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John H. Abbot

One of the leading commercial men and merchants of Carbon county, a resident of Hanna, Wyoming, John H. Abbot was born in Massachusetts, having been born in 1855, the son of Ezra and Caroline (Lincoln) Abbot, both natives of that state. His father, a native of Essex County, Mass., was born in 1807, and was graduated from the medical school of Harvard University, and practiced his profession at the town of Canton, Mass., attaining a high reputation and standing, until his death in 1871. He was the son of Ezra Abbot and his mother's maiden name was Hannah Poor, a member of the well-known family of Massachusetts. The Abbot family resided on land originally granted to a great-great grandfather of the subject of this review by George III, and he took an active part in the colonial life of the old commonwealth. The mother of John H. Abbot was born in 1837 and passed away from earth in 1879, being the mother of four children, of whom he was the second. She was the daughter of Abraham and Martha (Howard) Lincoln, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter of Maine. Her father early made his home in Bath, Maine, and one of his sons, Frederick Lincoln, was at one time mayor of Boston. John H. Abbot grew to manhood in Massachusetts and received his early education in the public schools, after which he pursued a course of study in pharmacy and was graduated in 1876, then removing to Omaha, Neb., where he obtained a position in a drug store and remained in this employment for about three years, thence removing to Oseocola, where he engaged in the drug business for about two years. He then sold out the drug store for the purpose of engaging in merchandising in the western portion of the state. He continued in that business for about fourteen years, then disposed of his interests and property in Nebraska, and removed to Wyoming, where he established himself at Hanna, Carbon county, where he was first a clerk in the Union Pacific Railway Company's general store, and was soon appointed as manager of the local business, in which capacity he has continued since that time. He has been successful, and is ranked as one of the leading merchants of this section of this state. In 1885 Mr. Abbot was united in marriage with Miss Jessie Gunnell, a native of Illinois, and the of daughter of 0. and Harriet (Mitchell) Gunnell, well-known and highly respected citizens of Illinois, who subsequently removed to Nebraska, where the father was for many years one of the representative businessmen of his section, but is now retired from active business, and residing at Osceola, Neb. To Mr. and Mrs. Abbot have been born four children, Amy G., Harriet M., George and John, all now living except John, who died in 1894. Mr. Abbot is a stanch member of the Republican Party, one of the trusted of the leaders of that political organization in Carbon County. Popular, progressive, and highly esteemed by all classes of his fellow citizens, he might, if be so desired, be the recipient of public honors in the state. He is one of the most valued citizens of the community in which he maintains his home.

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  • I received a e-mail from Roger Lincoln indiciating that some of the information in this article, from “Progressove Men of Wyoming”, was incorrect. I’m posting the information he sent and will add his e-mail address if you would like to contact him.

    Parents of Caroline Howard (Lincoln) Abbot:

  • Abraham Orne Lincoln; b. 18 Jun 1801, Boston, MA, d. 25 Jul 1839, Bath, Sagadahoc, ME, occupation, Sailmaker.
  • Hannah Sprague Wales; b. 1798, Bath, ME, d. 16 Apr 1867, Bath, ME.
  • Caroline born 4 Jul 1824 or '25, Bath, ME and died 21 Apr 1881, Andover, MA.
  • Abraham and Hannah had a son, Frederick Revere Lincoln, but he died unmarried in 1843 at the age of 19. The Frederick Lincoln who was mayor of Boston was Frederick Walker Lincoln, Jr., a one half nephew of Abraham Orne Lincoln.
  • Martha (Howard) Lincoln was actually Abraham's step-mother, - his father's third wife.

  • Roger Lincoln address:
  • Roger

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