Action Radio Web Page CREDITS!

 Angelfire provides easy and free homepages. They are providing the space on their server to host the Action Radio Page, free of charge! For this Imust take the time to thank them and pass along to you that if you are ever searching for a place for aweb-page, please give Angelfire a look.

  • Radio Animal
    Radio Animal has provided Action Radio with a lot over the years. In the beginning of Action Radio he provided Heathkit DX-60 for a transmitter. He also took and repaired my E.F. Johnson Viking II and modified the audio for better sound. On this web-page, Animal has assisted me in numerous ways! The sounds you hear were set up by him along with a all of the pictures. Without his help and know how, Action Radio and this page would not be much of anything. For all the help that Animal has provided, I am grateful.

    Radio Animal & The WKND Staff

    Above picture created and © by Bob Drake

  • You...
    You have taken the time to come here and look this page over. Without YOU this page and Action Radio would be nothing. That means that You deserve credit and thanx also!



    E-Mail: Action Radio
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