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Barnett G. Rogers

Barnett G. Rogers of near Basin, stock grower, farmer and mail contractor a pioneer of 1884 in Wyoming is a native of Boone County, Kentucky where he was born on august 25, 1858 the son of Owen and Elizabeth (Carter) Rogers also natives of Kentucky. He was reared and educated in his native state and after leaving school began life for himself in the operation of a farm, the vocation to which he had been trained by apprenticeship and long application on his father’s place. In 1883 when he was but fifteen years of age he went to Texas and for a year engaged in the stock business in that state. In 1884 he came to Wyoming and locating at Lander was occupied for three years in the lumber business and then spent one year in California. In 1889 he returned to Wyoming and took up his residence in Bighorn County homesteading a portion of the land on which he now lives and giving his energies at once to its improvement and development. He has increased his ranch to 320 acres ad has made it a beautiful home enchanting its many natural advantages of scenery and feature by a judicious location of buildings and arrangement of trees and fine shrubbery. It lies along the Bighorn River, which not only enriched it meadows and annual freshness and verdure but also affords water for its other uses and fives variety to its outline and landscape. Here he runs a herd of 100 fine cattle and a large number of horses of good breeds and high grade. He also has a one-half interest in a coal mine near the ranch which is full of promise and is already yielding good returns for the labor expended on it. In addition to his other interests and occupations Mr. Rogers has for years carried the mails under contract between Thermopolis and Basin. Fraternally Mr. Rogers is connected with the Masonic order and has been for twenty years. He finds much pleasure in the social features of the order and thoroughly enjoys the teachings of its mystic symbolism’s. He was married in Bighorn County in 1898 to Miss Nina Mason a native of Illinois. They have one child, their son Alva. In the building and development of a new country where every man is obliged to bear his portion of the burdens and is entitled to his share of credit for the results in the full measure of his capacity and his activity, Mr. Rogers would anywhere have won a high standing as a man of Public spirit and enterprise. Here he has made a record that is creditable to him through work along the lines of healthy progress benefits to the neighborhood in which he lives. And in this department of public service aiding and sustaining whatever tends to the general weal he is ever foremost and zealous wise in counsel and diligent in action. He is highly esteemed throughout a large circle of friends and acquaintances and stands well and popular in the general public confidence.

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