:::raNt of thE wEEk:::
EvERy wEEk i'm GoiNG to havE aNothER RaNt, aNothER stoRy, aNothER aRticLEs, LEttER, whatEvER... that symboLizEs why i'm pushiNG so haRd foR this much ovERduE rEvoLutioN... oh, aNd if you'vE Got somEthiNg that shouLd bE thE raNt of thE wEEk, you kNow whERE to sENd it.
:::this wEEk's EditioN:::
wEEk of 01/24/00: "computer hacking: an evolving culture"
wEEk of 11/29/99: "happenings in seattle"
wEEk of 11/7/99: "How to Piss Off Authority in Eight Easy Steps"
wEEk of 8/16/99: "The Price of Being Different"