-Learn the Frontside Tailslide-

-Performed by Dave Mayhew-

Step 1. Assuming that you have gone through the steps to learn ollies, 180s, and slides on curbs-the next thing is to put them together.
Step 2. Approach the curb or ledge at the speed you feel most comfortable with-but I think the faster you go, the longer you'll slide.
Step 3. Have your feet in the ollie position.
Step 4. Give yourself enough room so that when you've started to ollie, your board can clear the top of the object.
Step 5. Now that you have started to ollie, pretend like you're going to go all the way around 180.
Step 6. When you get over the object, push down on the tail.
Step 7. Let your body balance so that you slide. Sometime you have to lean back a little bit to help the slide
Step 8. Now that you're sliding, you can either come off forward or fakie. I remember when I first learned this trick, I would come off fakie-but do what you feel is most comfortable. To come off normal, simply point your nose back in the direction you are travelling. To come off fakie, push your back foot forward the remaining 90 degrees.
Step 9. Hopefully ride away smooth and fast.
Note: Once you get this down, you can also ollie out of the tailslide-it helps for control.