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Alexander Boggs

A successful ranch and stockman of Albany County, Wyoming, is the subject of this sketch, Alexander Boggs, whose residence is at Pollock, in that county. A native of Indiana, he was born in 1848, a son of Matthew L. and Amanda (Stackhouse) Boggs, both natives of Pennsylvania, where the father was born on March 4, 18l3, and followed railroading in his native state as a conductor on the first railroad built in the state. He later established his home in Shelby County, Indiana, where he engaged in farming, in 1857, disposing of his farm be removed to Illinois and continued agricultural pursuits in Coles County until 1878, when he removed to Kansas, where be was occupied in the same pursuit up to the time of his wife's death, then he sold his farm and now makes his home with his children. He was the son of Alexander and Magdaline (Shafer) Boggs, both natives of Pennsylvania. Alexander Boggs, the grandfather, passed all his life in Pennsylvania, living to the age of 89 years, his wife Magdaline living to the remarkable age of 106 years. The mother of the subject of this writing was born in 1827, was married in 1844 and lied in Kansas in 1886, being the mother of eleven children, four boys and seven girls. Alexander Boggs of this review attained man's estate in Illinois and there received his early education in the public schools. At the age of eighteen years, he was compelled by poor health to leave school and engage in business for himself, first following the occupation of farming in Illinois, later removing to Minnesota and still later to Kansas, continuing in farming and stock growing operations until 1880, making his residence in the county of Rooks. In the spring of 1880, he came to the territory of Wyoming and settled on a ranch in the vicinity of Laramie and devoted his full energy to the business of raising cattle. In this pursuit he has met with success, increasing his holdings both of land and stock from year to year since that time, and he is now, the owner of a fine ranch, well fenced and with good improvements, suitable buildings and surroundings for a successful ranching and cattle raising business. In 1890 he was united in holy matrimony with Miss Delia Eychaner a native of New York and the daughter of Milton and Magdeline (Hamm) Eychaner, of the same state. The father of Mrs. Boggs is still living, engaged in farming in Iowa, but the mother passed away in 1879 at the age of forty-six years. She was the mother of nine children and was the daughter of John and Mary (Sawyer) Hamm, both natives of Germany. To Mr. and Mrs. Boggs four children have been born, namely: Fay, Pearl, Ethel and Roy, all of whom are living. Politically Mr. Boggs is identified with the Republican party and takes an active and patriotic interest in public affairs. He has never sought or desired political position, preferring to give his time and attention to the management of his business interests. He is one of the most respected citizens of the community where he resides.

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