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*Qebehsenuf - Egyptian god who protected the intestines of the deceased. One of the four sons of Horus.

*Qetesh - Egyptian goddess of love, nature, and beauty. She was depicted as a beautiful nude woman, standing or riding upon a lion, holding flowers, a mirror, or snakes. She is generally shown full-face, which is unusual in Epyptian artwork. She can be invoked for matters of the heart, fertility, beauty, and self-esteem.

*Qin-shu-pao - A Chinese guardian god of the double doorway, one of the Men-shen. Originally a general from the Tang Dynasty.

*Quetzalcoatl - An Aztec deity whose name means 'feathered serpent', a god of the air or a sun-god and a benefactor of their race who instructed them in the use of agriculture, metals and the like. According to one account, he was driven from the country by a superior god and on reaching the shores of the Mexican Gulf promised his followers that he would return. He then embarked on his magic skiff for the land of Tlapallan.

*Ra - Egyptian sun god, can be likened unto the Christian God, as a supreme deity and creator. He created the 8 great gods and the human race came from his tears. Usually depicted as a human with a falcon or ram head. The sun was either his eye or his body. He traveled the sky every day, passing over the lands and then going into the underworld. Because of this legend, he is considered to be the god of the underworld. Ra also stopped wars between humans because he was too decent to let them perish. He may be invoked for cat magick.

*Rafu-Sen - Japanese goddess of plum blossoms.

*Rahu (Hindu) - demon that causes eclipses. He rides a chariot pulled by eight black horses, with his mouth wide open, ready to devour the sun or moon. If he succeeds, a solar or lunar eclipse will follow. He is usually portrayed as a dragon's head, without a body. In Tibet he is the Buddhistic lord of the nine planets, and one of the Krodhadevatas (terror-inspiring gods). There he is portrayed with nine heads and the body of a snake.

*Raiden - Japanese thunder god. He likes to devour navels so children must be dressed to cover their stomach.

*Raijin - One of the Japanese gods of thunder. Raijin is depicted as a muscled man carrying a series of drums, which he uses to make the rumbling sound of thunder. According to some legend, he and Fujin were originally demons who opposed the gods. The great Buddha ordered his army to capture them. After a severe battle between the two demons and 33 gods, the demons were captured and converted.

*Raiju - A Japanese demon whose name means "thunder animal". It is a demon of lightning in the shape of a cat, badger or weasel. During thunderstorms it becomes extremely agitated and leaps from tree to tree. If a tree shows the marks of lightning, people say that Raiju's claws have scratched it open. The demon likes hiding in human navels, so, if afraid, a person should sleep on his or her belly during thunderstorms.

*Rakshasa / Raksha (India) - they are a classification of evil spirits who, on occasion, can sometimes also be friendly. They often battle the gods and are thought to hurt people at night. The Rakshas are led by Ravana, their king, and are the eternal enemies of Vishnu, one of the foremost divinities of the Hindu pantheon. The Rakshas are the descendants of Rishi Kashyapa, a sage and a seer. They usually appear in the shape of a dog or a bird with a fat body, or as a skeleton.

*Raktavija - The Hindu general of the demon army.

*Ran - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of storms. She ruled the realm of the dead and was wife of Aegir. She was vicious and destructive. She symbolizes the element of water.

*Rati - Hindu goddess of love and wife of Kama, the god of love.

*Rat-taui - An Egyptian goddess.

*Raum (Unk) - a count of hell. Lesser Dem. Raym. Earl. Form of a Blackbird (or Arabic Genii). Grants love spells and reconciles enemies, but is willing to destroy cities or reputations.

*Rauni - Finnish thunder goddess. Forest mother, spirit of the mountain ash. She was one of the most powerful deities and wife of the god of thunder. Invoke during childbirth for a painless and safe delivery.

*Ravana - The ten-headed demon king of Ceylon in Hindu myth.

*Ravi - In Hindu myth, one of the Adityas, the guardian deities of the months.

*Re - The most important of the Egyptian gods, the personification of the (midday) sun. According to the Heliopolitan cosmology he created himself from a mound that arose from the primeval waters of Nun or out of a primordial lotus flower. He then created Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), who in turn engendered the earth-god Geb and the sky-goddess Nut. Re was said to have created humankind from his own tears and the gods Hu and Sia from blood drawn from his own penis.

*Renenutet - An ancient Egyptian cobra goddess of harvest, portrayed as a snake of with the head of a snake. She is a fertility-goddess and regarded as nurturer of children, and tutelary deity of the Pharaoh. With her gaze she could vanquish all enemies, but with the same gaze she could also ensure the fertility of the crops and the bounty of the harvest. During the harvests on fields and vineyards offerings were made to her. Also known as Renenet.

*Renpet - Egyptian goddess of the year, youth, and spring. Portrayed as a woman wearing a palm shoot on her head.

*Reret - An Egyptian hippopotamus goddess.

*Resheph - The Egyptian version of the Sumerian Aleyin/Amurru, originally a vegetation god, regarded by Egyptians as a warrior.

*Reshpu - Near Eastern (Syrian) god of thunderbolts and lightning. Associated with prosperity and eternity.

*Rhiannon - Celtic (Welsh) goddess or horses and birds considered the counterpart of the Gaulish goddess Epona. She symbolizes fertility, the moon, enchantment, charms, and poetic incantations.

*Rhibus - The Hindu craft gods, equestrian and solar deities.

*Rimmon - Near Eastern (Babylonian-Assyrian) storm god. Also symbolizes the element air, love, fertility. Also known as Rammon, Rammanus, Adad.

*Robigo - Roman goddess of grain. Her name means "mildew", and she was especially worshipped to protect the wheat crops from mildew during damp seasons.

*Robur - The Gaulish god of oak trees.

*Rofocale (Roman) devil, Lucifer's second name as is synonymous with the Devil himself. In addition to being the Potentate of Evil, he has control over the world's treasury.

*Roma - Roman goddess of Rome itself.

*Ronwe (Unk) - the demon of knowledge. In some accounts - a lesser demon. Commands 19 Legions

*Rosier - Demi-Dem. Love, The patron devil of seduction, Rosier tempts humans to fall in love. He puts syrupy words of love on the mouths of mortals and causes them to act like fools. His adversary in Heaven is Basil.

*Rosmerta - "The Great Provider". Celtic goddess of fertility and wealth. Her symbols are a cornucopia [horn of plenty] and a stick with two snakes. She may be invoked for fertility or money.

*Rudianos - A Gallic local god.

*Rudra - In ancient Vedic myth, Rudra ("howler") is the malignant god of storm and wind, and is also considered to have been the god of death. He is the personification of the uncultured nature. Rudra fires arrows of sickness at gods, men and animals. He is the father of the Maruts, who are occasionally called Rudras. His appearance and nature changes largely with the emerging of Hinduism. Rudra became a beneficent and beautiful god, the lord of the animals and the patron of hunters. His name changed into Shiva, and is since then one of the most prominent deities of Hinduism.

*Rumina - Roman goddess of child and animal suckling.

*Ryo-Wo - The Japanese god of the sea, called 'the Dragon King'.

*Ryujin - "Luminous Being". The Japanese dragon god of the sea. Ryujin lives in Ryugu his palace at the bottom of the sea. His daughter Otohime (Toyo-Tame) married prince Hoori. The sea-king is depicted with a large mouth. Turtles are regarded as his messengers.