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Hon. Hiram D. Clark

Hon. Hiram D. Clark, now of Star Valley, Uinta county, was born at Farmington, Davis county, Utah, on February 13, 1856, his parents, Ezra T. and Mary (Stevenson) Clark, who descended from old Colonial New England stock, having come to that place from their Ohio home in 1848. The father was a native of Ohio and the mother, of an English ancestry, was born at Givraltar, Spain. Ezra T. Clark was a prosperous farmer, stockgrower and banker at Farmington, took an active part in the government of the county in which he lived, served there as county treasurer for a number of years and had a potential influence on local public affairs. In the church he was a high counselor and patriarch. He was twice married, and having eleven children by the first marriage and ten by the second. He died at Farmington in 1901, aged seventy-seven years, and was laid to rest with every demonstration of popular esteem amid the scene he had hallowed by his youthful labors an inspiring example of good citizenship. His widow, the mother of Hiram, still resides in Farmington and is universally esteemed. Hiram D. Clark was the sixth child of his parents. He was educated in the public schools and at the University of Deseret, now the University of Utah, at Salt Lake City, and, after leaving his school, h entered upon the pursuit the family had followed for generations, farming, carrying it on in his native state until 1880, when he removed to Idaho, whence after seven years of Idaho ranching having a varying success, he came to Wyoming in the spring of 1888, and has continued farming and stockgrowing ever since. His large herd of cattle consists almost entirely of graded Durhams, and his farm of 960 acres is one of the best and most highly improved stock farms in this valley. His residence is the finest frame house in this part of the county, and is supplied with every available modern convenience. He also owns much property of value in Utah, and is looked upon as one of the leading citizens of the county, and his counsel is freely sought by all classes of the people. As a county commissioner he has served his people materially and wisely, and has thereby won general commendation in an office, which is one of the most difficult of administration, as well as one of the most important, in the gift of the citizens. He has also acted as a trustee of his district for a number of years, and in this position also, has given general satisfaction. In his church, that of the Latter Day Saints, he is the Sunday school superintendent and a member of the bishopric. Mr. Clark contracted his marriage with Miss Anna E. Porter at Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 11, 1880. She was born and reared in Utah, a daughter of Alma and Minerva (Dent) Porter, who came to Utah in 1848. The Porters trace their American ancestry back to colonial times, they having been early settlers in Pennsylvania. The fruit of this marriage is ten children, all living: Eliza A., Mary M., Hiram D., Jr., Heber D., Edna, Alma P., Rachel, Rhoda, Rosel E., Zula.

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