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James M. Hoge

A successful and progressive stockman of Albany County, Wyoming, James M. Hoge, now a resident of Laramie is a native of Pennsylvania having been born in that state in 1853, being the son of Solomon and Sarah (Overturff) Hoge, natives of the same state. The father was born in 1815 and followed the occupation of farming in which he continued up to the time of his decease, which occurred in 1873. He was an active factor in the political life of the section where he resided, identified with the Democratic Party and he for many years held the position of Justice of the peace in his native county. He was the son of Thomas Hoge, also a native of the same state. The mother of the subject of this review is of German descent being the daughter of John and Sarah (Allison) Overturff, both natives of the Keystone State. She was a woman of remarkable strength of character and the mother of eleven children all of whom are living. James M. Hoge grew to maturity and received his early academical training in the schools of his native state and subsequently attended for a short time the college at Waynesburg, in that state. Leaving college at the age of twenty years he engaged in the business of civil engineering in Pennsylvania and later took up the study of the law and was in due time admitted to the bar of that state. Engaging in the practice of his profession he was soon thereafter tendered an appointment as clerk of the Probate Court by Governor Pattison which he accepted and served in that responsible position for about one year. In 1890 he removed his residence to Wyoming and established himself near the city of Laramie in the business of ranching and cattle raising. He has met with success in this line and he finds the occupation more congenial to his taste, if not more profitable than the practice of the law. He is now the owner of a fine ranch property of about 6,000 acres of land improved with good fences modern buildings and all the conveniences and appliance for the carrying on of a successful ranching and stock raising business. He gives especial attention to the breeding of fine thoroughbred and graded Herefords and Shorthorns, and is the owner of some of the most valuable animals in the state. By his energy enterprise thrift and progressive methods of conducting his business he is rapidly accumulating a handsome fortune and is one of the leading stockmen of his section of Wyoming. In 1878, while yet a resident of his native state he was united in marriage to Miss Martha M. McNeely, also a native of that state and the daughter of John and Catherine (Stockdale) McNeely, both natives of Pennsylvania. They have two children, Owen S. and Catherine E., both of whom are still living. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoge is noted for its refined surroundings and for the hospitality which they take pleasure in extending to their large circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Hoge is identified with the Republican Party taking an active interest in public affairs although he has never sought or desired any political position, preferring to give his time and attention wholly to the management and promotion of his private business. He is however a leader in the husbandry interests of the community where he maintains his home and enjoys the high esteem of all, His ability and popularity are such that should he desire to seek public honors his fitness for any position of trust or honor would be conceded by all classes of his fellow citizens.

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