Other Neat Things Did you know : Ja-Kal's amulet glows red, Nefer-Tina's glows turquiose, Rath's glows green and Armon's glows yellow. Ja-Kal's background is blue, Nefer-Tina's is red, Rath's is green and Armon's is purple. Chontra can become a Medusa-like monster. I guess beauty is skin deep -- after all. Presley is born in San Francisco and doesnt seem Americanish! Everyone likes Rath because of his coolness! :) Rath speaks like an Egpytian. Only with a cute accent who's voice is v. rough. So we thank Scott McNeil! I got really sick of Nefer-Tina when i found out her voice was Cree Summers and not only that -- im sick of her 'hiiyahs!' (Not offending) I have a crush on Kimas, Arakh's son and i won't admit it. Voices : Presley - Bill Switzer Ja-Kal : Dale Wilson Rath : Scott McNeil Nefer-Tina : Cree Summers Armon : Graeme Kingston MORE Neat Things : HIIYAH! Don't you just love that quote? IT's by our friend, Nefer-Tina! I've really gotten used to that saying. Rath was totally tan last time. Did you ever wonder how to sleep upright when you're alive? I do. Lean on Nefer-Tina's or Ja-Kal's shoulders. At least you're standing up! Presley is really cute, don't you think so? But i've found out in some surveys, more people like Nefer-Tina more than Presley. Hmm.... In Sleepwalk Like An Egyptian, you've noticed that a certain scene was repeated again in 'Eye of the beholder'.