First, the introduction....

I'm the online weirdo Dooby, I'm not gonna give out my real name to all you weird ass stalkers! I'm 17 years old, and live in the "how low can you go? " Netherlands. I like to call myself a musician, and some of you people might even believe it. I play the bassguitar, guitar, didgeridoo, piano, drums and I sing in my band.
I play in a band, now called
Niquarge. You can visit our homepage by clicking on Niquarge. You'll find info on the band, and upcoming gigs/news in the news-section! But first,hang around here for a while!

I DO have a social life, you might have thought like; this guy is making all these pages, he must have no friends at all. I have friends, yes I do... Visit my pictures page for some of their pics!

Ok, more about ME! It's always me me me me! I go to school almost every damn day, but I always think, it's for my own good...yeah, ok... I keep gerbils, and so I've made this gerbil page for other gerbil keepers.

I'm working on a bass-related webproject, called Basslegends, and I'll link that later. Ofcourse I have a small bass-page here too... It's got pics and info about basses, bassguitarists, and some FX.


If you want to chat, I go to
the palace, Korn Korner often. The pic above is my av, negative...

You can also ICQ me at 32566632

my guestbook here....

Mail Dooby Tha Funk!