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John B. Warren

Descending from distinguished American ancestors who were identified prominently with the Massachusetts colony long before the Declaration of Independence was drafted, the original English emigrant being one of the founders of the commonwealth, and also being connected collaterally with that distinguished physician of Boston, who as Gen. Joseph Warren, was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill, where he was in command of the Patriot troops, John B. Warren, now of Granger, Wyoming, has well maintained the loyalty and devotion of every generation of his American kindred by valiantly defending the integrity of the national flag on many a bloody battlefield of the civil war, and by his uniformly manly endeavor in the vocations of his peaceful life, where he has won material prosperity by the force of his native talents and industry, securing at the same time universal public esteem and confidence. It is eminently fitting that he should have a fixed place in this volume, devoted as it is to the progressive men of the state, and it is with pleasure that we here give a review of his active and eminently useful career. John B. Warren was born in Lapeer County, Mich., on February 7, 1837, a son of John and Elizabeth (Evans) Warren, natives of New York, the mother also descending from prominent English stock. The father was a farmer and stock raiser a quiet home loving man who wrought well in the station of life where Providence had placed him until came the summons of war, when one of the earliest of the citizens of his state to respond to the call of his country he enlisted on the First Michigan Engineer Corps, early in 1861, and followed the dangerous adventures of that organization through the first battle of Bull Run and numerous other hotly contested engagements until he was mustered out by death at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1862 at the age of forty-nine years. His widow is still residing at her Michigan home at the venerable age of eighty-five years. Having attained mature life and receiving the benefits of the excellent common-school of Michigan the inmate patriotism of the race impelled our subject to throw his energies and life if God so willed into his country’s defense and in 1863 he enlisted in Co. I of the same organization in which his father had served, the historic First Michigan Engineer Corps, with which he participated, in its bloody march through the South in the battle of Shiloh, Crab Orchard, Rock Creek, Lookout Mountain and many another lesser engagement, until October 15, 1864, when he was honorably discharged from service at Atlanta, Ga. Upon returning to civil life Mr. Warren engaged in lumbering operations in Michigan with his brother-in-law, Lester Weston, for about a year then started for the illimitable opportunities of the great West. In 1865 he outfitted at Leavenworth, Kan. And crossed the plains with a U. S. government train continuing with it until it arrived at Fort Douglas, Utah and he was thereafter connected with various industries for about three years when he returned to Denver, soon however removing to Cheyenne, Wyoming where he became identified with railroad work continuing to be employed in this capacity until May 10, 1869, when by accident he lost his right leg. Being thus incapacitated for a continuance of his labors there he came to Green River and was here employed by the railroad company until 1873 when perceiving a good opportunity he engaged in carpentry, in which he continued successful operations until he retired from active business but a short time since. He came to Granger in 1883, building there and for some years successfully conducting the hotel, which he now leases. He has erected and now owns several of the important buildings of the town and is considered one of the leading citizens of the community. Always willing to do his share in every public duty or private beneficence, Mr. Warren has faithfully and capably filled such of the public offices, as he would accept. He has been an able deputy sheriff and he was the second justice of the peace elected at Green River, Wyoming and was the first incumbent of the latter office at Granger, holding it by successive reelections until he would hold it no longer. Mr. Warren in 1873 wedded Miss Ruby Rumble, a daughter of henry Rumble, at Green River, Wyoming. On June 10, 1875, she was called from earth, leaving two children, John, who resides in Terrace, Utah and Andrew, now of Granger. He secured his second wife on June 23, 1884, in his marriage with Mrs. Sarah (Hughes) Edwards, who was the mother of four children by her marriage to James Edwards, namely, James Jr., now of Granger; Sarah, now Mrs. David Hughes, of Montpelier, Idaho; Barbara, wife of J. R. Brennan, of Montpelier and Gertrude, who yet lives with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Warren have had two children, Alice and Frederick, the latter meeting an untimely death in the railroad yards at Granger on December 2, 1885. Mr. Warren and his estimable wife exhibit in their cheery home the liberal hospitality of the West, many friends and strangers as well being the recipients of a truly home-like welcome and cheer.

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