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Guide To Understanding Horse Folk

Welcome to my guide. This is for you horse illiterate people or those who just don't get us horse-lovers. First I will say, YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND US!! We are a breed of our own. Only if you have felt and experianced the love between horse and human and have ever felt "in love" with a horse can you begin to understand. But, I will try to help you. Here are some things to look for and try to learn.

Horse terms to think about

GREEN~This is when a horse isn't completely trained. Or it could mean they have never shown. It could mean they ride hunter all the time and never dressage so they would be GREEN in dressage.

HUNTER~The pair is being judged on how the horse responds to the rider and how the rider controls the horse. It is usually over flats (walk, trot, canter) but it can be over fences (around 3 feet or lower). When in a class all horses should be going about the same speed, not too fast or slow.

HACK~means the gaits of a horse. Walk, trot, canter. If someone is HACKing around they are walking, trotting, or cantering around.

STALLION~un-altered male horse. Usually can be aggressive but not always.

GELDING-castrated male horse. Usually they are very well mannered, even better than some mares.

STUD-this is NOT a hot guy! It means it is a stallion that is offered to be bred to mares. Usually has a STUD fee (price to be bred to mare).

MARE-female horse

BROODMARE-a mare who is bred to a stallion.

FOAL-baby horse younger than 6 months old.

YEARLING-young horse who is around 1 year old.

COLT-this is a young male horse. Usually under 4 years old.

FILLY-this is a young female horse. Usually under 4 years old.