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The Night Of The First Broadcast

The night of the first broadcast was quite interesting. It was 4th of July Weekend and I had just come back from the famous G.S.O.T. in Belfast, NY. While I was there I met Radio Animal from the station WKND. He offered to get assist me in any way he could at getting Action Radio on the air.

I called him and he said he had stuff ready to go and I would have to come pick him up. That was no problem and I drove to his place and picked him up. When we got back to my place we decided to go into my studio and record a "first broadcast" and air it after dark.

We finished the broadcast and went outside to hook the antenna up to the transmitter. Conditions weren't quite right for a broadcast so we decided to air the first broadcast of Radio Fornication while we waited for an opening in the bands.

We were standing out in the driveway listening to the station on my receiver and noticed the elderly couple across the street looking at their TV. We was wondering if there might be something good on TV that drew their interest so intent on the TV. We also was wondering if we were causing QRM on their TV. Our questions were answered after the "F-Word" was uttered a few times on the show. Everytime the "F-Word" was mentioned the old lady's hand went to her mouth in disbelief. We figured it out, they were hearing the audio which we were transmitting over shortwave on their TV! We didn't care because we knew at least one household was hearing the transmission.

After the Fornication show ended we decided it was time to air the Action Radio broadcast. The oldsters were out on their porch cooking out and we knew that they wouldn't have the TV on for awhile. The Action Radio show went out to quite a many people that night. I was finaly glad to actually be on the air rather than just talking about it.


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