Wyoming/Western Nebraska Obituaries - Index I
September 2013
Index of Obituaries from Wyoming and Western Nebraska
If you would like a copy of the obituary please send $10.00 for each obituary requested and SASE.
Send request to Phyllis Martin P. O. Box 671 Evanston, Wyoming 82931.
I can scan the obituary and send via e-mail.
If you want a paper copy of the obituary please send a SASE with request.
Iams, Yvonne N. 2000's
Iannelli, Dean P. - 2000's
Ibarra, Guadalupe - notice - scanned - 1940's
Ibarra, Juan - 2000's
Iberl, Karl 2000's
Iberlin, Michael 1990s
Ice, Daniel W. 2000's
Icenogle, Stanley T. Sr. 2000's
Ickes, Carrie 1890s
Ickes, Sylvia Bell 1930s
Ickler, Vivian Joy 2000s
Ida, Kennedy-notice-1930's
Iddings, Charles O. 1940s
Iddings, Lillian - scanned - 1950's
Iddings, Marietta M. 2000's
Iddings, Nanine Ray
Iddings, Paul Joseph 2000s
Ideen, Clarence E. - 1990's
Ideen, Helen 2000s
Ideen, Sarah - 2000's
Ideen, Warren Ray 2000's
Idhmael, Josephine - scanned - 1940's
Iewin, Ashlyn D. 1990s
Iglehart, B. C. Sr. - 1980's
Igo, Dorothy Louise 2000's
Igo, E. B,. - scanned - 1950's
Igo, John N. - scanned - 1960's
Ihde, Earl F. 2000's
Ihrig, Anna E. 1990s
Ihrig, Dr. James-2010's
Ihrig, Elmer G. 1960s
Iiams, Beulah Ray 1990s
Iiams, Dorothy 2000s
Iiams, Emma - 1930's
Iiams, Richard D. 1990s
Ijames, Lane
Ikeler, Margaret Ruth 2000's
Ikeya, Cecile-2010's
Ikeya, S. -1910's
Ikola, Herman - scanned 1940's
Ikuno, Frank M. - scanned - 1960's
Ikuta, Charles - scanned - 1940's
Iler, Robert Gordon 2000s
Iliff, Dustin-1970's
Iliff, John W. 1870s
Iliff, Ocea Viola 1990s
Ilkka, Gloria Eileen - 2000's
Ilkka, Matt P. 2000's
Illingworth, Mrs. Dale-notice-1940's
Ilnikal, Anton-notice-1940's
Ilsley, Harry-1950's
Ilsley, Helen L. 2000's
Ilsley, John P. 2000's
Ilsley, Robert - 1950's
Imbody, Tim . 2000's
Imes, Alice-1980's
Imes, Chancy - scanned - 1980's
Imes, Ethel . 2000's
Imes, Evelyn Marie - 2000s
Imes, Ivan - scanned - 1990's
Imes, Ruth - 2000s
Imes, Vernon-1980's
Imeson, Paul 1940s - scanned
Immel, Mary Mildred 2000's
Immesoete, Helen Marie 2000s
Immesoete, Helen Maxine 2000's
Immesoete, William Henry 2000's
Imus, Antoinette Toni 2000s
Imus, Fern K. 2000s
Imus, Harold - scanned - 1980's
Imus, Mabel E. - 2000's
Imus, Nathaniel - scanned - 1980's
Imus, Pegi-2010's
Inama, Pio - scanned - 1960's
Inama, Roney K. - scanned - 1960's
Inchauspe, John - scanned - 1930's
Indahl, Erma M. 2000s
Inderlied, Katherine - scanned - 1970's
Ineck, Edna - scanned - 1930's
Infant Daughter 1890s
Infante, Jose - scanned - 1950's
Ingalls, Adeline 2000s
Ingalls, Elda M. 1990s
Ingalls, Ray - 1960s
Ingalls, Velma E.
Ingalls, William - scanned - 1940's
Ingersol, Rodney-notice-2010's
Ingersoll, Carl A. child 1900s
Ingersoll, Don 2000s
Ingersoll, Dorothy - scanned - 2000's
Ingersoll, Eunice - scanned - 1940's
Ingersoll, H. O. Buss 1980s
Ingersoll, Hazel Mae 2000's
Ingersoll, Homer 2000s
Ingersoll, Joyce Renon 2000's
Ingersoll, Mrs. Marion-1950's
Ingersoll, Myrna Lois 2000s
Ingersoll, Oakley C. 1990s
Ingersoll, Richard E. 1990s
Inghram, Mrs. H. M. 1900s
Ingle, Charles-notice-1940's
Ingle, Chester B. 2000's
Ingle, Gloria Mae 2000's
Ingle, William 2000's
Ingleby, Joseph Jr. 2000's
Ingleby, Mary-1940's
Ingles, E. W. death notice 1920s
Ingles, Edith - scanned - 1940's
Ingles, G. W. (Bill) - scanned - 1960's
Ingles, William H. 1920s
Ingraham, Daniel S. 1990s
Ingraham, E. O. 1990s death notice
Ingraham, Elizabeth-2010's
Ingraham, Mrs. Bert - notice - scanned - 1930's
Ingraham, Orval Jr. 2000s
Ingraham, Thelma 2000s
Ingram, Clare Garner-1970's
Ingram, Dale Lynn 2000's
Ingram, Donald R. 2000's
Ingram, Ferrell James - scanned - 2000's
Ingram, Henry M. - 1930's
Ingram, Jimmie - scanned - 1960's
Ingram, John(Juan)-1950's
Ingram, Jolene - 2000's
Ingram, Michael Dale - 2000's
Ingram, Patrick K.
Ingram, Richard 1920's
Ingvoldstad, Richard-1940's
Ingwersen, Edwin W. 1920's
Ingwerson, Arthur Edwin 1980s
Ingwerson, Barbara - scanned - 1940's
Ingwerson, Dale 1970s
Ingwerson, Edwin 1920s
Ingwerson, Frank 1950s
Ingwerson, Jack L. 2000s
Ingwerson, Paul 1980s
Ingwerson, Richard - 2000's
Inich, Edith 2000's
Inkster, George - scanned - 1920's
Inman, Anna - scanned - 1940's
Inman, Bonnie June 2000's
Inman, Edmond-1940's
Inman, Edna Marie 2000's
Inman, Evelyn -1950's
Inman, Evelyn-2010's
Inman, George-notice-2000's
Inman, Jeffrey 2000's
Inman, Marlon 2000's
Inman, Mrs. Ichsah 1930s
Inman, Norman - scanned - 1990's
Inman, Roy 1980s
Innes, Charles V. 1990s
Innes, Cindy Hall - 2000's
Innes, Elizabeth Ann 1990s
Innes, Ronald Allen 2000's
Innes, Watson 1940's - scanned
Inness, Beatrice - notice - 1950's
Inness, Georgia-2010's
Inskeep, Vaughn 2000s
Inslee, Fern E.
Iodence, William J. - 2000s
Iorg, Robert-2010's
Ipsen, Karen I. 1980's
Ipson, William Robert Jr. - 2000's
Ira, John-1950's
Ira, Mary 1990s
Iredale, Agnes 1930s
Iredale, Cliff 1900s
Iredale, Garfield - 1910s - scanned - article
Iredale, James 1900s
Iredale, John 1900s
Iredale, John-1940's
Iredale, Joseph 1940s
Iredale, Mary - 1920s - scanned
Iredale, Mrs. Wm. Martha 1930s
Iredale, William 1950s
Irelan, Donald A. 1990s- scanned
Ireland, Amelia 1990s
Ireland, Anna Mae - 2010's
Ireland, Betty-1940's
Ireland, Edna - scanned - 1940's
Ireland, George - scanned - 1940's
Ireland, Kathleen 1990s
Ireland, Lola - scanned - 1940's
Ireland, Loren 1990s
Ireland, Marjorie Lee 1970s
Ireland, Melvin Leroy - scanned - 2000's
Ireland, Mrs. Mary E. 1920s
Ireland, Robert-1950's
Ireland, Thomas Daniel 2000's
Ireland, Wilbur J. 1920s
Irene, Adrienne - 2000's
Irene, Donald 2000's
Irene, Elmer O. 2000's
Irene, Julia Grace 2000s
Irene, Justin 1990s
Irene, Robert J. 2000's
Irene, Vernon Harold 2000's
Irene, Wilbert 2000s
Ireton, Carol Jean 2000s
Ireton, Frederick Raymond 2000's
Iriberry, Eitenne 2000s
Irion, Archie - scanned - 1910's
Irion, Charles H. - scanned - 1940's
Irion, Donald - scanned - 1970's
Irion, Donald-2000's
Irion, Marie - scanned - 1980's
Irion, Susan - scanned - 1920's
Irish, Gerald Albert 2000's
Irish, Norman Dean 2000's
Irish, Ronald L. 2000s
Iron Bear, Carolee-2010's
Iron Bear, Lincoln - scanned - 1970's
Iron Bear, Roger G. - 2010's
Iron Bear, Sylvan Lincoln 2000s
Iron Bear, Timothy-1940's
Iron Horse, Ernest - scanned - 1990's
Iron Horse, Martha- 2000s
Iron Rope, Ambrose - scanned - 1980's
Iron Shell, Red Feather 1980s
Iron Shell, Thomas 1980s
Iron Shell, Travis-notice-1990's
Iron, Florence 2000's
Ironeyes, Olivia C. 1990s
Ironhawk, Julia 2000's
Irons, Archie 1910s
Irons, Eugene L. 2000's
Irons, Helen 2000s
Irons, John - scanned - 1920's
Irons, Pauline Anna 2000's
Irsik, Gloria Jean 2000's
Irvin, E. M. - notice - scanned - 1920's
Irvin, Irene 1990s
Irvin, Janet-notice-2010's
Irvin, Mr. & Mrs. Porter - notice - scanned - 1940's
Irvin, Walter 2000s
Irvin, Willie - scanned - 1990's
Irvine, Abbiegal Bessie 2000's
Irvine, Dale 2000's
Irvine, Donald W. 1990s
Irvine, Duane Kenneth 2000's
Irvine, Edna - scanned - 1920's
Irvine, Edna-notice -1940's
Irvine, James - scanned - 1940's
Irvine, James-1960's
Irvine, John-1970's
Irvine, Julia R. 1990s
Irvine, Linda 1970s
Irvine, Mary Higdon
Irvine, R. W. - 1950's - scanned
Irvine, Van Rensselaer 2000s
Irvine, Villa Moore, -1980's
Irvine, W. C.-notice-1920's
Irvine, William-1960's
Irving, Charlotte - 1930's
Irving, Marian G. - 2000's
Irving, Mary 1980s
Irving, Vicki-2010's
Irwin, Bessie 1968 scanned
Irwin, Charles-notice-1930's
Irwin, Diane 2000s
Irwin, Elizabeth-2010's
Irwin, Eugene 1960s - scanned
Irwin, Frank - scanned - 1970's
Irwin, Fred - scanned - 1970's
Irwin, George - scanned - 1930's
Irwin, Laura Ruth Snyder 2000's
Irwin, Marguerite scanned 1980's
Irwin, Mildred E. 1990s
Irwin, Rayoming Russell - 2000's
Irwin, Reta W. 2000's
Irwin, Rev. James K. - 2000s
Irwin, Ruth 2000's
Irwin, Samuel F. 1970s
Irwin, Sargent-1930's
Irwin, Sophie - 2000's
Irwin, Susan - scanned - 1950's
Irwin, Walter - 1970s - scanned
Irwin, Willa 2000's
Irwin, William R. 1980's
Isaac, James V - scanned - 1970's
Isaac, Lovie 2000's
Isaacs, George E. 1990s
Isaacs, John - scanned - 1970's
Isaacson, John 1940s
Isaacson, Philip-notice-1940's
Isabell, Gilbert-1970's
Isabell, Roy Allen 2000's
Isabell, Sam - scanned obituary - 1950's
Isabell, Sammy-1970's
Isabell, Sharon Arlene 2000s
Isais, Benedicta 2000s
Isais, Juan R. 1980's
Isbell, Mrs. Anna Lydia 1920s
Isca, Allen 2000's
Ise, Sara Anne 2000's
Isenbart, Brooke Anne 2000s
Isenberger, Frank 1920s
Isenberger, Olive E. - 2000's
Isenberger, Pearl 2000's
Isenhart, Carl H. - scanned - 1960's
Isenhart, Dora - scanned 1980's
Isenhart, Ed - scanned 1940's
Isenhart, George Edward 2000's
Isenhart, Harold - scanned 1940's
Isenhart, Larry E. Sr. - 2000's
Isenhour, Eugene 1980s
Isenhour, Frank - scanned - 1930's
Iserman, Arthur 1940s - scanned
Isham, Harry-1950's
Isham, Marian 2000's
Isherwood, Claude H. - 1910s
Isherwood, Ella May 1940s
Isherwood, Gail - 2000's
Isherwood, John-1920's
Isherwood, Mrs. John L.- 1900s
Isherwood, Polly A. 1900s
Isherwood, Willard F. 1930s
Ishmael, Josephine - scanned - 1940's
Ishmael, Thomas Dale 1960s
Ishmel, Thomas-1940's
Isley, Harold 1980s
Isner, Charles J. 2000's
Isner, Gertrude Clifton 1930s
Isom, Claude death notice 1930's - scanned
Isom, David Dahn - 2000's
Isom, Harvey S. . 2000's
Isom, John - scanned - 1970's
Israel, Ada L. 1960s
Israel, Warren-1940's
Isreal, Mrs. Bert - scanned - 1930's
Iva M. Hixson 2000's
Ivarson, Donald Gordon - 2000s
Ivarson, Iola V. 2000s
Iverson, A. Howard - 2000's
Iverson, Andrew - scanned - 1970's
Iverson, Bessie 1930's - scanned
Iverson, Donald - 2010's
Iverson, Floyd 2000s
Iverson, George-1940's
Iverson, Isabella Renae - 2000's
Iverson, John - scanned - 1930's
Iverson, John Kelly 2000's
Iverson, Marguerite - scanned - 1960's
Ives, Betty Jean - 2000's
Ives, Dean Henry 1920s
Ivey, Ellen 2000s
Ivey, Mrs. C. L. 1910s death notice
Ivie, Carl B. 1990s
Ivie, Rulon death notice 1930's scanned
Ivie, Ryan K. 2000's
Ivory, Isaac 1940s scanned
Ivy, Charles - notice - scanned - 1930's
Ivy, Emma - scanned - 1990's
Ivy, Ethel M. 1980's
Ivy, Fay F. 1980's
Ivy, Patricia M. 1990s
Iwata, Mary - scanned - 1930's
Izatt, William - 1920s - scanned
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Nebraska/Wyoming Genealogy
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