*Ha - The Egyptian god of the west and of the western desert. Since the entrance was situated in the western desert, he plays a part in the death cult. He is portrayed as a human figure with on his head the hieroglyph that represents the west.
*Haborym (Hebrew) - Another name for Satan.
*Hacha'kyum - The Lacandon Maya god of real people. People who were not Lacandon Maya were not considered to be real persons.
*Hachiman - The Shinto god of war, and the divine protector of the Japanese people. He is worshipped by the peasants as the god of agriculture, and by the fishermen who hope he will fill their nets. An alternative name for him is Yawata, the god of the eight banderoles. The doves are his symbolic animals and his messengers.
*Hachiman - A historical figure in Mayan history, was elevated to the status of god after death. A god of war, battle, honor, courage, bravery, personal success.
*Hades / Pluto - Greek god of death, keeper of the underworld. He was the brother of Zeus but was in the underworld instead of upon Olympus. Hades rules the dead, assisted by various (demonic) helpers, such as Thanatos and Hypnos, the ferryman Charon, and the hound Cerberus.
*Hah - Egyptian god of the sky, the personification of eternity and the infinite sky. With wide-spread arms he supports the sky.
*Han - A Chinese river god and personification of the river with the same name. It is also the name for the Milky Way, which was considered to be a river (the river of the sky), better known as the Silver Han, Han of the Stars or Han of the Sky.
*Haniyasu-hiko - The Japanese god of the earth. His wife is Haniyasu-hime.
*Haniyasu-hime - The Japanese goddess of the earth. Her husband is Haniyasu-hiko.
*Hanuman - In Hindu mythology, he is the monkey god, and king of Hindustan. Hanuman was regarded as the patron saint of learning. Pictures show him trampling the over-thrown goddess of Lanka under his left foot. In The Ramayana he figures as the minister of the ape king, Sugriva. One of his feats was helping Rama in rescuing Sita.
*Han Xian-zi - Han Xian-zi is one of the popular Ba Xian. He is generally believed to be a nephew of Han Yu -- a famous literary figure and statesman of the Tang Dynasty -- who had been entrusted with Han Xian-zi's education. He had a stormy temper and possessed various supernatural abilities. Once he caused peonies of many colors to blossom forth in the middle of winter. On the petals of these peonies appeared the following poem: "Clouds veil the peaks of Qin-lin mountain. Where is your home? Deep lies the snow on the Lan Pass and the horses will go no further." Han saw a hidden meaning in these lines, but his uncle dismissed them as nonsense. Soon after, Han Yu fell in disgrace with the emperor and was banished from court. When he reached the Lan Pass the snow was so deep that he could not go further. Then Han Xian-zi appeared and cleared away the snow. He told his uncle that he would regain his official post and return to the bosom of his family, which prophecy soon came true. Han Xian-zi gained immortality when he fell from a peach tree. He is usually portrayed holding a (transverse) flute, a bouquet of flowers or flower basket, or a peach.
*Hapi - Egyptian deification of the blessed river Nile. Eventually thought of as the creator of everything. Without the waters of Hapi, all life would perish. Also known as Hapy.
*Harihara - A Hindu syncretic deity combining Vishnu and Shiva.
*Harmonia - In Greek mythology, she is the goddess of harmony and concord. She is the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite (other sources say Zeus and Electra). She was married to the Theban ruler Cadmus, and as such was beloved by the Thebans. Upon her wedding she received a necklace and a garment, which proved fatal to who wished to possess them. Harmonia is the mother of Ino and Semele.
*Harpies - Greco-Roman mythological creature with the lower body, wings and claws of a bird and the chest and head of a woman, often portrayed as very ugly and loathsome. Harpies were fierce, extremely ill tempered, and lived in an atmosphere of filth and stench, contaminating everything they came near. They are associated with the wind, ghosts, and the underworld. Their chief employer was Hades who sent them to bear away by force and bring to Tartarus those who were unwilling to die. But they also did vengeful errands-for the other gods.
*Harpocrates - The Greek form of the Egyptian Harpa-Khruti (Horus the child). He was represented as a naked boy sucking his finger. The Greeks made him the god of silence and secrecy.
*Hathor - Egyptian. An ancient Sky Goddess; Ra's daughter by Nut, or his wife; sometimes the wife or mother of Horus the Elder, Goddess of pleasure, joy, love, music and dancing. Protectress of women and embodiment of the finest female qualities.
*Hatmehit - An Egyptian fish goddess. She was worshipped in the Nile Delta, especially at Mendes.
*Hauhet -Hauhet is an Egyptian goddess and is represented as a frog. She was the goddess of immeasureable infinity. She is one of the Ogdoad. The Ogdoad are eight Egyptian dieties who were especially worshipped in Hermoplic in Upper Egypt. They formed the basis of the creation myths. The Ogdoad were made up of four goddesses and four gods. The goddesses were represented as either frogs or humans with frog heads. The gods were represented as either snakes or humans with snake heads.
*Haya-Ji - The Japanese god of whirlwind. He is also called Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami.
*Haya-Ji - Mayan god of the winds, whirlwinds. Invoke for air elemental magic.
*He Bo - In Chinese mythology, He Bo is a powerful river god, also called Bing-yi. He sacrificed himself by attaching rocks to his body and then plunging into a river, thus gaining immortality. This act led to the ritual of sacrificing a young girl by throwing her into the river as a bride of He Bo (this lasted until the end of the Zhou dynasty in 256 BC). The moon goddess Heng O is his sister.
*He Xian-gu - One of the Ba Xian, and the only female among them. She lived during the Tang Dynasty and spent her life as a hermit in the mountains. A spirit appeared to her in a dream when she was fourteen. He told her to grind a stone known as the "mother of clouds" into powder and eat that powder. She would then become as light as a feather and attain immortality. She followed these instructions and also vowed never to marry. Soon after she was able to fly from one mountain peak to the next, gathering fruit and berries for her mother. She herself had no longer any need of nourishment. One day the emperor summoned her to his court but she disappeared along the way and became an immortal. According to another myth she had lost her way in the mountains while gathering tea. There she met a scholar (rumored to have been Lu Dong-bin who gave her a peach to eat. After that she never felt hungry again.
*Hebe - the goddess of youth, and the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She poured the nectar of the gods on the Olympus until Ganymede replaced her. Hebe also prepared Ares' bath, and helped Hera to her chariot. After Heracles became a god, he married her. The Romans called her Juventas ("youth").
*Hecate - Perhaps the most notorious of all witch goddesses, Hecate was a dark manifestation of Diana. Hecate is the patron goddess of witches and sorceresses because of her skill in the arts of black magic. She is the queen of darkness, perverse sexuality, and death. Classically, she is the goddess of "roads in general and crossroads in particular, the latter being considered the center of ghostly activities, particularly in the dead of night... Offerings of food (known as Hecate's suppers) were left to placate her, for she was terrible both in her powers and in her person--a veritable Fury, armed with a scourge and blazing torch and accompanied by terrifying hounds." The followers of Hecate were rumoured to have strange powers, such as that of being able to draw down the moon in order to employ the averse aspects of lunar forces. Followers could metamorphose into animals and birds, had insatiable sexual appetites, and had an intrinsic understanding of aphrodisiac and poisonous herbs.
*Hedetet - The Egyptian scorpion-goddess.
*Heimdal - Norse (Scandinavian) god of light and guardian of the rainbow bridge. He eventually kills Loki. Symbolizes education, teaching, and protection.
*Hel - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of death and the underworld. The Christian concept of "Hell" came from this goddess, however, her realm of the dead for those who were wicked was cold and dark, not fiery.
*Hela (Teutonic) - Goddess of the kingdom of the dead, not considered as a place of punishment. Daughter of Loki and Angurboda, and sister of the Midgard serpent of the ocean encircling the Earth, and of the devouring Fenris-wolf. Half her face was totally black.
*Helios - Greek god of the sun. His roman counterpart was Sol.
*Hemen - An Egyptian falcon god.
*Hemera - Greek goddess of day. She was born from Erebus, darkness, and Nyx , night. Nyx was the daughter of Chaos, and sister of Erebus. Erebus was among the first beings, dwelling in Hades. He sprang from Chaos at the beginning of time. Erebus’ name was given to the gloomy underground cavern which the dead walk through on their way to the Underworld. Hemera emerged from Tartarus as Nyx left it and returned to as she was emerging from it. Thalassa, the sea, is the daughter of Hemera and her brother Aether, light.
*Heng O - The Chinese moon goddess, symbol of the cold and dark principle yin. She tried to steal the draught of immortality from her husband, the celestial archer Shen Yi, but he caught her before she could drink all of it. The draught gave her the power to ascend to Heaven, but, since she had drunk only part of it, she only got halfway up and had to settle on the moon. Heng O is portrayed in beautiful robes with in her right hand the lunar disc, sometimes sitting on a tree-legged toad. She is the younger sister of the river god He Bo.
*Hephaestus (Vulcan) - Son of Zeus and Hera. He was lame, either because his mother, startled by his ugliness, dropped him, or because Zeus, angry that he took his mother's side in a dispute, threw him from Olympos. He dwelled among mortals and became the god of black smithing and artistic metal work. He made a golden throne that imprisoned any who sat in it, and gave it to Hera to avenge himself for his fall from Olympos.
*Hera - Greek goddess of matrimony and cycles of women's growth. Sister and wife of Zeus. She is best known for her intense jealousy of all of Zeus' affairs with mortal women. She can be invoked for love, the moon, element of Air, motherhood.
*Hermanubis - A syncretic deity combining the Greek Hermes with the Egyptian Anubis.
*Hermes / Mercury - Greek god of commerce. He was a messenger for the gods, often carrying messages from mortals to gods and vice versa. He symbolizes communication, health, knowledge, fertility, and insight.
*Hermod - Norse (Scandinavian) god who was a messenger between the gods. Son of Odin and Frigg.
*Heron - An Egyptian deity.
*Heryshaf - A god of Middle Egypt who was born from the primeval waters, whose name means 'He who is upon his lake'. He is the ram god of Heracleopolis (now the city Ehnas). He is identified with Osiris and Re. The Greeks equated him with their Heracles, and to them Heryshaf was known as Harsaphes.
*Hesat - An Egyptian cow goddess. The ancient Egyptians referred to milk as 'the beer of Hesat'.
*Hestia - Greek mother goddess. She symbolizes the element of fire, domestic and home magic, conception, and the well-being of the self and family. See also Vesta.
*Hetepet - An Egyptian cult goddess.
*Hez-ur - An Egyptian baboon god.
*Hicpacth - According to the Grimorium Verum, Hicpacth "can deliver to you anyone you want to see, from whatever distance, in the batting of an eye.
*Hiisi - Finnish god of evil, skilled sorcerers and sorceresses, necromancers, spells, sacred drums, trance, chanting, trance-dancing.
*Hikohohodemi - A Japanese hero god.
*Hinokagutsuchi - The Japanese god of fire.
*Hiranyagarbha - The Vedic god of creation; the Hindu primordial being. He was the primeval seed from which Brahma was born.
*Hiruko - The Japanese god of the morning sun. He also guards over the health of little children.
*Hisa-Me - The Hisa-Me are female demons of death in the Japanese underworld.
*Hodr - Norse (Scandinavian) god of winter and darkness. Blind twin of Balder.
*Hoenu - Norse (Scandinavian) god of silence. He, along with his brother Lodur, created Ask and Embla, the first humans.
*Hoji - An evil Japanese spirit who lives inside an upright pillar (the Death-Stone) standing on the lonely moor of Nau. It will kill the unwary traveler who lies down to sleep near the stone.
*Hooded Spirits - A triad of Celtic deities who are associated with healing and fertility.
*Holler - In Norse myth, the god of death and destruction and the one who brings diseases and disasters. He drags people to his dungeon where he tortures them to death.
*Honir - The long-legged god of the Aesir, known for his indecisiveness. He and the wise god Mimir were sent by the Aesir to the Vanir to seal their truce. The Vanir gladly accepted them and made Honir one of their leaders. Honir, however, was not as smart as the Aesir had claimed and relied heavily on Mimir. He gave noncommittal answers whenever Mimir was not around. Honir is one of the gods that will survive Ragnarok.
*Horae - The Horae (the Hours) are the goddesses of the seasons (the Greek had only three seasons; spring, summer and winter), and the daughters of Zeus and Themis. They are called Thallo, Auxo and Carpo, names which denote budding, growth and ripening. Later, as Eunomia ("good order"), Dike ("justice") and Eirene ("peace") they represented law and order in society. As goddesses of nature they controlled the growth of plants; as goddesses of order they maintained the stability of society.
*Horta - An Etruscan goddess of agriculture.
*Horus - "The Mighty One of Transformations". Egyptian god, the son of Isis and Osiris. God of the all-seeing eye. His animal is the falcon. To understand the cycles of Horus' life, you should know his manifestations. Following is some of the manifestations of Horus: *Har-em-akhet - "Horus upon the Horizon". Another form of Horus in which he figures as a sun god (identified with Re-Her-Akhety). Later is was believed that the sphinx of Gizeh represented "Horus of the Morning Sun" looking toward the eastern horizon. Also Her-Akhety, "Horus of the Two Horizons". Harmachis is the Greek rendering of the name.
*Har-mau - Another manifestation of the god Horus, this time as 'Horus the uniter'. In this form Horus achieves the uniting of the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. Also known as Harsomtus.
*Har-nedj-itef - An Egyptian guardian god, one of the manifestations of Horus. In this form, he guards his father Osiris in the underworld and therefore called 'Horus the savior of his father'. Har-nedj-itef (Greek: Harendotes) also protects the dead and is portrayed as a falcon on sarcophagi.
*Har-pa-khered - "Horus the Child". The form of Horus as a young boy, distinguished from Horus as an adult. He is portrayed as a naked child with a finger in his mouth, sitting on a lotus flower or on the knee of his mother Isis. He was invoked to ward off dangerous creatures. As the son of Osiris he was also a vegetation god, portrayed with a jar or a horn of plenty.
*Har-sa-iset - A form of the god Horus, specifically as the son of Isis. In the Osiris-myth he was born from the impregnation of Isis by her deceased husband Osiris. Isis protects Horus as a child against many dangers. The Pyramid texts state that Har-sa-iset performed the rite of the 'opening of the mouth' on the dead pharaoh, ensuring that the pharaoh would have the use of his faculties in the afterlife. Har-sa-iset is also considered to be a guardian deity.
*Har-wer - The name of Horus at an advanced age, which means 'the Elder Horus'. In this manifestation Horus reaches maturity and avenges his father Osiris against his enemy Seth. He defeats Seth and seizes the throne of Egypt. In Kom Ombo (the ancient Noebt) in Upper Egypt, Har-wer was regarded as the son of the god Re and thus identical with the sky god Shu. Again, he is depicted in the form of a falcon.
*Harakhti - The Egyptian god of the morning sun, whose name means 'Horus of the Horizon'. Harakhti (Harachte) is one of the many manifestations of Horus. The Egyptian pharaoh was said to be born on the eastern horizon as Harakhti and to rule over the eastern and western horizon in that form. In Heliopolis he coalesced with Re and was worshipped as Re-Harakhti. He was depicted in the form of a falcon.
*Harmerti - The name of Horus as the falcon-god 'with the two eyes' which represent the sun and the moon. He was also worshipped as the hero that restrains monsters such as Apep.
*Hoso-no-Kami - The Japanese god of smallpox.
*Hotei - Japanese god of happiness. One of the seven gods of luck. He is portrayed with a large belly and is sometimes called the "Laughing Buddha". It is said that if you rub his belly, you will receive good fortune!
*Hotoke - The Japanese spirits of the dead, including the saints and the Buddhas.
*Hou-chi - Chinese god of harvest and agriculture. Depicted as a kindly old man with stalks growing from his scalp.
*How-chu - The Chinese god of the air.
*How-too - The ancient Chinese earth-god who is depicted as a monster and who dwells within mountains and rivers.
*Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti - Chinese god who removes demons and evil spirits. Invoke for exorcism, matters involving water.
Hu Jing-de - A Chinese guardian god, one of the Men-shen. He was originally a general from the Tang Dynasty.
*Huang Fei-hu - Originally a Chinese earth-god in the shape of a one-eyed bull with the tail of a snake. Later be cecame a mountain-god who rules the holy mountain of Tai Shan in eastern China. He judges the souls of the deceased who come to this mountain.
*Huang-lao - A Taoist deity, whose name means "Yellow-old". The name consists of two components: Huang, which refers to Huang-di and lao, referring to Lao-zi. Both men are considered to be the founders of religious Taoism. They have been jointly venerated as Huang-lao since the second century BC. In the subsequent centuries, however, he developed into another deity, that of Huang-lao-jun, one of the most important deities of early Taoism.
*Huang-lao-jun - An important deity of early Taoism and main god of the Way of Supreme Peace (dai-bing dao). He was regarded by the common people as the ruler of the world who descends to Earth to guide and assist mankind. From the beginning of the world he is said to have appeared, again and again, in the shape of Taoist masters to spread the teachings about the Tao. One of his incarnations was Lao-zi. His name means "Ancient Yellow Lord".
*Huchi - Japanese goddess of fire, both of the hearth and of volcanic erruptions. Protectress of the home, cures illness. A mediator between man and gods.
*Huehuetotl - Aztec god of fire, patron of warriors and kings. Depicted often as a crouched old man with a bowl of burning incense sitting on his head.
*Huemac - Aztec god of earthquakes.
*Huh - An primeval Egyptian god, one of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. Together with his female pendant Hauhet he personifies infinite space. It is their task to wake the sun-god every morning. He appears as a frog or as a man with the head of a frog.
*Huitzilopochtli - National god of the Aztecs, symbolizes storms, the sun, death, war, young men, warriors, soldiers, safe journeys.
*Huictiigaras - According to the Grimorium Verum, Huictiigaras "can put you to sleep or create insomnia."
*Humots - According to the Grimorium Verum, Humots "can provide you with any book you want."
*Hunab Ku - The supreme god and creator of the Maya. He is the head of the Mayan pantheon and called 'god of the gods'. Hunab Ku rebuilt the world after three deluges, which poured from the mouth of a sky serpent. The first world he created was inhabited by dwarfs, the builders of the cities. The second world was inhabited by the Dzolob, 'the offenders', an obscure race. The third and final world Hunab Ku created for the Maya themselves (who are destined to be overcome by a fourth flood). The god Itzamna is his son. He is similar to the Aztec Ometeotl.
*Hun Hunahpu - A Mayan fertility god. He fathered the twins Hunahpu and Ixbalangue on a virgin. During a ballgame in the underworld Xibalba he was beheaded. His head was attached to an infertile gourd, which immediately started to bear fruits. His sons avenged his death by killing the responsible demons.
*Hun Pic Tok - Mayan war god.
*Hunahpu - The Mayan creator god. He is the son of Hun Hunahpu and a virgin. Together with his brother Ixbalangue he went to the underworld and killed the evil demons Hun Came and Vucub Caquix, thus avenging the death of their father. Afterwards they are taken to the heavens where Hunapu became a sun god and Ixbalangue a female moon deity. They are the parents of the first pair of humans.
*Hunahpu Utiu - One of the thirteen Maya gods who created human beings.
*Hunhau - The chief of demons and ruler of Mitnal. He is probably a manifestation of the god Ah Puch.
*Hurukan - ancient Mayan god of wind and storm. He visits the anger of the gods upon humanity by bringing about the Flood. He is a creator god who according to legend dwelt in the mists hanging over the primeval flood, in the form of the wind, ceaselessly repeating the word "earth" until the solid world rose from the seas. When the gods became angry with the first human beings, Hurukan unleashed the deluge which destroyed them. From his name the word 'hurricane' is derived. Hurakan means "one-legged".
*Hu-Tu - Chinese earth goddess, similar to gaia, the deification of the earth. Patroness of fertility, element is earth.
*Hyacinthus - A Greek vegetation divinity who was loved by both Apollo and Zephyrus. He returned the love of Apollo, but not of Zephyrus. When he and Apollo were throwing the discus together, Zephyrus blew Apollo's discus out of its course. It struck the head of Hyacinthus and killed him. From his blood Apollo made spring up a flower, the hyacinth.
*Hybris - In Greek mythology, Hybris is the personification of a lack of restraint and of insolence. He was a not very powerful and spent much of his time among mortals.
*Hygieia - In Greek mythology, Hygieia is the personification of health. She is closely associated with Asclepius's cult and is sometimes considered to be his daughter. Her sacred animal is a snake, depicted drinking from a cup held in her hand. Also, the goddess Athena was worshipped as Hygieia. Her Roman equivalent is Salus.
*Hymen - Greek god of marriage. Symbolizes love, virginity, and obviously the oath of marriage.
*Hypno - Greek god of sleep. Bother of Thanatos (death) and Dreams. Son of Nox (night) and Erebus.