to me" and he said he try to get it on the set list . :) They opened with:

I think a Gordon's rotting carcass shirt still would have been cool, (yep i said something about it-hee-hee) Bryan just laughed. But picture a shirt that said that and some weird picture, like maybe a cartoon drawing of some dumb dead squirrel.. haha...i want one. Sometime before, i walked by Tim and Bryan said "Tim this is Jennii" and shook Tim's hand, said hi and then couldln't think if anything else to say..hmm.. so i didn't ! hehe, i probably came off soundling like some kind of gnome/mute/ sort of geek. Then before the show was starting , I was moving my way up to the front of the stage , Matt looked at my shirt again and asked if It was the list shirt. Yep. :) and then got caged in by some bouncer guys , so i had to stand pretty darn close! I kept falling over the speakers! I was just hoping i wouldnt get thrown on stage, (i'd be very very embarrased if that happened, i'd probably have hit matt in mid air and landed on the drum set, and knocked Tim off the stage and ruined the whole show, so im glad that Didn't happen!)

Ever noticed that little lady stuck to the drum set that kinda moves a little when he hits the drums really hard?...She got to wear a home-made bikini made of silver tape for the show ( i think Bryan was worried we thought he had bad taste or something...but it was funny!) So he put that tape on her so stylishly.. (lol!)

This show was soooo good though! and VERY VERY loud! My ears are still ringing and it sounds like birds and crickets and Jeff and Tim making scraping noises! If this isn't gone by friday..maybe i will hear it for the rest of my life ! cool! ( j/k) Matt was playing super hard on stage, super fast too and I'd be happy if i could play at least half that good someday.

Clint ( hum lister) was at the show with a bunch of his friends and his brothers and his freinds too... Clint got sick at the show :( i was feeling sick all day before the show, i think its just the ol' nerves and the warnings of ice on the road and all the excite ment from seeing HUM :)

Well...we all screamed and clapped and They came back out for an encore, and played I'd Like Your Hair long and some others...I think it was 1am then!

I can't wait to see Hum again, the new cd is awsome and the video for Coming Home is my favorite, the 12 angry viewers who didnt like it are miserable losers who dont have good tase in vids, hell for all i know they are probably all cross eyed or have glass eyes...

Said goodbye to anyone i saw when i was leaving, and told Promise Ring they played a good show, they are cool guys and looked like they were having alot of fun on stage. Coming Home that night, was hell! I was tired, my dad was half asleep and the ICE WAS BAD!

trucks were sliding all over and none of te radio waves were coming in. I was hoping we'd get back okay, and that Hum and the Promise Ring and everyone at the show would have a safe drive home. I was sorry to hear about Promise Rings wreck, they played a really good show , and im not sure which ones i talked to that night,( i think Tim?) they were good people, they didnt deserve a bad accident and a trip to the hospital. I hope they recover soon and can get back on the road safely :)

3:30 am. drooping eyelids and many yawns and a few slides along the highway and im home.

Email Jennii:

the shows

Tuesday February 3, 1998 DENVER, CO Bluebird Theatre


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