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Marion J. Allamand

Marion Jacques Allamand was born in sunny France in 1868 and was reared and educated in his native land. Early in his manhood he turned his back upon his own country hoary as it is with glorious traditions of peace and war crowned with triumphs of art and science basking in sunlight of present propriety vivacious with an exuberance of spirit and vitality which must insure future welfare and continued greatness yes he left them all to seek in the wilderness of the New World a land wherein his personal hopes might expand and flourish and on which his domestic shrine might rise and be blessed. In 1892 he came to the United States and after spending two years in California came to Wyoming in 1894 located in the Bighorn basin and took up a homestead on which he started a stock industry handling sheep. This has expanded with steady progress until he now has 500 acres of land well selected for the business he conducts thereon and handles on an average 2,500 sheep with numbers of cattle and horses. Sheep form his staple line, however and to this branch of the stock business he has mainly given his attention with the result that he is considered one of the most successful and progressive sheep men in the state and is regarded as an authority on every phase of the sheep industry. Nothing that skill and enterprise has fashioned is wanting to the comfort and proper care of his flocks and the best interest of his family are well subserved in an artistic and commodious residence which he has erected on his ranch. He was married at Buffalo, this state in 1898 to Miss Hester Childs a native of Louisville, Kentucky and they have two children, Marquerite and Hester.

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