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*Maan-emo - (Finland) An earth goddess. The wife of Ukko, god of thunder. She prsides over the fertility of women.

*Ma'at - The daughter of Ra,Maat was the Egyptian goddess of truth,wearing as her symbol a single ostrich feather,which was placed in one side of the scales of judgement,which were used for weighing the fate of a soul before Osiris.

*Mabon - (Celtic) The Son of Light (akin to the Roman Apollo). He was the god of liberation, harmony, music and unity.

*Macha - Celtic (Irish) goddess of war, life, and death.

*Macuilxochitl - "Five Flower". The Aztec god of music and dance. It is actually another name for Xochipilli.

*Maeve - Celtic goddess of earth fertility and war.

*Mahatara - the supreme god of the Dayaks. He remains aloof from humans, and when sacrificial food is set out for him sends his falcon, Antang, to collect it and bring it to the High Heavens where Mahatara enjoys the spirit of the food.

*Mahisha - chief of the demons in Hindu mythology. He was killed by Durga.

*Maia - "Grandmother of Magic". Greek goddess of spring, youth, life, and rebirth. One of the seven daughters of Atlas and mother of Hermes. She symbolizes love.

*Ma-ku - Chinese goddess of spring.

*Malphas - (Unk) Grand president of the infernal regions. Appears as a crow.

*Mam - Mayan earthquake god.

*Mama Quilla (Inca): "Mother Moon"; Moon Goddess; Mother of the Incas; her image was a silver disk with a human face. Adjoining the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco, Peru, was a small chapel of the Moon. Although she had no widespread worship, this deity was connected with the calendar and festivals.

*Mamlambo - In Zulu mythology, Mamlambo is the godess of the rivers.

*Mammon - (Aramaic) god of wealth & profit.

*Manannan - Celtic patron of sailors and merchants. His famed possessions include the yellow shaft, the red javelin, the boat, the wave-sweeper, a horse called Splendid Mane, and three swords named retaliator, great fury, and little fury; he has the gift of immortality.

*Manat (Arabia): "Time"; "Fate"; Karma. The Arabic word "mana" which comes from this name is used in the sense of luck. Dark Moon Goddess. On the road between Mecca and Medina was a large uncut black stone which was worshipped as her image.

*Mandragoras - (Unk) Familiar demons. They are attributed to the mandrake root and considered gifts from Satan to the sorcerer who conjures them.

*Mangalubulan - In Batak mythology, Mangalubulan is the god of thieves.

*Mani (Norse): Moon God who kidnapped the boy Hjuki and the girl Bil, whom he placed on the Moon. Mani directs the course of the Moon and regulates Nyi (the New Moon) And Nithi (the Waning Moon).

*Mania - (Etruscan) Mania was known as the Roman goddess of the dead. She is also the guardian of the Underworld, together with Mantus. Mania, the name, is the Greek personification of madness. In addition, she is called the mother or grandmother of ghosts. She is also considered the mother of the Lares and Nanes, the gods of the household.

*Manitou - Master of light, god of the winds. Called by many names by many tribes. The supreme father, great spirit, creator.

*Manannan mac Lir - In Celtic mythology, Manannan mac Lir (Barinthus) was the god of the ocean. He ferried the wounded King Arthur to the otherworld so that he could be cured.

*Mantus - (Etruscan) An Etruscan god of the underworld, associated with the city Mantua (the current Mantova).

*Mara - (Buddhist) In Buddhism, Mara is the personification of evil and of everything that hinders Buddha's road to enlightening. He is portrayed as a demonic creature with a hundred arms that rides an elephant. Mara rules the sixteenth level of heaven, the Paranimmitavasavattin.

*Marduk - the Babylonian sun god, creator of Earth and humans.

*Margawse - Celtic mother aspect of the goddess.

*Mari/Mariham/Meri/Marratu (Syria, Caldea, Persia): Basic name of the Great Goddess; she wore a blue robe and pearl necklace, both symbols of the sea.

*Marica - Italian goddess of agriculture.

*Mars - Roman god of war. Symbolizes protection, strength, health, energy. Also known as Ares [Greek].

*Masaya - Mayan goddess of fire and divination. She required that victims be thrown into volcanoes.

*Mastema - (Unk) The name of the devil in the Book of Jubilees. According to this book, Mastema is the chief of the evil spirits who tested Abraham and killed the first-born of the Egyptians. This rebel angel is the accusing angel of Hebrew mythology. He is the executioner who slaughtered the firstborn of Egypt and who tried unsuccessfully to murder Moses.

*Math Mathonwy - Celtic (Welsh) god of magic, sorcery, and enchantment.

*Mawu/Mawa (Dahomey in West Africa): Supreme Goddess; creatress of all things; Great Goddess. The Fon of Benin in West Africa worship Mawu as a Moon Goddess and creatress. She was known as a gentle and forgiving Goddess.

*Maya - Hindu goddess of nature and a universal creator.

*Mayahuel - Aztec goddess who discovered and introduced the gods to pulque. She was pictured naked, holding a bow of pulque and seated on a throne of a tortoise and a snake. She carried a cord that she used to help women in childbirth, and the night was sacred to her.

*Medb - "Drunk Woman". Celtic goddess of war. The mere sight of Medb blinds enemies, and she runs faster than the fastest horse. A lewd woman, she needs thirty men a day to requite her sexual appetite. Also a fertility goddess.

*Mediterina - Roman goddess of health and medicines. Possibly also spelled Meditrina.

*Melchom - (Unk) the treasurer of the palace of hell.

*Meng-Po-Niang - Chinese goddess who stood just within the gates of hell. Her magic potion was administered to each soul, so that they would forget their past lives.

*Mens - Roman goddess of intelligence, knowledge, and judgement.

*Men-Shen - Two chinese deities who guarded the door against evil. They embody protection.

*Mephistopheles - The name Mephistopheles comes from the Greek for "he who does not like light." Mephistopheles is perhaps most famous for being the demon summoned by Faust. Faust had summoned him to teach him great knowledge and to grant him immense power. Mephistopheles fulfilled all of Faust's desires. Nevertheless, at the end of the twenty-four year contract, it was Faust's turn to please Mephistopheles. All that was left of Faust at the end of the contract was his torn and bloodied corpse. The soul had been consigned to Mephistopheles in Hell.

*Mephistopholes - (Greek) the light shunner. Counterpart of Lucifer. The name Mephistopheles comes from the Greek for "he who does not like light." Mephistopheles is perhaps most famous for being the demon summoned by Faust. Faust had summoned him to teach him great knowledge and to grant him immense power. Mephistopheles fulfilled all of Faust's desires. Nevertheless, at the end of the twenty-four year contract, it was Faust's turn to please Mephistopheles. All that was left of Faust at the end of the contract was his torn and bloodied corpse. The soul had been consigned to Mephistopheles in Hell.

*Mercury - Roman god of communication and messages. Symbolizes the element of air, communication, health.

*Merihim - (unk) the prince of pestilence.

*Mersilde - According to the Grimorium Verum, Mersilde "can magically transport you anywhere, instantaneously."

*Mertseger - Egyptian goddess of flowers and death. Shown with the head of a snake.

*Meshkent - Egyptian goddess of birth. She is to be present on the judgement day.

*Mesphito - (Greek) the light shunner. Counterpart of Lucifer.

*Metztli - (Aztec) - Metzli/Teccezeicatl :The material Moon at its height; "He from the sea snail." Represented as an old man with a white shell on his back and sometimes with butterfly wings. Was replaced by the Goddess Coyolxauhqui.

*Mextli - The principal god of the Mexican (hence the name of their country), more usually called Huitzilopochtli. Hundreds of human beings were offered to him annually as sacrifices. Mexitli was the god of war and storms, and was born fully armed.

*Mictain -(Aztec) god of death.

*Mictlantecuhtli - Aztec lord of the land of the dead, depicted as a red skeleton. Husband of Mictlantecihuatl. Together, they take care of the deceased.

*Mider - Celtic god of the underworld.

*Mielikki - Finnish goddess of the forest and the hunt. Protectress of wild animals. Totem animal was the bear. She symbolizes archery, hunting, wilderness, trees.

*Mimir - In Norse mythology, suppose to have been the wisest of the Aesir tribe of gods, and thus a god of wisdom and knowledge. He was sent to live with the Vanir after the war between the gods. There, unfortunate being, he had his head cut off and sent back to the Aesir. Odin smeared the head with magic herbs so that it would never rot, and recited a magic charm over it that restored its power of speech; all this so he could have Mimir's wise counsel as needed. Mimir dwelt by the ash-tree Yggdrasil, guarding the "Well of Wisdom". Here he allowed Odin to drink for the price of one of his eyes; that is why Odin is usually depicted as having but one eye.

*Minerva - Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom. Goddess of women's rights and freedom. She wore a breastplate and helmet and carried a spear. Her sacred bird was the owl.

*Min - "The Firm One". Egyptian god of fertility, rain, and agriculture, and protector of roads and travellers. Symbolizes sexual prowess and fertility.

*Minos : In Greek mythology, Minos was a king of Crete (son of Zeus and Europa). He was a philanderer, and this displeased his wife Pasiphae who blamed Aphrodite. He demanded a yearly tribute of young men and girls from Athens for the Minotaur. After his death, he became a judge in Hades.

*Misroch / Nisroch - Misroch is the Devil's cook and inspires hatred between men. He was originally and angel of the Order of Principalities and worshipped by the Assyrians. Misroch has the head of an eagle and was at one time the guardian of the famed Tree of immortality, the fruit of which he uses in his recipes .

*Mithra - Persian sun god and bringer of light, a god of wisdom, soldiers and warriors. Can be likened unto Prometheus, who brought fire to man in Grecian mythology. Symbolizes the mystery of magic, fertility, and the element air. A personification of light, or the god of light, worshipped by the ancient Persians. It was one of their chief deities, and the ruler of the universe, sometimes used as a synonym for the sun. Mithraism may be said to have been the only living religion which Christianity found to combat. It was strong enough to exert a formative influence on certain Christian doctrines, such as those relative to the end of the world and the powers of hell. Mithra was essentially the divinity of beneficence. He was the genius of celestial light, endowing the earth with all its benefits. As in his character of the Sun he puts darkness to flight so by a natural transition he came to represent ethically truth and integrity, the sun of goodness which conquers the night of evil.

*Mixcoatl - Aztec god of war, weapons, hunting, and striking from afar. His human offerings were said to become stars once sacrificed.

*Mnemosyne- She was the Titan goddess of memory. Zeus spent nine consecutive nights with her, after which, later, she gave birth to the nine Muses, one each day.

*Moerae - the Greek goddess of right and reason.

*Mo-Hou-Lo-Chia - Chinese dragon king, deity of all waters.

*Moloch - (Phoenician) "King". The sun god of the Canaanites (Ammonites?) in old Palestine and sometimes associated with the Sumerian Baal, although Moloch (or Molekh) was entirely malevolent. In the 8th-6th century BC, firstborn children were sacrificed to him by the Israelites in the Valleye of Hinnom, south-east of Jerusalem (see also Gehenna). These sacrifices to the sun god were made to renew the strength of the sun fire. This ritual was probably borrowed from surrounding nations, and was also popular in ancient Carthage. Moloch was represented as a huge bronze statue with the head of a bull. The statue was hollow, and inside there burned a fire which colored the Moloch a glowing red. Children were placed on the hands of the statue. Through an ingenious system the hands were raised to the mouth (as if Moloch were eating) and the children fell into the fire where they were consumed by the flames. The people gathered before the Moloch were dancing on the sounds of flutes and tambourines to drown out the screams of the victims. According to some sources, the Moloch in the Old Testament is not a god, but a specific form of sacrifice.

*Monai - In Guarani mythology, god of the countryside and the air.

*Montu - "Nomad". Egyptian god of war.

*Mor - (Irish) Celtic goddess of the sea and sun. She is identified with the setting sun and is depicted as sitting on a throne.

*Morail - According to the Grimorium Verum, Morail "can bestow invisibility on anyone or any object."

*Mormo - (Greek) Mormo was a Greek goddess. She would bite naughty children and make them crippled. Mormo did this to frighten them. She was not one of the twelve immortals that lived on Mt. Olympus. God of Spirits. Hecate’s Consort.

*Moros - Greek god of doom; deification of an unfortunate destiny and the fate of a violent death.

*Morpheus - Roman god of sleep. The drug morphine is named after him.

*Morrigan - "The Great Queen". Celtic goddess of war and death who could take the shape of a crow or raven. Supreme warrior goddess. She is associated with the sometimes frightening aspects of female energy. She symbolizes the power of fertility, the dark goddess' prowess, death, war, fate.

*Mot - In Canaanite mythology, the god of sterility.

*Möûll - (Scandinavia) Goddess of snow and ice.

*Muisin - According to the Grimorium Verum, Muisin is a demon who "can sway the minds of great lords and offer strategic and political advice."

*Mullin - (Unk) Leonard's right hand man.

*Mulungu - Supreme being in African-Christian religion who is equated with God.

*Mummu - In Sumerian mythology, Mummu is the craftsman god. He is attendant to Ea and Apsu's vizier.

*Murmur- (Unk) Demon of music. A count of hell.

*Muses, The (Greece) - Nine Moon Goddesses; three (the number of the Triple Goddess) times three makes the Moon number nine. Each Goddess presides over a specific area of inspiration and art: history, music, comedy, tragedy, poetry, art, astronomy and astrology, and eloquence of speech.

*Mut - The original Egyptian mother goddess. Wife of Amun. She had thousands of children, among them were Bast, Neith, Hapi, and Chons. She lost importance once Isis became the primary mother goddess. She symbolizes the element air.

*Muta - Roman goddess of quiet and silence.

*Myesyats (Slavic): Moon God; sometimes male, sometimes female. In Serbia, this God was called Bald Uncle.