*Tages - An Etruscan deity who possesses wisdom. He appeared from a groove when a field was newly ploughed and taught the gathered Etruscans the skills of divination and augury. Tages is portrayed as a young man with two snakes as legs.
*T'ai-Yueh-Ta-Ti - Chinese god of the affairs of men, protected humans and animals. Symbolizes fortune, fate, destiny, children, animals, karma, prosperity, protection, success.
*T’an-mo (Chinese) - couterpart to the devil, covetousness desire
*Tai-sui-xing - The Chinese god of time and the planets. His name means 'Star of the Big Year', referring to the planet Jupiter (with an orbital period of twelve years).
*Tai-yi - "The Supreme One", also known as Da-yi "the Great One". During the Han Dynasty, Tai-yi was venerated as part of the triad of the three ones (San-yi) and became a personified deity. The followers of his cult believed that he was assisted by Si-ming, the Ruler of Fate. Tai-yi became the highest deity and was said to dwell in the polar star, while the five legendary emperors (as rulers of the cardinal points) became his subjects. He is also venerated together with the god of the sun. In Taoism, specifically the Inner Deity Hygiene School, he is the most important deity within the human body.
*Tai-yue da-di - The most important and most popular of the Taoist mountain deities. He is considered to be the ruler of Earth and mankind. The Great Ruler of the Eastern Peak (the sacred mountain Tai-shan) regulates human affairs and determining the time of a person's life and death. In a register he keeps track of the lives and reincarnations of people. He has the power to decide their social position, wealth, and progeny. His superior is Yu-huang, the Jade Emperor. Tai-yue da-di has an enormous administration to help him with all the responsibilities, which is an exact copy of the administration of the state. It consists of various departments, such as one for births, one for deaths, one for determining a person's fate in the light of his good or bad deeds, and so forth. The administrative staff is recruited from among the dead. Tai-yue da-di is portrayed in imperial dress and his facial expression is impersonal. In the houses of Taoist families it is not his image that is venerated, but rather his seal or amulets dedicated to him. Those attributes have to power to dispel evil spirits.
*Tailtiu - An Irish-Celtic earth-goddess, nurse of Lugh. She raised him until he is able to carry arms.
*Taishaku - The Japanese name for the Indian god Indra.
*Takami-Musubi - The primordial sky god of Japanese Shintoism, the Creator. He is the great generative spirit of divine love from whom all beings spring. He rules the world together with his wife Amaterasu. He is the grandfather of Ninigi-no-mikoto, the founder of the Japanese imperial dynasty.
*Takemikadzuchi - A Japanese thunder god.
*Taki-Tsu-Hiko - The Japanese god of rain.
*Talassio - A Roman marital-demon who was called upon when the bride was taken to the house of the groom. He is supposed to have been a friend of Romulus and played a part in the stealing of Sabine women. The term 'Talassio' was used when the bride entered her new house.
*Taliesin - Celtic (Welsh) god of song, chief bard of the west, patron of druids and a shapeshifter.
*Tamesis - The Celtic goddess of fresh waters. Her name survives in the English River Thames and in Tamise, a French name for the Schelde (Scheldt).
*Tammuz - The Akkadian vegetation-god, counterpart of the Sumerian Damuzi and the symbol of death and rebirth in nature. He is the son of Ea and husband of Ishtar. Each year he dies in the hot summer (in the month tammus, June/July) and his soul is taken by the Gallu demons to the underworld. Woe and desolation fall upon the earth, and Ishtar leads the world in lamentation. She then descends to the nether world, ruled by Ereshkigal, and after many trials succeeds in bringing him back, as a result of which fertility and joy return to the earth. In Syria he was identified with Adonis.
*Tamon - Japanese god of the north and luck.
*Taouris - An ancient Egyptian goddess of pregnancy and birth (from ta-weret, "the great one"). She is represented as a female hippopotamus with a huge belly, standing upright on her hind legs.
*Tapio - Finnish god of water and woods. Invoke to have an abundance of game when hunting.
*Tara - "Queen of Physicians". Hindu, Buddhist. The first female buddha and a teacher of the gods. Protectress against fears that block people from happiness. She saves those who call her name when they are suffering or need her help. Symbolizes wishes and health.
*Taraka - the name of a powerful Hindu demon who threatened to subjugate the world. He was able to grow so powerful because he had followed his austerities to such an extent that he became more powerful than the gods. Fearing his power, the gods went to Shiva, imploring him to help them against this terrible threat. Shiva created a champion, Karttikeya, to combat the foe. When he was ready, Karttikeya went forth and the two battled. Karttikeya was able to destroy the demon, and so rescued the world.
*Taranis - Thunder". The thunder-god of ancient Gaul, and master of the sky. He may be compared to the Roman Jupiter, although his place in the Celtic pantheon was not as prominent as that of Jupiter in the Roman pantheon. His attribute is the wheel, which could be the symbol of thunder. The Romans described as receiving human sacrifices.
*Tarvos Trigaranos - The Gallic bull god who is known chiefly from a monument on the Seine (near Paris). Here he is honored along with Esus, Vulcan, and Jupiter.
*Tatenen - "Exalted Earth". A primeval Egyptian earth-god who represents the mound (or hill) that arose from the primordial water. He is represented with the horns of a ram and wearing a crown with feathers. At Memphis he was connected to Ptah (Ptah-Tenen) in his aspect as a creator god, and also with Horus. As a vegetation god, he could be portrayed with green skin.
*Tatsuta-hime - The Japanese goddess of autumn.
*Tauret - "The Great One". Egyptian goddess of childbirth. She was depicted as having the head of a hippopotamus, the arms and legs of a lion, the breasts of a woman, the tail of a crocodile, and a great swollen belly like a pregnant woman. Her fierce and strange appearance was supposed to frighten away any spirits that were a threat to the safety of the baby. She is often in the company of Bes, the dwarf god. Pregnant women in Egypt used to wear amulets bearing the goddess' head. Also known as Taweret, Taurt, Apet, Opet.
*Tawrich - the personification of hunger. She belongs to the Daevas, a group of demons. Her eternal opponent is Haurvatat.
*Tecciztecatl - An Aztec moon god.
*Tefnut - Egyptian goddess of precipitation and clouds. Her sacred animal is the lion.
*Telesphorus - A Greek deity with healing powers, son of Asclepius and brother of Hygieia. He cult originated in Hellenistic times at Pergamum (ca. 200 BC). Telesphorus was portrayed with a wide cloak and a low hood, occasionally wearing a with a Phrygian cap. Images can be found on coins and reliefs from Asia Minor.
*Tellumo - A Roman divinity who symbolizes the growth of nature. He is the masculine counterpart of the goddess Tellus.
*Tellus - Roman goddess of the world, protector and developer of sown seeds.
*Tellus Mater - Ancient Roman earth goddess.
*Tempestes - The Roman goddesses of storms (tempests).
*Tenenit - The Egyptian goddess of beer.
*Ten-gu - Tormenting spirits from Japanese folklore. These bogeymen, with their long noses and beaks, live in mountains and forests and are especially after children. Their leader is Sojo-bo.
*Tenjin - The Japanese god of learning and calligraphy. He taught humans to write their language.
*Teoyaomqui - The god of dead warriors in Aztec mythology.
*Tepeu - The Quiché Mayan creator god and god of the power in the sky. He is one of the seven deities who assisted in creation.
*Tepeyollotl - The Aztec earth and cave god. He causes earthquakes and also the echo is thought to be made by him. The jaguar is his animal.
*Tephi - Celtic (Irish) goddess who co-founded tea.
*Tephros - Demi-Dem. a.k.a. Ephippas, Wind Demon, spirit of Ashes. Causes Darkness and fires. As Bultala, Thallal, or Melchal, agents of the angel Azael, he cures fevers, etc.
*Terminus - The Roman deity protecting the boundaries between the fields. Actually, the stone that marked the border was thought to be a sacred object with divine powers. Each year, on February 23, the feast of the Terminalia was held. At this ceremony people poured sacrificial blood over the stone and placed wreaths of flowers to renew the powers of the stone. Later, people began to regard the stone as a god. The god Jupiter, who also protected the borders as Jupiter Terminus or Terminalus, was closely connected with Terminus. Legend has it that Terminus was the only god who did not give way to Jupiter when he moved into his temple on the Capitol. In this temple, a boundary stone was worshipped as the stone of Terminus. It was also believed that a curse was placed on anyone who would remove a boundary stone.
*Terpsichore - One of the nine Muses of ancient Greece. Terpsichore is the Muse of dancing and the dramatic chorus, and later of lyric poetry. Hence the word terpsichorean, pertaining to dance. She is usually represented seated, and holding a lyre. According to some traditions, she is the mother of the Sirens with the river-god Achelous. She is also occasionally mentioned as the mother of Linus by Apollo.
*Terra - "Earth". The personified Roman goddess of the earth. She is also a fertility goddess, known as Bona Dea.
*Terra Mater - The Roman 'mother earth', the goddess of fertility and growth. Her most prominent festival was the Fordicidia on April 15 where cows being with young were sacrificed. Another festival was the Feriae Sementivae ("the sowing feast in January") where offering where made to her and Ceres before harvesting.
*Teteoinnan - The Aztec mother of the gods.
*Teutates - an ancient Celtic god who was worshipped especially in Gaul. He is the god of war, fertility, and wealth. His name means "the god of the tribe", from the Gallic touta which means "tribe" or "people" (similar to the Celtic tuatha). Teutates is also known under the names of Albiorix ("king of the world") and Caturix ("king of the battle"). Human sacrifices were made to appease him. He is the equivalent of the Roman god Mars.
*Tezcatlipoca (Aztec) - god of night and all material things. He carried a magic mirror that gave off smoke and killed enemies, and so he was called “god of smoking mirror.” He was god of the north. As lord of the world and the natural forces, he was the opponent of the spiritual Quetzalcoatl, and sometimes appeared as a tempter, urging men to evil. Punishing evil and rewarding goodness, he tested men’s minds with temptations, rather than trying to lead them into wickedness. He was also god of beauty and war, the lord of heroes and lovely girls. He once seduced the goddess of flowers, Xochiquetzal, wife of the god Xochipilli, because such a lovely goddess was a good match for him, being a handsome war-like god. Yet he appeared most frequently as a magician, a shape shifter and a god of mysterious powers. His animal symbol was the jaguar, which was sometimes believed to take human form, like the werewolf of European folklore. According to another source he was the god of hell.
*Tezrian (Armenian) - goddess of war.
*Thalia - The Muse who presided over comedy and pastoral poetry. She also favored rural pursuits and is represented holding a comic mask and a shepherd's crook (her attributes). Thalia is also the name of one of the Graces (Charites).
*Thalna - The Etruscan goddess of childbirth. She is often found in the company of the god Tinia, who is presumably her consort.
*Thamuz (Sumerian) - devil. An ambassador of hell. Said to have started the inquisition and to have invented artillary.
*Thanatos - The Greek personification of death who dwells in the lower world. In the Iliad he appears as the brother of Hypnos ("sleep"). Hesiod makes these two spirits the sons of Nyx, but they had no father. In the theater Thanatos was sometimes introduced as a character. His attributes are an inversed torch, wreath, or butterfly.
*Thaumas - ("wonder") is a Greek sea god and the son of Pontus and Gaia. By the Oceanid Electra he fathered the Harpy and Iris.
*Theia - a minor Greek goddess, one of the Titans. Her husband and brother is Hyperion with whom she had three children - Helios (the sun), Eos (the dawn) and Selene (the moon).
*Thesan - The Etruscan goddess of the dawn, and the patroness of childbirth. She shows some similarities with the Roman Aurora.
*Thor - Norse (Scandinavian) God of thunder and fighter of giants. Thor was amongst the most powerful and important gods of this pantheon. The sound of thunder was believed to be the rolling of his chariot. He had a magic hammer which he threw with the aid of iron gloves, like a boomerang, it always returned to his hand. When Christianity was introduced and began to spread throughout Iceland, many Norse gods were quickly diminished. Thor, on the other hand, lived on for quite some time. His symbol, the hammer named Mjollnir, is still common in Nordic artwork. Little silver hammers were made in smith's shops along with Christian crucifixes, and there have been molds discovered with the cross and the hammer side by side. He also lives on in the day of the week named after him -- Thor's day, or as it is commonly known, Thursday. Thor symbolizes protection, defense, safety at sea, agricultural fertility, law, order, justice. Also known as Thunar, Donner, Thunor, Donar.
*Thoth (Egyptian) - god of wisdom, considered to be a messenger between the gods and the god of the underworld. A vizier to Osiris. His animal symbols are the ibis and the baboon. He is a god of the moon, and is associated with magic, communication, time, mathematics, scholarship, music, medicine, astronomy, drawing and writing. Also known as Tahuti, Djeheuty.
*Thoueris - Egyptian hippopotamus goddess of fertility, women and childbirth.
*Thriae - three Greek, holy sisters who are virgins. They recieved their name, Thriae, because they are lesser goddesses of nature who can foresee the future or foretell the unknown by inspiration, magic, signs, or omens. They learned the art of prophesizing from the god Hermes. Some suggest that they are meant to be white-haired and old or that the image is supposed to look like bees covered with pollen. They appear to be women with wings; probably their hair is literally powdered with white flour. They live under a ridge of Mt. Parnassus, and the word Thriae means "pebbles," because the future was foretold by tossing pebbles.
*Tian Hou - Tian Hou (Tin Hau in Cantonese), literally Empress of the Sky, is a goddess said to protect fishermen. Many temples in her honor can be found along the coastline of China where there are, or were, fishing communities.
*Tian-guan - The Ruler of Heaven and one of the three rulers, the San-guan. He bestows wealth and good luck. All three rulers keep a register of the good and evil deed of people. Tian-guan is usually shown standing and holding a scroll with the inscription "The Ruler of Heaven bestows good fortune", and for that reason he is venerated as a god of good fortune.
*Tian-mu - The Chinese goddess of lightning whose name means "Mother of Lightning".
*Tian-wang - The Celestial Kings of Chinese myth, also known as the world protectors. These demonic-looking creatures dwell on the world mountain Meru. They are the guardians of the four quarters of the world and of Buddhist teaching. They fight against evil and protect places where goodness is taught. Their bodies are protected by armor and they wear helmets or crowns on their heads. Images of them can be found in every Chinese and Japanese monastery.
*Tiberinus - The Roman god of the river Tiber. When Aeneas and his Trojan exiles arrived in Latium, the god assisted them. Later Tiberinus also appeared to Aeneas to give him advise. The Volturnia was his festival. His is the father of Ocnus with Manto. There existed a cult of Tiberinus in the early days of Rome, but practically nothing is known about it now.
*Tibertus - The god of the river Anio, a tributary of the Tiber. Legend has it that he founded the Italian city Tibur (Tivoli).
*Tien-Kuan - Chinese god of happiness and well-being.
*Tinia - The supreme sky god of the Etruscans, who lives in the northern part of the sky. With his wife and the goddess Menrva he forms a triad of gods. His attributes are a cluster of lightning bolts, a spear and a scepter. The Romans equated him with Jupiter.
*Tistrya - The Persian god associated with the rains and fertility, the personified deity of Sirius the Dog Star. He leads the armies of Ahura Mazda against the forces of evil and he defeated the archdemon Apaosa. The forth month and the thirteenth day of the month are dedicated to him. He shows some similarities with the Armenian god Tir.
*Ti-Tsang Wang - Chinese god of mercy. Wandering in the caverns of Hell, a lost soul might encounter Ti-Tsang Wang, who will do all he can to help the soul escape hell and even to put an end to his eternal round of death and rebirth. Long ago, Ti-Tsang Wang renounced Nirvana so that he could search the dark regions of Hell for souls to save from the kings of the ten underworlds. Once a priest of Brahma (Hinduism), he converted to Buddhism and himself became a Buddha with special authority over the souls of the dead.
*Titivulus - Demi-Dem. Nuncio for Dispater. Also demon who causes scribes and computers to screw up.
*Tlacolotl - The Mayan god of evil.
*Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli - "Lord of the Dawn". The Aztec god of the planet Venus as the morning star. He was considered to be an incarnation of Quetzalcoatl.
*Tlaloc - Aztec god of growth, making plants sprout. He was a hard god to please as he required constant human sacrifice. God of fertility, thunder, water, mountains, rain, hail. Also known as Tlaloque.
*Tlaltecuhtli - The Aztec earth monster god, called 'Lord of the Earth'.
*Tlazolteotl - Aztec goddess of the crescent moon. Often referred to as the dirt goddess. A horrendous aspect of the goddess. She rode naked on a broom holding a red snake and a blood stained rope. The Aztec earth and mother-godddess, and goddess of sex. Tlazolteotl was also called "the eater of filth", and she got this name from the legend that at the end of a man's life she comes to him and he more or less confesses and she cleanses his soul, eating it's filth. She was also the mother of childbirth.
*Tloquenahuaque - The unknown god of the Aztecs, believed to be a creator god.
*Tmolus - A mountain deity who was the arbitrator in a musical contest between Apollo and Pan.
*Toeris - An old-Egyptian hippopotamus goddess.
*Tohil - The Quiché Mayan fire god.
*Tonacacihuatl - An Aztec goddess. She is the wife of the creator god Tonacatecutli. She is the female principle.
*Tonacatecutli - the food giving god in Aztec mythology. He set the world in order at creation, dividing sea and land: sometimes said to be the same as Omteotl. Maya supreme god/goddess who was both male and female at once. The name means ‘the being at the center,’ and was thought of as the still point of the center of a moving ring, where everything is at balance and at rest. In Aztec mythology there were two beings, the god, Ometecuhtli, and the goddess, Omecihuatl, who were the source of all life.
*Tonantzin - An Aztec mother-goddess.
*Tonatiuh - The Aztec sun-god, god of warriors. Those who die in his service are rewarded with eternal life. He presides over the fifth (present) Aztec world age.
*Tou-Mou - Chinese god who was a record keeper, judge, and scribe.
*Toyota Mahime - Japanese sea goddess.
*Toyo-Uke-Bime - Japanese goddess of earth and food and agriculture.
*Toyouke-Omikami - The Japanese goddess of grain. Her shrine, geku, is traditionally served by a priestess, saigu.
*Tozi - Aztec mother goddess, healing, nature, mother of the gods.
*Trimasael - Demi-Dem. Chief. Teaches chemistry, alchemy and illusion.
*Trivia - In Roman mythology, Trivia is the personified deity of crossroads, derived from the Latin trivium ("meeting of three roads"). She was represented with three faces, and sometimes identified with the Greek Hecate.
*Tsai-Shen - Chinese god of wealth, abundance, and success.
*Tsao-Wang - Chinese heart god; symbolizes the element of fire.
*Tsi-Ku - Chinese goddess of the outhouse. Prophecy.
*Tsuki-Yumi - The Japanese Shinto god of the moon, the brother of the sun-goddess Amaterasu. He was born from Izanagi's right eye, when he returned from the underworld. As soon as Tsuki-Yumi was born he climbed up the Ladder to Heaven and rose majestically.
*Tuchulcha - An Etruscan demoness of the underworld. It is a horrible, winged creature with snake-hair and the beak of a bird.
*Tuoni - Aztec god of death and the underworld.
*Turan - The Etruscan goddess of love, health, and fertility, and the patroness of the city Vulci (in the current Italian province Viterbo). Turan is usually portrayed as a young woman with wings on her back. The pigeon and black swan are her symbolic animals and she is accompanied by the Lasas. Her Roman equivalent is Venus.
*Turel - Bariel, Belial, Behemoth, Beliar, Rasiel, Ziminar. "The Beast," "Without a master." "King of the North." Commands 66 Legions. He rules 10 cohorts or choirs.
*Turms - The Etruscan god who guides the deceased to the underworld. He is the messenger of the gods and, like his Greek equivalent Hermes, he wears winged shoes and carries a heralds' staff.
*Tushnamatay - The Persian goddess of meditation, mother of thought.
*Tvashtri - the artisan god of Hindu myth. He is the giver of life, forming husband and wife when they are born. He was the son of Adita and the father of Surya, the sun god. He created the three worlds with the shavings from the sun. It was he who built the heavens of Yama, Indra, and Varuna. He also crafts the weapons and tools of the gods, most notably Indra's thunderbolt Vajra. He created the moon to be the cup which held the divine drink Soma. Tvashtri is also referred to as a Brahman who wished to dislodged Indra from his throne. To do this he instilled upon his son Trisiras some of his power. When Indra slew Trisiras, Tvashtri created the demon Vritra to exact his revenge.
*Twen-Ch'ang - Chinese god of literature and poetry.
*Tyche - A Greek goddess, originally of fortune and chance, and then of prosperity. She was a very popular goddess and several Greek cities choose her as their protectress. In later times, cities had their own special Tyche. She is regarded as a daughter of Zeus (Pindar) or as a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys (Hesiod). She is associated with Nemesis and with Agathos Daimon ("good spirit"). Tyche was portrayed with a cornucopia, a rudder of destiny, and a wheel of fortune. The Romans identified her with their Fortuna.
*Tyr - The original Germanic god of war and the patron god of justice, the precursor of Odin. At the time of the Vikings, Tyr had to make way for Odin, who became the god of war himself. Tyr was by then regarded as Odin's son (or possibly of the giant Hymir). He is the boldest of the gods, who inspires courage and heroism in battle. Tyr is represented as a man with one hand, because his right hand was bitten off by the gigantic wolf Fenrir (in old-Norse, the wrist was called 'wolf-joint'). His attribute is a spear; the symbol of justice, as well as a weapon. At the day of Ragnarok, Tyr will kill the hound Garm, the guardian of the hell, but will die from the wounds inflicted by the animal. In later mythology, "Tyr" became to mean "god". He is also known as Tîwaz, Tiw and Ziu.
*Tzakol - A Mayan sky god.
*Tzitzimime - An Aztec stellar god.