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CALCITE-The optical quality of double refraction causes calcite to be used in spells to double the power of the ritual.
     Clear Calcite -Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is utilized in spirituality rituals. It is perfect as a focus of contemplation during meditation.
     Pink Calcite-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is calming, centering and grounding. It can also be used in love spells.
     Blue Calcite-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is a healing stone.
     Green Calcite-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. It draws money and prosperity to the household.
     Orange Calcite-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. This is a protective stone and lends energy to the body.

CARNELIAN-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is used to promote peace and harmony and to dispel depression. It can be worn by the timid and shy to build their courage. It is also used to counteract doubt and negative thoughts, and can be used in spells relating to these problems. It is worn to prevent skin diseases, insanity, nose-bleeds, all blood diseases and as a general health inducer. It strengthens astral vision and is worn to bed to stop nightmares.

CAT’S EYE-Energy is projective with the element of Earth. This stone which exhibits a moving luminous opalescence is a beauty aid. It is worn or carried to increase beauty and to preserve youthfulness. It is also used in wealth and money spells. Cat’s eye set in a silver ring can be worn for mental health, protection, insight and luck. The stone also dispels depression, gives pleasure, and should be worn during financial speculation.

CELESTITE-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is worn or carried to create eloquence and to promote compassion for the Earth and our fellow creatures. It is also used to relieve headaches and tension in the body.

CHALCEDONY-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. This stone banishes fear, hysteria, depression, mental illness and sadness. It also promotes calm and peaceful feelings when worn. When placed under the pillow or worn to bed, it drives away nightmares, night visions and fear of the dark.

CHRYSOCOLLA-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is a stone of peace and soothes the emotions. It grants the power of discretion and increased wisdom. It is worn or used in spells to attract love.

CHRYSOLITE-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. This stone is used for fevers and general health. Placed under a pillow it deters nightmares.

CHRYSOPRASE-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. This stone is worn to life the emotions and to banish greed, envy, selfishness, tension and stress. It is a cheering stone and is also used to prevent nightmares. Its healing powers include strengthening the eyes, staunching blood and relieving the pain of rheumatism.

CITRINE-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is worn at night to remove fear, prevent nightmares and to ensure a good night’s sleep.

CORAL-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. When visibly worn it is a protective amuler. It dispels foolishness, nervousness, fear, depression, murderous thoughts, panic and nightmares. It bestows reason, prudence, courage and wisdom upon its bearer. In healing, red coral was use to cure indigestion, all pains in the digestive tract, eye complaints and to stop bleeding. It can also be used to attract luck to a household. It is also worn as a protectant while sailing or traveling over water and guards boats against shipwreck.

CROSS STONE-Energy is both projective and receptive. Because of its shape, this stone is worn or carried by those practicing elemental magick or those wishing to balance the four elements within themselves.

CRYSTAL, QUARTZ-Energy is both projective and receptive with the elements of Fire and Water. A quartz crystal point carried or worn increases psychism. When placed under a pillow it offers psychic impules in the form of dreams. It also ensures peaceful sleep. It is worn to relieve headaches. It can be used as a protectant when carried, worn or placed in the home. It is used as a power amplifier during magick.
     Blue Quartz is receptive. It is a great peace and tranquility stone.
     Green Quartz is receptive and is used in prosperity workings to increase money or to provide an “easy life.” It is also worn to stimulate creativity.
     Rutilated Quartz is projectived and an energy stone. Wear this stone or place on altar during rituals to increase the effectiveness of the magick.
     Smokey Quartz is receptive and in a mood elevator and grounding stone. It overcomes depression and other negative emotions.
     Tourmalated Quartz is projective and is worn to stimulate astral projection.

DIAMOND-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. When worn it promotes spirituality and self-confidence in relations with the opposite sex. It is not a stone of love but is worn to ensure fidelity and to reconcile quareling lovers. It is worn of used in spells to increase physical strength. It is also considered a stone of protection and peace. It relieves nightmares and encourages sleep.