Evangelion - New Testament by S. Porter story at: http://angelfire.com/ne/aion/evafic.txt picture: http://angelfire.com/ne/aion/eva.html Neon Genesis Evangelion copywrite Gainex, ADV, etc... This is a fictional story based on events in the TV series and movies, not to be sold, distributed without permission, etc. Story subject to change as I write more and find editing necessary... PART I Prologue (spoilers- End of Evangelion) The red Eva lay torn and beaten like a giant bloody carcass being scavaged by eyeless white vultures. Asuka lay unconciouss, fortunately oblivious to the sensation of flesh torn from frame. The white Evangelions turned from the red corpse of Unit 02 and lifted into the sky, drawn by the site of Eva unit 01. Their purpose would be fulfilled, in a ceremony to end the world. Unit 1 joined with the white evas to form an intricate pattern. It waited for Lillith. Its pilot, Shinji, waited for the end. He sobbed, knowing that each white creature contains a copy of Karou, the one he loved, the one he killed. Come to kill Asuka, come to kill him. Dummy plugs, they are called...because they are souless. He watched as Rei reached out to him, and Karou...which one does he love? "I love them both!" He went to them, turned away...no, Rei is mother, Karou is enemy. Asuka. He hates Asuka. And yet..she is the most alive person he knows. Asuka hates him. He pictured her yelling at him, spilling hot coffee on him... Shinji lost his temper. He grabbed her neck, squeezing, he hurt her. It is enough. Asuka relaxed, went limp. I wish I was dead, he thought. I wish everyone was dead. Within Eva Unit 1, Shinji watched as visions of living things melted to become a pool of LCL. This is the world you wanted, Rei said. "This is not what I wanted!" cried Shinji. He woke alone, on the shores of an ocean of LCL. And then, next to him, Asuka. Shinji seized Asuka's neck, HATE. And then a painful echo, LOVE. Because he was able to hate, he was able to love. Human Instrumentality, begun by linking humans to evas, to end in linking humans to humans. This was Gendou's vision. He planned to use Rei, born of Yui, to achieve this end, to become one with Yui. Rei followed Shinji, born of Gendou and Yui. Shinji's vision was different. Her own vision differed from both of theirs. At the end, when Shinji chose to live, Rei sacrificed herself to set souls free again. Closely bonded to Shinji, Rei was nevertheless also bonded to all people. * * * Evangelion - New Testament Dr. Akagi woke to a familiar ceiling. She had been here many times, but not as a patient. She hurt...horribly. She was lucky to be alive. But for the pool of LCL, she would have bled to death, her cels dying from a lack of oxygen. The direct oxygenation of her lungs from the fluid had made her labored breathing easier, the healing of the wound sped by reactions with components in the LCL. "Glad to see you concious." Fuyutsuki's voice was a welcome sound. "We have a lot of work ahead of us. The mass produced EVAs will continue to attack until they recover the embryo of Adam." "Then...third impact...was averted?" Ritsuko struggled to become lucid. "Not entirely. We are still here...but much of the world...isn't. Humankind still exists. Seele will not rest until they kill us all. They continue to believe by resurrecting Adam they can gain immortality and evolve to a higher state." "Evolution is necessary for the propogation of a species." The textbook answer was a reflex. "So is survival." "I don't want to die." Ritsuko reflected, becoming more alert. "Good. Neither do I." He produced a sheaf of papers, a laptop, and a headset. "What's this?" She flipped through the folders. "Pilot data...?" "This is the new pilot being shipped to us from a new branch in the U.S." "What about an Eva? It took more than a decade to create unit 00! Even if we could build one...how can the pilot possibly be trained in time to help us?" Ritsuko fell effortlessly into the old pattern of thought. "They've been training her to be a pilot. The Eva was constructed outside the Nerv Branch. Unit 03 was destroyed, but this one wasn't finished, or even fully assembled, so it was in another part of the country...several, actually. When the U.S. Nerv branch headquarters were destroyed, they moved fast on this one, and I have heard they are creating more. U.S. military never wants to be behind anyone else. Can't do without." Fuyutsuki finished wryly. "I see. I'll get to work immediately, Commander." "Ritsuko..." he hesitated. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Commander." Her green eyes were perfectly clear. "I live for my work." "Yes." "Commander...what happened to Misato?" "She was shot and killed by a JASF soldier." "and...Ikari..." "Gendou was found dead in Terminal Dogma." Better, she thought ironically, to live for your work, than to die for it. * * * Pilot name: Mari Enderson Age: 14 Height: 160cm Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Ritsuko looked through the sheets, more info was listed, blood type, synch ratio, hit percentage against dummy targets, special training courses completed... and did not think about fourteen year old girls that know more about guns than make-up. The picture was of a shyly smiling girl in a black plugsuit. Her features make her look a bit like Ritsuko. But her golden hair was natural... "I'll never hear the end of *that*!" Ritsuko grumbled aloud. "At least it's not another boy." * * * The enormous plane seemed to eclipse the moon from below. From within, it gave a clear view of the night sky, with only a few clouds and many stars. Mari sighed, glad that there was no daylight to illuminate the mangled landscape below. Life after third impact would be even uglier than after the second...In the history of the world Continents had never changed shape this rapidly. It was just as well they hadn't made her study geography like the others. The accounts just kept changing and the maps were constantly being altered. Countries fought with one another for a lack of boundaries. They would be landing soon. The flight had been long and the massive military cargo plane was not designed for luxury. Even an exalted "Chosen" one like sixth child was not given special seating. But soon she would be safely back inside her Eva, where things were familiar, and her mind would not dwell on uncomfortable feelings like loneliness. * * * Mari had just gotten off the plane and was being introduced to Commander Fuyutsuki and Dr. Akagi when the sirens went off. The Eva was on its way to a storage chamber for cooling and analysis. "Damnit!" Ritsuko swore as first stage alert was announced. "I didn't expect this so soon," Fuyutsuki scowled. He turned to Mari. "Report to Eva unit 06." "Yes sir!" Mari replied smartly. Then, in a quiet voice- "Uh, which way?" * * * "Sealing the entry plug. Begin LCL fill sequence." The control room was a bustling center of efficiency and anxiety. This should have been old hat, but key figures were missing, and the technicians felt the loss. Maya was thankful for Dr. Akagi's usual business-like manner and found herself, as always, becoming immersed in her work, oblivious to all else. A gigantic moniter showed a view inside the entry plug- Mari took a deep breath as the level of fluid reached her chin. She closed her eyes and waited as the LCL reached the top of her head. She expelled her breath slowly, and willed herself to relax. She inhaled slowly and felt a burning sensation in her nostrils, and gagged a little as the LCL ran down her throat. Her stomach knotted threateningly as some of the warm liquid entered it. Mari choked a little, but after a few small gasps she began to breathe more steadly. "I will not throw up in front of them," Mari thought, as she fought nausea. She opened her eyes and gave a reassuring smile, and flashed the sign for "Victory." "Establishing nerve links," Maya announced. A soft humming, and the screens inside the EVA begin to change. Mari marveled again at the colors and patterns. "Approaching absolute Borderline." A strange sort of awareness came to Mari, a feeling of... otherness. She flexes a hand carefully. "Synchronization achieved. External power is flowing to the EVA, no problems detected. Unit is standing by." "Mari, here is your target." A new window appeared to her right, and Mari glanced at it in surprise. "What is that? Is that an angel? It looks like...an EVA." "It IS an Eva. It is an enemy unit. Destroy it." "Wha...?" She clamped her lips shut on the question. An old memory came to mind. 'Don't question your orders pilot, understood?' 'Yes sir.' The exchanges with her father were rarely pleasant. "Yes sir." "The Eva is armed with a double bladed, double-sided progressive sword. It is also designed for hand to hand combat, similar to your Eva. In addition, the wings you see are functional, expect the target to flee if things are not going well. You must not allow it to escape. If trapped, it may self destruct in an attempt to take you out with it." Great, thought Mari. Way to break in the rookie. "Understood," she replied, her voice shaking a bit in spite of herself. "Target is approaching the Geo-front. Target has landed." Maya's voice was steady. "Eva unit 06 ready for launch," Mari reported. "EVA LAUNCH!" With the commander's order, Unit 06 was sent flying up the shaft. Mari had never experienced a launch like this, and she squealed in fright. Dr. Akagi shook her head and rubbed her temples. "Don't they teach them ANYTHING?" * * * The white Eva turned toward the green unit 06 as it popped to the surface nearby. With no hesitation it came in from an angle and swatted EVA 06 upside the head, knocking it off its feet. It landed unceremoniously meters away. Mari, still stunned from the launch, groaned and tried not to cry from the pain and fear. "ouch." * * * "We're doomed!" Dr. Akagi hastily hushed the frightened control room operator. "Mari, are you alright?" "Yes...ma'am." "Good." broke in Fuyutsuki. "Then get up. The target is approaching you with a weapon. Get your A.T. field up. There are guns in the grey buildings to your left, and a spear in the tallest white building to your right. MOVE!" I have got to get someone to replace Katsuragi, he thought. I'm not cut out for this. He watched as the Eva scrambled, lurching to its feet as the white eva strode toward it, sword drawn. Mari looked hastily around, trying to get her bearings. She pushed the green Eva into a run and darted past the white one, avoiding its overhand swipe with the blade. She was afraid her hands would shake too much if she tried the guns, so she headed for the closer white building, with the spear. "Open it," she cried. A side of the building disappeared into the ground, and Mari grabbed the gigantic polearm. The blade on the end was double edged, and a faint hum filled the air as she grabbed it. The white Eva was in hot pursuit as she turned to face it. The sword sliced toward her, before she could make it around. It caught the high shoulder blade of the EVA and sliced the edge cleanly off. Mari yelled, but attacked the unarmed side nearest her. "YAAAAAH!" She let out a battle cry and brought her own blade on a horizontal plane, nearly splitting the other unit in two. One white arm was destroyed and the cut continued into the main body. A cheer went up in the control room. "Unit 06 has damaged the target," said Maya, her voice excited now. The blade jammed against the core and Mari yanked hard to try and get it loose. The white eva let out a roar and turned toward her again, unfortunately its sword arm was undamaged, and the cut came fast. Mari dropped the spear and jammed a hand into the white Eva's strange face, forcing the head sideways. She planted a hard kick on one of the legs, and grabbed the remaining arm, pulling the white eva in a circular motion, and forcing the other unit down as she turned. Off balance, it fell to its back, and Mari knelt with one leg pinning the arm to the ground. Her Eva's giant fists slammed into the white, shark-like face with its rows of grinning teeth, green paint chipping away. "You are mean...and you...are...UGLY!" Mari yelled at the creature, panting with the effort. "The chest, Mari, that's where the core is," Fuyutsuki's voice came in over the intercom. "I know," said Mari, but moved to the chest. Thump, thump, thump... With a colossal thrashing, the white eva dropped the sword and grabbed the ankle of unit 06, squeezing and twisting. "ARRRGH...OUCH...AAAAAHHH!" Mari screamed with sympathetic pain. She tried to move farther away, kicking at the eva, trying to pry the massive grip loose. "Your knife! Get it out and use it!" Gasping and moaning, she left off trying to release the hold, and removed a progressive knife from the intact shoulder compartment. Thankfully, her EVA was equipped with two, one in each shoulder blade. At first she chopped wildly at the white hand, but her thrashing combined with the other unit's, struggling to its side, made it an impossible target. "AHHHH!" A crunching, snapping sound came. "GET THE CORE!!!" Somehow, she flailed toward the other unit's body, and frantically began chopping at the now apparent core, a glowing orb. The other unit continued pulling on the now-broken limb of unit 06, causing more pain to Mari. At last, the blade penetrated....and a giant explosion whited out the screens. Chapter 2 The room was drab and gray. The morning light did nothing to brighten her spirits- Mari’s mouth was dry and her head pounded. She tried moving her limbs. They worked, but felt as if she had been bed ridden for days. At last she sat up and climbed out of the bed. She made her wobbly way across the room and searched for a robe to cover her. She couldn’t find one, so she pulled a sheet off the bed, doubled it up and wrapped in around herself, then wandered out into the hall. This area of the hospital seemed fairly deserted, with all of the high technology here Mari figured the machines could handle most of the patient’s care. She peered in each window as she padded down the hall. Most of the rooms were occupied, patients lay wrapped like mummies in metal and plastic caskets, still as corpses. The giant explosion which had destroyed so many cities killed millions and wounded countless others. The members of Nerv were not immune to the disaster. Mari passed door after door. At last she found one with a sleeping child, bright red hair splashed against the white pillow. Mari opened the door and slipped inside. “Hello Asuka,” she said, standing beside the bed. Asuka was very pale, one side of her face bandaged, her arm in cast. Mari thought about the briefing she had been given about each of the pilots. She thought perhaps she and Asuka could be friends, they were both girls from foreign countries, brought to Japan to pilot Eva. Mari knew her transfer had been rushed- she was here well ahead of schedule because of the disaster that landed Asuka and the others in the hospital. Mari pulled a chair over and sat next to Asuka. She took the girl’s limp hand in her own shaking one and introduced herself. * * * One of the nurses found her. “What are you doing out in the hall?” she demanded. Mari’s groggy mind refused to translate the Japanese the woman was speaking to her. “What?” she asked in English. The nurse looked startled. She thought for a moment. “What are you doing here?” she asked in heavily accented English. Mari still couldn’t understand her. She felt exhausted and started to cry. The nurse looked even more startled and went for help. * * * “You need to work on your Japanese,” snapped Fuyutsuki. “I’m sorry, sir,” replied Mari carefully in Japanese. I’ve been studying for some time but I was confused.” “We can’t have our pilots looking like crying, incoherent, idiots!” Mari felt her face turn red. “Yes sir.” She replied, feeling humiliated. When had she turned into such a weak person? “It would help if the staff actually bothered to monitor her!” snapped an irritated voice behind them. “if he found out, Ikari would have our asses!” Ritsuko arrived next to them, and maneuvered her motorized wheelchair next to the bed. Fuyutsuki froze and stared at her for a moment. “Dr. Akagi?” She stared at him for a moment. “I forgot,” she said, lowering her gaze. “Hello, Dr. Akagi,” said Mari. * * * The streets were drab and grey, few houses dotted the passing landscape. Ruined buildings were everywhere, some unrecognizable as anything but rocks and dust. The car headlights reflected yellow off the pavement, and the rain seemed only to add to the dirty mess, unable to wash away the wake of disaster. Dripping, Mari stepped inside the hall to her new home. A dark hallway echoed with her footsteps, and it seemed was as empty as the city.