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Greetings and peace to all visitors. Welcome to the Natural Envvironmental Development and Resorces Agency for Somalia. The NEDRA has been created in order to overcome the problems relating to the natural and environmental resources in Somalia. NEDRA wants to pave a process of comunity development based on a sustainnable exploitation of natural assets in somalia, their restoration and conservation. NEDRA is Non-Profit Organisation based in Nairobi (Kenya) where it born two years ago. This Web page is aimed to be a virtual base for all those (Somalis and non-somalis) who are interested in a sustainable development and healthy envioronment in Somalia as well as in elsewhere in Horn of Africa. The work of NERDA's Homepage construction has jus began and we'll be trying to enrich it's contents in the very near future. we're also concerned of the page's look and shape. However, to know more about the Agency you may wish to clikc here .For instace, if you have any question or suggestions, please send an email. THANKS.

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