Hey person-interested-in-gerbils, welcome!

That's one of my gerbs, Poepie.

Gerbils are small rodents, and can live up to 3-4 years, which ,by the way, would be exceptional... They're nice pets, they NEVER smell, unless you just let their tank get TOO dirty! Gerbils can become pretty tame,
and even ride on your shoulder. I am not such a big gerbil expert, but before all you people run off and get one of these cuties, remember two things;

DO NOT KEEP THEM ALONE! They'll get very lonely, even though you might love it very much...
GIVE THEM ENOUGH SPACE! The best thing, I think, is to get an old (leaking) aquarium. That wouldn't cost much, and your gerbils would be pretty safe from draft etc...

For really good information, you should visit these pages;

The NGS gerbil page

Gerbil-Info page

I think these are the best around. From there, you'll find numerous links and webrings! One last advice; Read everything about them, before you buy them!

Find the gerbil... :-)