*Naamah (Hebrew) - female devil of seduction.
*Nabu - Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of wisdom, speech, eloquence, and writing. Son of Marduk.
*Naburus, Naberios (Unk) - protector of the gates of hell. Associated with Cerberos. A marquis of hell.
*Naenia - Roman goddess of funerals. Her name means "dirge".
*Nagual - An Aztec tutelary spirit in the shape of an animal or a plant. Every god and human has his personal Nagual with whom he shares his fate until death. The Nagual of, for instance, Huitzilopochtli is a hummingbird and that of Quetzalcoatl is a feathered snake.
*Nahual - The Aztec protectors of mortals. They are created from the same stuff as mortal, and each person has a nahual who looks after him.
*Nai No Kami - Japanese god of earthquakes.
*Nakk - Finnish water spirit considered evil. It lives in the deepest water.
*Nanauatzin - The Aztec god who sacrificed himself in a fire so that the sun should continue to shine over the world.
*Nanghaithya - One of the Daevas, and archfiend. Nanghaithya is the personification of discontentment. Her eternal opponent is Armaiti.
*Nana - African earth goddess. Mother of Omolu.
*Nanna - Norse (Scandinavian) great goddess of earth. Mother goddess, symbolizes the moon and fertility.
*Nanna - The Sumerian moon god.
*Nantosuelta - Gualish. She is the consort to Sucellos, the controller of the other world. Her name can be translated to be, sun warmed valley, or who make the valley bloom. She is Goddess of nature. Her symbol, like the Celtic (Irish) goddess Morrigan's, is a raven.
*Naru Kami - Japanese goddess of thunder, ruler of trees and the forest, patron of artisans.
*Nebiros (Unk) - Mar De Camp of hell.
*Nechtain - Irish. Another water-spirit, He is associated with a sacred Well within which live the Salmon of Knowledge. He is closely associated with the Daghda, and has been conflated with him.
*Nehalennia - Gaulish. Primarily associated with protection of travelers over the sea. Her known temple locations are always on the coast, and surviving inscriptions often praise her for successfully completed voyages, or implore her for similar journeys to come. She is invariably associated with a large dog as a companion. She has occasionally been conflated with the Roman Goddess Fortuna.
*Neith - "Lady Of The Sails". Egyptian goddess of war and weaving. She symbolizes strength, love, the moon, courage.
*Nemain - "Panic". Celtic war goddess.
*Nemesis - the goddess of punishment.
*Neph - Known also as Nef,Num,Nu,Cnouphis and Cenubis,he was the Egyptian god seen as the 'spirit of God moving on the waters'. He was represented as having a ram's head with curved horns,and his sacti was Auka.
*Nephthys - Egyptian goddess of death and mystery. A guardian of the corpse of Osiris along with Isis. Invoke for element of earthk. Also called Nebt Het, Nebet Het, Nebthet, or Neb-hut.
*Nereid (Greek) - 50 sea goddesses, or nymphs, who sometimes mated with mortals. Their father was Nereus and their mother was Doris.
*Nereus (Greek) - a sea god. He was a son of Pontys and Gaea.
*Nergal (Babylonian) - Babylonian god of the dead,Nergal gained this position by the use of an escort of fourteen demons which followed him around;he descended to the netherworld and forced its mistress Ereshkigal to agree to be his consort,and give him dominion over not only her,but her realm also. Nergal was represented as wearing a crown and waited upon by the fourteen demons through which he had gained admittance to the underworld. He was the god of plague,pestilence,fire,battle and the desert.
*Nerthus - Norse (Scandinavian) earth mother. She symbolizes peace, fertility, the sea, purity, magic, and white witchcraft.
*Niamh - Celtic (Irish) goddess of beauty and brightness. Helps heroes at their death.
*Nihasa (American Indian) - devil.
*Nija (Polish) - god of underworld.
*Nike - the goddess of victory. She was the daughter of Pallas and Styx. She helped the gods in their battle against the titans and was rewarded by Zeus.
*Nina (Babylonian) - Serpent Goddess.
*Ninhursaga - One of the principal Sumerian gods,Ninhursaga was the goddess of reproductivity,and Enlil was her husband.
*Ninib - Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of the summer sun.
*Ninurta - The Sumerian war god,Ninurta also had sway over the rising flood and the thunderstorm.
*Nitten - Japanese Buddhist sun goddess. Based on the Hindu god Surya.
*Njord - Norse (Scandinavian) God of winds, sea, fire, and wealth. His children were Freya and Freyr. In the pagan days, his name was said in court oath. Invoke for financial requests, prosperity, or those rites involving the elements air, water, or fire.
*Nohochacym - Mayan creator god, defender from evil.
*No-no-kami - Japanese god of fields and plants.
*Nostiluca - Celtic (Gaulish) witch goddess.
*Notus - the south wind god.
*Nox - Italian goddess of the night.
*Nudd - Celtic (Irish) sea god and king of the Tuatha de Danaan.
*Nu Kua - Chinese goddess who created mankind. She was very powerful, half human and half serpent. She is associated with rain, ponds, pools, and moist creatures near such areas such as amphibians and fish.
*Nunus - Near Eastern (Semetic) god of the underworld.
*Nus - Greek god of understanding and intelligence.
*Nut - The sky goddess of Egypt,she was the mother of Osiris,Seth,Isis and Nepthys. She was usually depicted as a huge,naked woman whose arched back,supported by Shu,contained the heavens.
*Nybras (Unk) - an inferior demon who publicizes the pleasures of hell.
*Nysrogh (Unk) - another second order demon - who is chief of staff in the palace of hell.
*Nyx - a goddess of night. She was a daughter of Chaos. She married Erebus.
*Nzambi - African bisexual creator god. Associated with the sky and mother earth.