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*Ab - Egyptian grain god.

*Abaddon - The Hebrew name of the DEMON identified as the 'angel' of the bottomless pit, or the abyss, in Revelation-9:11. Also known as Apollyon (Greek), the Destroyer, and as the king of the grasshoppers. He is the chief of the demons of the seventh hierarchy and is sometimes regarded as the destroying angel.

*Ab Kin Xac - Mayan god of war and poetry.

*Abdiel (Arabic) - from "Abd" meaning slave. Lord of slaves/slavery. The faithful seraph who withstood Satan when he urged the angels to revolt, according to Milton's Paradise Lost.

*Abduxuel - (Enochian)-One of the demonic rulers of the lunar mansions.

*Abellio - Celtic (Gaulish) god of the apple tree.

*Abhijit - Hindu goddess of fortune.

*Abigor - (Unk) The name of a DEMON of the superior order, conjured for his power to foretell the future and to provide military aid and advice. He is shown either in the form of a handsome knight bearing a lance and/or standard, or as a ghostly specter. Sixty of the infernal regions are at his command, and he is also known as the "Grand Duke of Hades." In pre Judeo-Christian theology, Abigor was one of the upper demons of Hell. Abigor supposedly commanded the infernal regions of Hell and was the demon of warfare and battle. He was depicted as riding a winged horse.

*Abundantia - Roman goddess of abundance and beauty.

*Acat - Mayan god of life, responsible for the development of children in the womb.

*Achelous - Greek river god. Acheloüs, in the form of a bull, fought Heracles for Deianira. He lost and Heracles broke off one of his horns which became the Cornucopia, or horn of plenty. Achelous is known for having fathered the sirens, also called the Acheloides. Eldest son of Oceanus and Tethys. Also known as Acheloos

*Aclahayr- (Unk) Of the fourth hour of the Nuctemeron, the genius spirit.

*Acolmiztli - An Aztec god of the underworld.

*Adad, Addu- (Babylonian, Hittite) - In Sumerian mythology, Adad is a storm god, son of Anu. He holds a lightning bolt in his right hand and an axe in his left. He is partially responsible for the flood. He relates to the Canaanite god Hadad. *Aditi - "The Unfettered". Hindu mother goddess. She was self-formed and the mother of the sun and moon gods, Mitra and Varuna. She is the unlimited space of sky beyond the far east, the brilliant light from which the gods sprang. She clears obstacles, protects, and solves problems.

*Adonis - Greek vegetation god and consort of Aphrodite. He was actually a Phoenecian god who was later adopted by the Greeks as a mortal consort to Aphrodite. He was killed by a wild boar, and Aphrodite caused the plant anemone to grow from him when she discovered his body. Symbolizes element of earth, love, fertility, health.

*Adramalech - (Samarian)devil. Commander of Hell. Wierius' chancellor of infernal regions. In Assyria where he was worshipped, children were supposedly burned at his alters.

*Adriel -Mansions of the moon among the Enochian demons.

*Adroa - African god of the Lugbara. Adroa is both good and evil, and considered the creator of heaven and earth.

*Aegir - Aegir was the primary Norse (Scandinavian) god of the sea. He was a deification of the ocean, both in the calm, beautiful aspects, and in the torrential, destructive aspects. Storms were caused by his anger and it was said that a ship which had wrecked went into "Aegir's wide jaws". Sailors feared Aegir, and thought he would come up to destroy ships. Because of this it is believed that early Anglo-Saxons made human sacrifices to a god of the sea, most likely Aegir, to prevent him from wrecking their ships.

*Aeolos - Greek god of wind and air. Aeolos lived on an island near Sicily where he guarded the caves where he kept the winds. He would let out he wind only as the gods of Olympus instructed, whether in gusts, gales, or breezes.

*Aeshma, Aesma- (Persian) African demon -One of seven archangels of the Persians. Adopted later into Hebrew mythology as Asmodeus. Has been recorded in history for at least three thousand years. Said to be a small hairy demon able to make men perform cruel acts. "Fury". One of the Daevas, Aesma Daeva ("madness") is the demon of lust and anger, wrath and revenge. His wrath is mainly directed towards the cow. He is the personification of violence, a lover of conflict and war. Together with the demon of death, Asto Vidatu, he chases the souls of the deceased when they rise to heaven. The Jewish evil spirit Asmodeus is derived from his image. His eternal opponent is Sraosa.

*Aether - Greek personification of air.

*Aethon - Greek personification of famine.

*Agaliarept - (Hebrew) commander of armies. Aussi General of hell - Grimoire of Pope Honorius.

*Agalierept / Tarihimal - Lesser Demon- Commander of the Secret Police, with Tarihimal is master of Elelogap.

*Agares or Aguares- (Unk)Agares is a duke who rides a crocodile and carries a goshawk on his wrist; his main function is to stop runaways, teach languages, destroy spiritual and temporal dignities, and to cause earthquakes. Also known to be the demon of courage.

*Agathodemon - (Egyptian)A good spirit/DEMON worshipped by the Egyptians under the shape of a serpent with a human head. The Dragons or Flying Serpents venerated by the ancients were also called Agathodemons, or good genies.

*Aglasis - Demi-Demon-Teleports.

*Agni - Hindu fire god. He is a part of all things, the essence of life. It was said that he consumed his parents when he was born, for they could not provide for him; this is symbolic of the fire born when two sticks are rubbed together because the sticks are consumed as well once the fire grows. Agni loves all his worshipers equally. He visits everyone's hearth and gives them equal fire regardless of their social class. When people use fire, they must face it toward the proper direction. When facing East, the fire should be used for sacrifices to the gods. When facing South, the fire should be used for sacrifices to the spirits of the dead. A fire made to cook food should always face toward the West. Agni is also associatied with sex and virility in men. Invoke for element of fire, purity, fertility.

*Agramon - (Unk) Demon of fear.

*Agrat-bat-mahlaht - One of Satan's wives and demoness of whores.

*Agroi - Finnish god of turnips and twin births.

*Agrotes - Near Eastern (Phoenician) god of agriculture.

*Ahazu-demon - the siezer demon of the night.

*Ahi - Hindu serpent god who was slain by Indra with a thunderbolt.

*Ahau Chamahez - Mayan god of medicine and health.

*Ah Kinchil - Mayan god of the sun.

*Ah Puch - Mayan god of death. also called Hunahau or Hunhau, rules Mitnal, the ninth and lowest of the underworlds. He is associated with the dog, the symbol of death and access to the afterlife, and he himself is portrayed as a man with the head of an owl, as a skeleton, or as a skull. He is also referred to as 'God A'.

*Ahpuc - Mayan god of death, associated with suicide, death by hanging, beheading, and human sacrifice.

*Ahriman - (Mazdean) - Zoroastrian lord of darkness and death, the supreme evil spirit. Alternative name of Angra Mainyu, the personified principle of darkness.

*Ahto - Chief Finnish god of waters and seas.

*Ahulane - Mayan war god sometimes called "The Archer".

*Ahura Mazda - The supreme god in Zoroastrianism.

*Aine of Knockaine - Celtic (Irish) goddess of love and fertility, later known as the fairy queen. Goddess related to the moon, crops, and farms or cattle. Aine is revered among Irish herbalists and healers and is said to be responsible for the body's life force.

*Airmid - A healing goddess of the celtic order of Tuatha de Danann, goddess of medicinal plants and keeper of the spring. Regenerates, or brings the dead to life again.

*Aizen Myoo - Japanese god of love. Was worshipped by prostitutes, singers, musicians, and landlords.

*Akka - Finnish earth mother and goddess of the harvest and female sexuality. Wife and consort of the supreme sky God Ukko. She symbolizes love, agriculture, womanliness.

*Aktunowihio - Cheyenne native earth god, the soul of the earth.

*Ala - Ibo earth mother, goddess of justice, protection, laws. Protectress of the harvest. She took the dead in her pocket.

*Alaisiagae - Norse (Scandinavian) war goddess.

*Alastor - (Unk) Wierius' cruel demon called "the executioner."

*Alcmene - Greek goddess of midwinter, the new year, stateliness, beauty and wisdom. Zeus fooled her by appearing as her husband, because of which she had a child by him. The result of her union with Zeus was Hercules.

*Alcyone - Greek goddess of the sea, the moon, calm, tranquility. She who brings life to death and death to life.

*Aldinach - (Egyptian) A demon who causes natural disasters (i.e. floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes).

*Allat - Near Eastern goddess of the morning and evening stars, fate, and the planet Venus.

*Allocen - One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

*Alocer, Allocer (Unk) - Grand duke of hell. One of Solomon's 72 spirits.

*Alpheios - Greek river god.

*Alphito - Greek goddess of barley flour, destiny, and the moon.

*Alu-Demon - (Semitic) Night demon.

*Amaimon - One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

*Ama-Terasu - "Great Shining Heaven". Japanese sun goddess, guardian of the Japanese people and ruler of all deities. One of her tasks was to weave sacred robes for the gods.

*Ama-No Uzume - Japanese fertility goddess, used for good crops.

*Amatsu Mikaboshi - Japanese god of evil, darkness.

*Amaethon - Celtic (Welsh) god of agriculture, husbandry, and luck.

*Amaymon - Evil Spirit, king of South.

*Amducious - (Hebrew) The destroyer. Also Amducias - Grand Duke of Hades. According to Wierius a demon of music.

*Amenti - Egyptian goddess of the underworld and fertility.

*Amida-Nyorai - Japanese god of the paradise realm, the Japanese people turned to him at their moment of death.

*Amma - Supreme African (Dogon) god who created the sun and the moon. The myth of Dogon is used to justify the custom of female circumcision as practiced in many parts of Africa. They said that he tried to procreate with the earth (female) but his passage to her was blocked by a "red termite hill". This had to be cut away before he could mate with the earth.

*Amon - Egyptian god of wind, fertility, and secrets. Had thousands of children including Bast, Neith, Hapi, and Khons. Amon is often shown with the large, curving horns of a ram unique to the Nile Valley. Also shown as the sphinx. Often referred to as Amon-Ra, a combination of Amon and Ra.

*Amor - Roman god of love.

*Amphityonis - Greek goddess of wine, friendships and relationships between nations.

*Amphitrite - Greek goddess of the sea. She took care of all the creatures of the ocean. Wife of Poseidon, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

*Amy - One of the 72 spirits of Solomon. Said to be supreme president of hell. He will trade knowledge for the human soul.

*Amun - "The Invisible One". One of the most spiritual of the Egyptian gods. Symbolizes the element of air.

*Anala - One of several Hindu attendant gods. Associated with the element fire.

*Anamelech, Anomylech - (Assyrian) bearer of bad news. An obscure demon. His name means "good king". Some sources claim Anamelech is the moon goddess while Andramalech is the sun god.

*Anath - "Lady Of The Mountain". Near Eastern (Syrian) goddess of the earth, grain, and sacrifice. She is often portrayed as a bloodthirsty maiden. The strength of life. Symbolizes element of earth and fertility.

*Anapurna - Hindu goddess of food.

*Andras - (Unk) god of quarrels. Grand marquis of hell.

*Andraste - From British Celtics; the moon, divination, rabbit magic.

*Angerona - Roman goddess of secrecy. During the ancient times, names were considered very powerful, and often people's name and the names of communities were not real at all. It is because of this that it is considered likely that the cult of Angerona protected the secret name of Rome.

*Angra Mainyu - In ancient Persian (Iran) religion and books of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu is the god of darkness, the eternal destroyer of good, personification and creator of evil, bringer of death and disease. He is also known as Ahriman, and his name means "fiendish spirit".

*Angus Og - Celtic (Irish) god of beauty, love, and youth. His name means "son of the young". He is a Gaelic Eros known for his physical beauty and golden hair; his kisses become birds.

*Anguta - Eskimo god of the dead. He lives under the sea, and drags the dead down under the water.

*Andrealphus - One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

*Andromalius - One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

*Anhur - Egyptian god of the power of the sun. He was depicted as a warrior wearing a headdress with four tall, straight plumes. Elements are air and fire.

*Anini - One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.

*Anneberg - (German) demon of mines.

*Annona - Roman goddess of the cycle of the year, harvest, commerce, markets, good crops.

*Ansa - A minor Hindu sun god

*Ansitif (unk) - Possessed Sister Barbara of St. Michael in 1643 during the possessions of the nuns at Louviers.

*Anteros - Italian-Roman god of love and passion. He was, specifically, the god of mutual love and would punish those who did not return love.

*Anu - Manifestation magic, moon, air, fertility, prosperity. Celtic (Irish) goddess of plenty. Mother earth goddess and maiden aspect of Morrigu.

*Anubis - Also Ano-Oobist, Golden Dawn, Anpu. God of orphans, travelers, and the lost. Guide of the dead. Son of Asar and Nebt Het. Anpu is shown as a dark-skinned man with the head of a jackal or sometimes as a black jackal.

*Ao - Chinese god of rain and sea.

*Apa - Indian goddess of waters, cleansing, and purification. Symbolizes life, immortality, health, wealth, remedies, prosperity, and longetivity.

*Apam Napat - Hindu god of fresh water.

*Apeliotes - Greek god of the south-eastern winds.

*Aphrodite - Greek Goddess of passion and sexual love, and womanly beauty. She is considered the epitome of beauty and femininity. Said to have been born of sea-foam. She is kind to those she liked, but can be cruel and merciless to those who displease her.

*Apollo - Greek god of the sun, light, music, song, medicine, and healing. Patron of herdsmen.

*Apollyn (Greek) - Another name for Satan.

*Arachne - Greek spider goddess, weaver of fate and destiny.

*Aradia - Italian witch goddess. She came to earth to teach her mother Diana's magic. Symbolizes the air element, the moon.

*Aranyani - Hindu woodland goddess.

*Arawn - Celtic (Welsh) god of the underworld, terror, revenge, and ware. Invoke during element of earth.

*Ardat-Lile - (Semitic) a female spirit/demon who weds human beings and wreaks havoc in the dwellings of men.

*Ardra - Hindu goddess of misfortune.

*Ares - Greek war god of storms and hurricanes, also considered a father of the gods. Undoubtedly the most fierce and vicious of the gods within the Greek pantheon. He had a passion for mass slaughter.

*Arianrhod - "The Silver Wheel", "High Fruitful Mother". Celtic (Welsh) goddess, the sister of Gwydion and wife of Don. Deity of element of Air, reincarnation, full moons, time, karma, retribution.

*Arioch - (unk) Demon of vengence. He delivers vengence only when called on.

*Arphaxat (Unk) - The demon who possessed Loise de Pinterville during the possession of the nuns at Loudun.

*Artemis - Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. She is also one of the virgin goddesses, and she protects women in labor, small children and wild animals.

*Artio - Celtic wildlife goddess.

*Arundhati - A Hindu astral goddess.

*Aruru - Babylonia earth and mother goddess and creator of man.

*Ashtaroth, Astaroth (Phonician)- goddess of lust, seduction. Same as Ishtar. Turned male in christian mythology - Lord Treasurer of Hell. Prince of accusers and inquisitors. Demon of vanity and sloth.

*Aslesa - A Hindu goddess of misfortune.

*Asmodeus, Asmoday - (Hebrew) god of lust. A demon most commonly involved in possession cases.

*Asopos - A minor Greek river god.

*Astarte - "The Lady of the Mountain". Greek goddess of fertility, fire, love, productivity, astrology, war, vengeance, victory, sexual prowess.

*Astraea - Italian goddess of truth and justice. Also known as Astria.

*Asvayujau - The Epic and Puranic Hindu goddess of fortune.

*The Asvins Nasatya and Dasra - In Hindu legend, they are twin brothers who represent the morning and evening stars.

*Ataensic - North American Indian sky woman and creator goddess.

*Atargatis - Near Eastern (Syrian) mother goddess who symbolizes the moon, love, and fertility. She was most often portayed as half-woman and half-fish.

*Atchet - Egyptian goddess who nurses children.

*Ate - Greek goddess of obsession, guilty, infatuation, and mischief. She was a trickster who would lead men into actions that would be their demise.

*Athena - Greek Goddess of war and wisdom.

*Athene / Minerva - The Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, the arts, dyeing, science and trade, but also of war.

*Athor - Egyptian goddess of light. Daughter of Ra.

*Atl - Aztec god of water.

*Attis - A roman vegetation god.

*Atum - Egyptian sun god. In some creation myths he is the creator of the universe. Father of Shu and Tefnut. Astrologically related to the leo sign of the zodiac.

*Aura - Greek goddess of the morning wind.

*Aurora - Greek goddess of the dawning morning. She gave birth to the morning star and the winds (Zephyrus, Boreas, Notos, and Euros) by Astraeos, the god of starlight.

*Aym - (Unk) Grand duke of hell.

*Ayperos- (Unk) Prince of hell. Subordinate in Grimoire of Pope Honorius.

*Ayyappan - Hindu god of growth.

*Azazel - (Hebrew) god/demon of war.