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Gus A. Burg

A representative Swedish American citizen who has prospered in the land of his adoption, is Gus A. Burg, a prominent resident of Wood's Landing, in Albany County, Wyoming. Born in 1844, in Sweden, he is the son of Jonas Burg, his parents both being natives of the same country. His father was born in 1801 and followed the occupation of farming in Sweden up to the time of his demise which did not occur until he had arrived at the advanced age of ninety-five years. The mother was born in 1811 and passed away within two days of the death of her lifelong companion and they are buried side by side near the scenes of their lives activity. Gus A. Burg grew to man’s estate in Sweden and he there received his education, attending the public schools and availing himself of every opportunity at his command for the purpose of acquiring knowledge in early life. When he had attained to the age of twenty-one years he began life for himself, on a farm near the paternal home, where he remained for about one year, then came to America to ascertain the whereabouts of an elder brother, who had been a soldier in the Civil War in this country and had not since been heard from. In America he engaged in various occupations in different localities in the eastern states for about one year and then came to Omaha, Neb., where he remained for about one year, thence coming to Laramie, in the territory of Wyoming. In 1868 he engaged in railroading, on the Union Pacific Railroad, continuing in that employment up to 1874, when he located the ranch he now occupies, where he has since been engaged in stockraising. At first he entered in a small way in sheepraising and woolgrowing, but subsequently he changed his stock and has since devoted his energies to cattle raising, in which he is now engaged. Starting with two hundred and eighty acres of unimproved land he has added to his holdings, both of land and stock from year to year, until he is now the owner of a fine ranch consisting of over 1700 acres of land, well fenced and improved, with modern buildings and all appliances and conveniences for the successful conducting of the cattle industry, being one of the prosperous and thrifty property owners of the county. In 1884 he was united in matrimony with Miss Anna C. Matson, a native of Sweden. To their union have been born two children, Ames Oliver and Leonard C., both of whom are attending school in Omaha, Neb. Politically Mr. Burg is a stanch adherent of the Republican party, and for many years he has been active in the councils of that political organization and taken a leading part in the public affairs of the community where he maintains his home. Deeply interested in the work of the public schools, he has served as a member of the school board of his district, and has contributed liberally of both his time and means to the promotion of every worthy measure calculated to advance the best interests of his section of the state. He is widely respected as a successful, enterprising and public spirited citizen.

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