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*Saa - The Egyptian personification of intelligence.

*Sabazios (Phrygian) - the snake. Serpent worship.

*Sabrina - The Celtic river goddess of the river Severn (southwestern Great Britain).

*Sadhyas - Minor Hindu gods who guard the rites and prayers of greater gods.

*Sae-no-Kami - A group of Japanese deities who guard the roads.

*Saga - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of good memories and the past. She is the daughter of Odin and can be invoked for remembrance.

*Sai - The Egyptian personification of destiny. In Greece called Psais.

*Sakhmet - A fiery and destructive Egyptian goddess associated with war and divine vengeance. Her name means "the Mighty One" and she was depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness. Her main center of worship was the Old Kingdom capital of Memphis. It was there that she was worshipped as a member of a divine triad with her husband Ptah and her son Nefertem. She was also worshipped in Luxor.

*Sakyamuni - Japanese name for Buddha.

*Salacia - Roman goddess of spring water. Called Amphitrite by the Greeks.

*Salbatanu - A Babylonian planet-god; Mars.

*Samael (Unk) - it is thought this angel of death was the demon who tempted Eve. Also the prince of air. This is merely another name for satan. His name is a combination of the Hebrew Sam, meaning poison, and el or angel. He is the devil of death and prince among demons and magicians. In some traditions it is he who slithers into the Garden of Eden and seduces Eve, thereby impregnating her with Cain. Sammael and Satan are often confused, and thus are interchangeable and is quite difficult for females to resist. Sammael is said to have a great appreciation for human art and is considered to be the first art critic

*Sambo-kojin - The Japanese god of the kitchen. He has three faces and two pairs of hands.

*Sammael - (May not exist but as a metaphor). Samiaza, Uriel, Satan, "The Adversary," Lucifer "Light Bearer," Salamiel, Diabolus, Melek Taus,"The Devil," Apolloyon, Aminadar, Abbadon. The Destroyer. Leader of Demon Locusts from Revelations; Angel of the Bottomless Pit, "The Angel of Poison," "The Angel of Death.""Emperor" of Hell, Eblis, Iblis, Shaitan. Rules 1st Hour of the day. He has 444 serving spirits. He has 4 wives. As Lucifer, he appears as a young boy. Monday. March & May. Rules spirits of Europe and America. As Samiaza, he was chief of the Fallen Angels in rebellion to God. (Hebrew) "venom of God"

*San-guan - "Three rulers", the name for three Taoist deities, namely Tian-guan, Di-guan, and Shui-guan. They play an important part in the religious life on the Chinese. All three rulers keep a register of the good and evil deed of people.

*San-qing - "The three pure ones". The name of the three Taoist heavens and the three deities inhabiting them. The first of these heavens is Yu-qing, the Heaven of Jade Purity, and is inhabited by Yuan-shi tian-zong. According to some sources, this first and highest heaven is also ruled by Yu-huang. The second heaven is called Shang-qing, the Heaven of Great Purity, and is reserved for Ling-bao tian-zong. The third heaven is Tai-qing, the Heaven of the Highest Purity. It is ruled by Tao-de tian-zong.

*Saone - A Celtic river deity.

*Sao-Ts'ing Niang - Chinese goddess of the clouds and the end of drought.

*Saranyu - In Hindu myth, the wife the Surya, the sun-god, and sometimes regarded as a dawn-goddess.

*Sarasvati - Hindu goddess of all knowledge. She created the alphabet, the arts, mathematics, music, and magic. Also a river goddess.

*Sargatanas - Lesser Dem. Brigadier General of Infernal Spirits. Teaches secrets. Invisibility, Teleport, Open any Lock. Commands many brigades.

*Sarpanitum - Near Eastern (Babylonian-Assyrian) goddess of earth, the sweet waters, wisdom, and knowledge. Wife of Marduk, daughter of Ea.

*Satan /Hebrew, Shaitan / Arabic - The Adversary. Lord of fire. Fire Elemental. Satan is the vice president of Hell, second only to Luzbel the Devil himself and a significant player in the hierarchy of Hell. His name means adversary in Hebrew, and he is the angel who occupies that role in the Old testament, One of Yahweh's angels of destruction, it is Satan who rains misfortune on the head of poor Job. In the new testament, Satan becomes synonymous with the Devil. It is Satan who tempts Eve through the serpent and plagues Jesus in the desert. Often confused with Lucifer, Satan also was a Seraphim bedecked with twelve wings, twice the amount customarily allotted to an angel of that rank. It may be that Satan really is the Evil One, Prince of Hell, but enough writers and artists have depicted him as Lucifer's principal vassal that he merits a separate entry. Satan tempts humans into anger, in addition to every other sin imaginable. Satan was overthrown by Uriel.

*Satanachia (Hebrew/Greek) / Sataniciae - devil. Same as Satan. Put Satanachia, "The Supreme," Sarakmyal, Sarquamich, Charpon, Kasdeya, Grand General, Commander in Chief. Commands the 1st Legion of Hell, "The Great Legion." Rules 6 chiefs (4 favorites) and 6 subalterns. Rules 87 demons under Samael (44 favorites). Makes women submissive. 3rd hour of the night. As Kasdeya, he was the "5th Satan" who taught men the secrets of destruction. As Sarakmyal, he was one of the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.

*Satet - the Egyptian goddesss of inundation (the yearly flooding of the Nile) and fertility. She was also connected to the star “Sept.” The beginning of the flood season was when the star returned to the night sky. Her name comes from the root “sat” which means to shoot, to eject, and to throw.

*Sati / Satis - Egyptian goddess of the elephantine. Symbolizes the element fire.

*Sati - A Hindu goddess. She was the daughter of Daksha and the wife of Shiva. When Shiva mistreated her father, she threw herself onto the sacrificial fire and burned to death.

*Saturn - Roman god of agriculture and ruler of the golden age. Also known as Kronos, Chronos [Greek].

*Satyrs - In Greek mythology the satyrs are deities of the woods and mountains. They are half human and half beast; they usually have a goat's tail, flanks and hooves. While the upper part of the body is that of a human, they also have the horns of a goat. They are the companions of Dionysus, the god of wine, and they spent their time drinking, dancing, and chasing nymphs. The Italian version of the satyr is the faun, while the Slavonic version is the Ljeschi.

*Saule - ("the sun") is the most powerful of Latvian heavenly goddesses. She is the goddess of the sun and of fertility, the patroness of all people having misfortunes, especially orphans (as the only one to substitute the mother, to warm the child; mother is compared to Saule speaking of kindness, and bride as speaking of beauty). She is the mother of Saules meitas or meita (plural or singular). She is said to live on the top of the heavenly mountain (some model of world), where she rides during the day in her chariot. At night she sails with her boat on the world sea. The motif of permanent motion is apparent in this image, as well as the idea of the sun shining somewhere else during the night. Of course, the diachronic aspect is to be taken into account. In several cases she appears as the ruler in heaven, especially in relations with Meness.

*Savitar - All-powerful Hindu god of the sun. He had a golden tongue and golden eyes. He cut off his hand as a sacrifice, so the priests gave him a gold hand in place of it.

*Seb - As the son of Shu and Tefnut, Seb was the Egyptian earth god. He was masculine, contrasting with the tradition that the guardian of the earth was usually female. Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys were his children and he was brother and husband to Nuit. In early Egyptian history, Seb was known as Geb or Keb, but in later forms of the language it became Seb. Seb’s sacred animal and symbol was the goose; he was often referred to as the “Great Cackler.” His skin was either green or black. The green represented the the color of living things and the black was the color of the fertile Nile mud. It was believed that Seb imprisoned wicked souls, so they couldn’t ascend to heaven.

*Sebek - An ancient Egyptian crocodile god, sometimes identified with Re or with Seth, and regarded as the son of Neith. He symbolized the might of the Egyptian pharaohs. His cult was widespread, but the center of his cult was the Faiyum (later also Kom Omba and Thebes). Sebek is depicted as a crocodile or in human form with the head of a crocodile. He was crowned either by a pair of plumes or by a combination of the solar disk and the uraeus. Also known as Sobek.

*Sechat-Hor - Another Egyptian cow-goddess.

*Sed - An Egyptian 'saviour' god.

*Segal - Demi-Dem. Causes prodigies to appear.

*Segomo - The Gaulish (Continental Celtic) god of war and victory.

*Seker - Egyptian god of light and protector of souls passing to the underworld. Usually depicted with the head of the hawk, and wrapped like a mummy.

*Sekhmet (Egyptian) - goddess of sunset, destruction, death, and wisdom. Originally created by Ra from his fire to be a creature of vengeance who would punish humans for their wrongdoings. However, she became a loving goddess of peace and compassion, and a protectress of the righteous. Symbols are the lion and the desert. She symbolizes health, rebirth, fire, and wisdom.

*Selene - "The Radiant", "The Well Dressed Queen". Greek moon goddess and teacher to the magicians and sorcerers or sorceresses. She was a beautiful woman with long wings and a halo of gold. Daughter of Hyperion and Theia, sister of Helios and Eos. She symbolizes the moon. Also known as Phoebe.

*Selket - Egyptian scorpion-goddess and helper of women in labor, often shown as a beautiful woman with a scorpion on her head. Her scorpions would strike death to the wicked, but she saved the lives of the innocent people who were stung by scorpions. she was also viewed as a helper of women in childbirth.

*Semiazas(Unk) - said to be the chief of all fallen angels.

*Sengen - The goddess of the sacred mountain of Fujiyama and the blossom-goddess. She guards the secret well of eternal youth, dispensing its water of life to only a few people. Her shrine is located at the top of the mountain. Worshippers greet the rising sun there. Sengen is often referred to Ko-no-Hana-Saku-ya-Hime ("the princess who makes the tree-blossom bloom") and Asama ("dawn of good luck"). Sengen is depicted as a young girl scattering tsubaki, pink blossom. She is also known as Ko-no-Hana.

*Sengen-Sama - Chinese goddess of the sacred mountain Fujiyama.

*Sentait - Another Egyptian cow goddess.

*Sepa - An Egyptian chthonic god.

*Septu - An Egyptian god of war.

*Sequana - Celtic river goddess. Health.

*Serapis - Ptolemaic god of the afterlife and fertility, devised by the Greeks from Osiris and Apis. Physician and helper of worshippers in distress. Symbolizes health/healing and fertility.

*Sergulath - Demi-Dem. Serguiath. Gives means of speculation & strategy.

*Sergutthy - Demi-Dem. Chief. Power over opposite sex.

*Serket - "She who causes the throat to breath". An Egyptian scorpion-goddess, and an early a tutelary deity of the Egyptian monarchs. She is one of the goddess who guards the canopic jars containing the viscera of the deceased. From this association she came to be a tutelary goddess of the dead. She is represented as a woman with a scorpion on her head or with a scorpion-shaped headdress, but also with a scorpion body and a human head. Serket was called upon to avert venomous bites and stings.

*Serq - A form of the goddess Isis. She is usually depicted in the form of a woman with a scorpion upon her head; occasionally she appears as a scorpion with a woman's head, surmounted by disk and horns.

*Sesha - A Hindu thousand-headed snake god of the Vedas. He was said to have been born from the mouth of Balarama just before his death. Sesha was chief of the Nagas, a clan of snake worshippers.

*Seshat - The Egyptian goddess of writing, mathemetics, and building schemes. She is also associated with libraries, letters, archives and historical records. She keeps track of the royal annals, with the ruling periods of every king and the speeches that were spoken during the crowning rituals. She also assisted the pharaoh mark out the boundaries of a temple in a ritual known as 'stretching the cord'. She is depicted in human form with a star or rosette above her head, wearing a leopard-skin robe, holding a scepter made of a notched palm branch on which she recorded the jubilee years. Seshat is regarded as a daughter of Thoth.

*Sesmu - The Egyptian god of oil and wine pressing.

*Set (Egyptian) - god of darkness and evil. Known for murdering his brother, but was also revered as a protector of Egypt. Set was one of the earliest Egyptian deities, a god of the night often identified with the northern stars. He was variously hailed as a source of strength, and a protector, especially from the serpent Apep. Within Egyptian theology, there are conflicting opinions regarding Set's strength and warlike resolution. At first, pictures of a god with two heads- that of Set, as the god of darkness, and that of his brother Horus, god of light, appeared. At first this was a symbol of harmony, the union of polarities. However, later, it was regarded as a symbol of the conflict between dark and light. Set is depicted as being untamed and wild looking with white skin and fiery red hair. He is symbolized by barren wastelands and deserts. Also known as Seth, Seti.

*Seth - The ancient Egyptian god of chaos, the embodiment of hostility and even of outright evil. He is also a god of war, deserts, storms, and foreign lands. As the god of deserts he protects the caravans which travel through the desert, but he also causes sandstorms which brings him into conflict with the fertility god Osiris.

*Sethlans - The Etruscan god of fire and blacksmiths. His appearance is similar to the Greek Hephaestus and the Roman Vulcan.

*Shabriri (Jewish Myth) - a demon who strikes people blind.

*Shai - Egyptian god of destiny and fate. Also known as Shait.

*Shaka-Nyorai - The historical Japanese Buddha. Virtue, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual lessons, self understanding. [Chinese.]

*Shannon - Celtic (Irish) goddess of the river Shannon.

*Shasti - A Hindu protective goddess of children.

*Sheila-na-gig - The goddess of fertility in British-Celtic mythology. She prominently displays her genitals in an attempt to allay the power of death. With the advent of Christianity she is portrayed (even on the outside of English churches) as a female demon to ward off evil.

*Shen Yi - The Chinese sun god. When the earth was scorched by the heat of ten suns, he shot nine with his arrows and became the ruler of the remaining one. This feat earned him the title of "Heavenly Archer". The goddess Xi Wang-mu granted him the drought of immortality, and he went to the abode of the immortals. His wife Heng O tried to drink the draught too, but he caught her before she could drink all of it. As a result, she did not reach Heaven and had to settle on the moon. The wind god Fei Lian is his eternal enemy. Sheng Yi is portrayed with a sun in his hand.

*Shen-nung - Chinese god of agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, and health. Symbolizes the element of air.

*Shichi Fujukin - A group of seven Japanese Shinto gods of luck. They are often portrayed in a ship of treasures, called Takara-Bune. The Shichi Fujukin ("seven happiness beings") are: Benten, Bishamon, Daikoku, Ebisu, Fukurokuju, Hotei, and Jurojin. At Sanganichi, the Japanese New Year, people pray to them after cleaning their houses thoroughly.

*Shiko-Me - In Japanese mythology, the Shiko-Me are female devils.

*Shinda - The Ainu fertility god of the Japanese island Hokkaido. Before every meal the Ainu give thanks to Shinda as 'he who feeds us'.

*Shine-Tsu-Hiko - The Japanese god of the wind. He fills the void between heaven and earth. Together with his wife Shine-To-Be he holds up the earth.

*Shiva (Hindu) - "The Cosmic Dancer", "The Great Lord". Represents the aspect of the Supreme Being which continuously dissolves and recreated. Shiva is both a creator and a destroyer, he is associated with both the changes of the seasons and the balance and constant conflict of good and evil. This is the cycle of the universe; birth-death-rebirth. He is the third member of the Hindu Trinity, along with Brahma and Vishnu. He is also a god of mercy and compassion and protects man from evil. Elementally, he corresponds to air and fire.

*Shoki - The god of the afterlife and exorcism. He is the chief enemy of the oni, a group of devils. Shoki is similar to the Chinese Zhong gui.

*Shoney - A Celtic sea deity recognized in Britain.

*Shou-Hsing - Chinese god of long life and old age. He was the keeper of the book with the life spans of men. Symbolizes longetivity.

*Shu - "The Dry One". Egyptian god of the air represented in human form. Personifies the sun's light. Appears as a warrior, lion, or lion-headed man with a feather. Symbolizes the element air, and possibly fire.

*Shui-guan - One of the San-guan. Shui-guan is the Ruler of Water. He helps the believer to overcome obstacles. All three rulers keep a register of the good and evil deed of people.

*Shui-Khan - Chinese god who defends men against evil and forgives their wrongdoings. Symbolizes forgiveness, aversion of evil, and the element of water.

*Sia - A primeval Egyptian god personifying the mind. She was born from a drop of blood from the penis of Re. Her consort is Hu.

*Sidragosam - Demi-Dem. Make any girl dance in the nude.

*Sif - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of corn, crops, summer, and fertility. Symbolizes fidelity, friends, peace, and domestic matters.

*Sileni - Greek woodland gods or spirits, closely connected to the satyrs. They were occasionally referred to as being half-man half-horse, in stead of half-man half-goat. The Sileni were portrayed as lechers and drunkards, bald-headed and pot-bellied, with thick lips and stub noses, and with the tails and ears of a horse. The flute and lyre are their attributes. The Sileni can often be found in the company of Dionysus. Later mentioned as only one Silenus, the tutor and companion of Dionysus.

*Si-ming - The "Lord of Fate", who determines the life span of each individual. He keeps a register of the transgressions and omissions of mankind, of which he informs Tai-yi, the Supreme One, at the same time asking him to lengthen or shorten the life span of the individual accordingly. He has two books, the Book of Death, containing the names of all who must die, and the Book of Live, those of the immortals.

*Sirchade - Demi-Dem. Silcharde. Thursday is its day of power. Makes one see all sorts of magical & mundane animals.

*Sirona - The Gaulish goddess of astronomy, and goddess of the Mosel Valley.

*Sjofn - In Norse myth, Sjofn is the goddess who inspired human passion, she was also a goddess concerned with causing men and women to think of love. It was her duty to stop fights between married couples.

*Sjofna - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of love.

*Skadi - Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of winter, darkness, black magic, and hunting.

*Smertios - The Celtic war-god who was especially worshipped by the Gaulish Treveri peoples. He is portrayed as a bearded athlete who, with a club, is about to kill a snake.

*Song Di - The king of the Third Hell of Chinese myth. Here people are punished who were guilty of unfilial behavior, disobedience, disloyalty, and rebellion. He is honored on the eighth day of the Second Moon.

*Sonnilion, Sonnillon (American) - goddess of hate.

*Sopdet - The Egyptian fertility goddess who personifies the Dog Star, Sirius. With the appearance of Sirius at dawn in July (the 'heliacal rising') the annual inundation of the Nile began, a phenomena ascribed to Sopdet. Thus she became associated with the fertility and prosperity resulting from the annual floods. In a papyrus dated from ca. fourth century BC, Isis identifies herself with Sothis as she laments the death of Osiris. Later Sopdet merged with Isis entirely. She is depicted in human form wearing the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt surmounted by a star. Her Greek name is Sothis.

*Sopedu - The Egyptian god of the eastern frontier and the eastern desert, of the Sinai peninsula and of the turquoise mines in the Sinai. In the Pyramid Texts he impregnated Isis in her manifestation as the star Sirius, whose appearance in July heralded the annual inundation of the Nile. Isis subsequently gave birth to the composite deity Sopedu-Horus. His primary cult center was at Saft el-Henna in the north-eastern Nile delta. Sopedu was depicted either in the form of a falcon or as a Bedouin crowned with tall plumes.

*Styx - ("hate") is the Greek goddess of the river of death in the underworld. She was usually said to be the daughter of Erebus and Nyx. She was married to Pallas by whom she had Zelus, Nike, Cratos and Bia. The gods swore their oaths by this river, for violating such an oath would result in the loss of their immortality.

*Succor-Beloth - Another indigent devil who tempts humans to lechery, Succor-Beloth preside over the Devil's harem.

*Succorbenoth (Unk) - demon of jealousy and said to protect gates and bridgeways.

*Succumbus, Succubus - female demon of seduction. Said to seduce males while sleeping. Note various spellings. Plural - Succubi.

*Succubi (Sumerian) devil.

*Sucellus - Celtic (Gaulish) god of agriculture and the forest, ferries souls to the underworld. His consort is Nantosvelta.

*Suitengu - The Japanese child god of the sea.

*Sukuna-Biko - The Japanese dwarf god who is associated with healing, agriculture, and hot springs. His mother is the goddess Kami-Musubi. He is mentioned as the King of Izumo.

*Sul - The Celtic British goddess of hot springs, especially at Bath (Aquae Sulis).

*Supay (Inca) - god of underworld.

*Sura - The Vedic goddess of wine.

*Surgat - Demi-Dem. Sunday is its day of power. It can open any locks.

*Susanoo - Japanese thunder and storm god, mischief maker. Also associated with rain, bravery, trees, snakes, agriculture, and the seas.

*Svaha - a minor goddess who was called on when offerings were made. She is best known as the consort of Agni. He character began as a nymph, and she gained divine status as a result of her connection to Agni. In one story, she disguised herself and came to Agni for six nights. As a result of this union, the god Karttikeya was born.