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From Nebraska's West Coast

 When Action Radio first began transmission, I claimed to operate "from The City Of Three Rivers" which was an obvious reference to Pittsburgh. At first I thought Pittsburgh was a cool city to broadcast from and then one day it hit me; I hate the sports teams and I hate the mayor! I had to find a "new place" to broadcast from.

I remembered a broadcast that I heard called Mystic Voices of the Western Prairies that mentioned the West Coast of Nebraska I decided to use that theme. I have driven across Nebraska twice and traveled it by train once. There isn't a whole lot there but corn and tumbleweeds (and cows).

The West Coast of Nebraska sounded like a good place to use and since Wyoming is so mountainous why not turn it into the Wyoming Sea.

Nebraska also has some good names of town that are excellent for parody and sitting one Sunday afternoon I created The Republic of Nebraska.

Some of the towns that I created were parodies (Like Sid-knee) and some were made up (like Turdfester). One town The Place With No Name came to me from an exit sign I saw in Colorado "No Name". Don't get me wrong, Nebraska people are really great. I'll never forget the hspitality shown to me during a car break down in Sidney so don't think that I poke fun at Nebraska because of the people. I just do it because it is a great place to make fun of.




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