RHODONITE-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is worn to cause calmness, to cast off confusion, doubt and incoherency. It is also worn or carried to shut down the psychic centers.
ROSE QUARTZ-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is used to stimulate love and to ‘open the heart chakra’. To attract love wear a heart-shaped stone. Its magickal uses include promoting peace, happiness and fidelity in established relationships. It encourages peaceful and loving feelings. It also promotes beauty and love of self and others.
RUBY-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. This stone is worn to banish sadness and negative thoughts. It produces joy, strengths will power and confidence as well as dispelling fear. Placed under your pillow it assures restful sleep undisturbed by nightmares.
SAPPHIRE-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is worn to stimulate the third eye for the purpose of expanding psychic awareness. This stone is the guardian of love. It promotes fidelity and attunes the feelings between lovers. It is worn in protective jewelry and during rituals designed to return negativity to its sender. It is used in healing the body, especially the eyes. It can also be used in money and wealth-attracting rituals.
SARDONYX-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is used in protective rituals and is worn to promote courage and fearlessness. It is used to promote good relations between lovers and married couples, ending domestic strife and promoting communication. It relieves depression and despondency, producing peace and joy.
SODALITE-Energy is receptive with the element of Water. It is a healing stone, especially for emotionally related diseases or those caused by stress, nervousness, anger or fear. It is a good meditative stone.
TIGER’S EYE-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is a good stone for promoting wealth and money. They are also carried for protection against all forms of danger. It is worn to strengthen convictions and create courage and confidence.
TOPAZ-Energy is projective with the element of Fire. It is used for protective purposes. It is considered a specific against envy, intrigue, disease, injury, sudden death, sorcery and negative magick and lunacy. While worn it relieves depression, anger, fear, greed, frenzies, and all disturbing emotions. When placed in your home it is a charm against fire and accidents. When placed under your pillow it fends off nightmares and ends sleepwalking. It is used to relieve the pain of rheumatism and arthritis as well as to regulate the digestive system.
TOURMALINE-Energy and elements vary depending on the different kinds of
this stone.
Pink-Energy is receptive with the element of
Water. It draws love and friendship. Wear to promote sympathy toward others.
Red-Energy is projective with the element of
Fire. It is worn to lend energy to the body, promote courage and strengthens the will. It is
also used in protective rituals.
Green-Energy is receptive with the element
of Earth. It is used to draw money and success in business. It is also worn to stimulate
Blue-Energy is receptive with the element of
Water. Wear this stone to de-stress, for peace and restful sleep.
Black-Energy is receptive with the element of
Earth. It is used for grounding purposes and to represent the Earth in spells relating to that
element. It is also protective.
Watermelon-Energy is projective with the
elements of Fire and Water. This stone is worn to balance the male and female energies
within the body. It is also a love-attracting stone and works best for this purpose when
used by balanced people.
Tourmalated Quartz-Energy is receptive.
Wear or place under pillow to promote astral projection.
TURQUOISE-Energy is receptive with the element of Earth. This is a protective stone. A ring is worn to guard against the evil eye, disease, serpents, poison, violence and accidents or any other dangers. It also promotes courage. It can be worn or used in money-attracting spells. It is used in love magick, It is often used to promote marital harmony ensuring that the two people involved blend with each other. It is worn to attract new friends, to be joyous and even-tempered and to increase beauty. It is also a healing stone. It strengthens the eyes, alleviates fevers and reduces headaches. It is considered to be lucky and is carried to attract good fortune.