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*Hum in Toronto*

*Hum in Toronto*

Review sent in by Mikal Anger

Well well well...
I have now seen HUM for the first time. Man that show kicked ass!!! I wasn't into it until HUM got on. Swervedriver didn't impress me all that much, but HUM really pulled it off.
Gordon and i arrived about 4:45 to catch HUM's soundcheck (which apparently went a lot quicker than usual) and then we talked with the guys for a while, and just hung out. My friend Greg arrived, and we went across the street for pizza and such, came back and sat around. HUM was taken out for dinner by RCA and Gordon went with, being their closest friend there.

I met Davey Dunham and all the members of Chore freezing outside the club... and taunted them with my ability to go in and out as i pleased. then i pointed out to them that they too could simply come inside and it wouldn't be so cold, so they did, and we stood around and talked and stuff. They're cool. :o) (dave is a lot nicer than his posts... don't let his appearance fool you!)
Then i met Pat, a guy i know from the local sunrise records, and talked with him for a few moments (we had both mentioned that we'd be at that show)... and later Chris Girvan presented himself to me! So there we had 4 listies... Gordon, Chris, Dave and I, and we were kinda laffin it up about stuff. It was cool.
While entering the mens room, i ran into bryan, who said "oh, i'm sorry, we haven't been formally introduced yet" (he had seen me talking with gord earlier but he was trying to sleep with his head on a table or something) and so we started chatting it up. A guy (who didn't know who bryan really was) kinda worked his way into our conversation, and asked "what time is HUM going on do you know?" and bryan said "well, *they* should be getting on about 11:45, but Swervedriver is running late" and later it became apparent to this guy (Dan) who Bryan was, and he was kinda bemused. He was cool tho, just cuz he had never met or seen bryan before and didn't know what to expect. I ended up driving him and his friend sean home so that they didn't have to catch the bus at 12:30 and miss HUM. They were cool.

Hung out with the guys (people who i have mentioned up to now) as well as the HUM guys... got lots of good photos during the show as well as after. I'll scan and post them on my web space. :o)
All in all, a very good show. VERY LOUD!!! Gordon can be a madman when he gets into the show... he was so pumped after the show that he was almost break dancing to the techno that was being played after. (i don't blame him; i was walking around with my own stupid smile on) The HUM guys are _really_ friendly and would come up to me and start talking and stuff cuz they kinda got to recognize me from earlier and stuff. They're so great and just normal guys to talk to, not freaks or presumtuous or stuck up or anything.
That was probably the best club show i've ever been to. The opener, Transistor Sound and Lighting Co. was really good; lots of effects pedals and all that. Swervedriver lagged (muddy sound, and they weren't really into their set) and said maybe 4 words to the crowd during their whole set... comprised of twice mumbling "thank you". Then HUM came on and gave an intergalactic performance, and completely blew away my concept of how well they would be able to reproduce their stuff live. They kicked out the best of all three major albums, and did a one song encore (i'd like your hair long i do beleive). and that was it. then i just talked to them after the show and took more pics and stuff.

A very cool night!!!
goodmorning... i'm going to bed now. the sun will be up soon and i can't let it's deadly light touch me!!
P.S. Gordon has to get up for work in an hour to be there for 8am, and he probably hasn't even gotten home yet from my place. :o\ poor guy... he's a salaryman now tho, and this is just one of the perks!