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undefined Anime For Sale!

Saber Marionette J - complete series on VHS- all with clamshell cases, watched one time. Excellent condition.

Ranma 1/2 - Watermelon Beach OVA. Official release, Region 1 dvd with Japanese/English sub or dub. Excellent condition.

Amazing Nurse Nanako - vol 1. Official release episodes 1-3, Region 1 dvd with Japanese/English, sub or dub. Excellent condition.

Real Bout High School - vol 4. Official release, Region 1 dvd with Japanese/English, sub or dub. Excellent condition.

Sakura Wars The Movie- Official release, collector's edition with package of card/pencilboard thingys. Region 1 dvd with Japanese/English, sub or dub. Excellent condition.

Sakura Wars OAV 2 - vol 1. Official release, Region 1 dvd with Japanese/English, sub or dub. Excellent condition.

Devil Hunter Yohko- Complete set, OAVs 1-6. Official ADV tapes, Japanese with English subtitles. Watched a few times, still in good condition.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - 5 tapes, some never watched- will have to look up the volumes. Official ADV tapes, 4 tapes w/original boxes, good condition.

Shipping is $7 in U.S.
Paypal preferred, Money orders also accepted.
Please email me at to order.