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Never run in a straight line. This makes you a very easy target to hit. Try to make your moves as unpredictable as possible, in order to confuse prospective enemies.

If running long distances, use your knife or sidearm (or no weapon at all ) instead of your primary weapon. When carrying a light weapon you will actually move faster.

Always have a cover in mind. Use trees and other vegetation, rocks and small hills for shelter. Always run small distanges at a time. If there's more than about 50 meters you will probably get hit by enemy fire before you get there.

The uniforms in Delta Force is specially designed to provide optimum camouflage (see screenshots below), so if you are in an open field and there's no cover in sight, go prone and lie still. Because of your uniform you will hopefully blend in with your surroundings, and is now capable of getting a much better view of the situation. This manoeuvre highly reduces the chances of getting spotted, but obvious only work if you have not already been seen.

Jungle camouflage Desert camouflage Arctic camouflage


Throw a grenade, and lie down in the smoke created by the explosion. This will make it look like you have been hit by a grenade or a LAW, and any incoming enemies will think you are dead. The smoke won't last for long, but it will give you time enough to put a bullet in them.



As a sniper, always head for the high ground. But don't pick a hill in the middle of the battlefield. It's better to lie in a safe distance, or else you will probably get spotted very quickly. When you choose a possition you should only be able to see aproximately 50% of the battlefield. The rest should be covered by dirt. This is better than having a full overview, because if you can see everything, you are also very visible to your enemies. Remember to choose a spot where your camouflaged uniform will blend into the surroundings. But do not stay in the same possition too long. You will be spotted and eliminated.

You must always be as stealth as possible. Avoid standing up, unless highly necessary. Try to crouch into position instead of running. It will take some time, but it's a lot safer.

Use your binoculars instead of your scope, to spot targets at great distances. It has a much wider field of view, although it's not as powerful as the Barrett or the Remmington's scope (only 4x). But it gives a better overview.

Do not fire at targets more than 1 km away, unless you are a highly experienced sniper. Of cause it depends on your weapon's range, but the longer the shot, the more the bullet falls. It will take some practise to calculate exactly how much the bullet falls, but it is possible to learn. If you aren't that experienced try to concentrate on closer targets. Otherwise you will just waste your ammo.

Mainly fire at still targets. Hitting a moving target is very difficult, and your tracers will soon reveal your position. You should only take the shot if you are possitive to make the kill.

Here again the camouflaged uniform comes in handy. Shoot down a palm and hide in the large leafs (see screenshot below). This makes you almost impossible to see. But don't stay there too long. There are probably others who are aware of this trick and to them, you constitute an easy target.

Nicely camouflaged, huh


If you are getting shot at while lying down, don't just panic and run for your life. You're gonna get a bullet in your back before you know it. Stay down and try to locate the attacker. Some may think this sounds stupid, but the fact that you're not yet dead means either that the attacker doesn't have a clear shot or he is simply very inexperienced. either way you have a good chance of survival. If your position refuses the attacker to get a clear shot, just lie still and wait untill he gives up. If he is just inexperienced you should try to find him by following his tracers, and then fire a couple of rounds at him. This may make him get up and run. A very stupid act which clearly shows the inexperience with the attacker. You should be able to pick him down easily.


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