Begin with a purification bath. Light the twin candles on the altar and burn a protective
and/or cleansing incense. Fill your chalice with fresh water (be sure to consecrate it) and
blessed salt. Kneel or assume the Goddess position as you say:
So mote it be."
Take up the chalice of salt-water, face the east wall, dip your fingers into the water, raise your hand and say:
Then sprinkle some extra water and proceed to the south. Say:
Repeat in the west:
Repeat in the north:
Then proceed around the room sprinkling water over all the thresholds,windows, and doorways and in all corners. REPEAT IN EVERY ROOM.
Add more incense to the burner, take up, and do the same thing, using the same verses substituting "fire and air" in place of "salt and water." As before, proceed around the room censing all the thresholds, windows, doorways, and in all corners. REPEAT IN EVERY ROOM.
Take the fire candle (or a candle for this purpose) and your athame and, starting at the door or entrance, walk slowly CLOCKWISE through the house, through each room pausing at each door, window, and mirror and moving the candle across it, also pentagramming each window, doorway, and mirror with the athame. Proceed room by room spiralling clockwise. All the while chant the following:
"By the One Power
I hereby consecrate this space
To the Goddess and the God,
According to free will
And for the good of all;
I hereby release,
In all time and all space,
Any negative cause, effect, manifestation, form or essence,
Any negative event, thought, energy, idea or vibration,
And transform it to
And replace it with
Only positive, joyous good
In keeping with the Universal harmonies
Of the Goddess and the God.
This space is divinely protected
This space is perfectly safe.
Nothing and no one can enter this space
Unless I (or my loved ones) allow them to.
This space is sacred
Consecrated and dedicated to positive living
For myself and my loved ones
And for the work of positive magick.
No harm can come to this space, or anyone in it."
As you draw each pentagram say:
When you are back at the entry point conclude:
And so mote it be!"